There is no reason for civilians to own a fully semi-automatic assault rifle. All you could possibly need is a hunting rifle.
There is no reason for civilians to own a fully semi-automatic assault rifle...
Other urls found in this thread:
agreed, i love my single finger-powered hunting rifle
Any rifle is a hunting rifle if you get down to it
Want a cookie?
It's literally the exact same weapon in the picture, you fucking retard. Saged, reported and hidden.
lol fully-semi
brainlet university academia
try fighting some criminal who wants to kill you, who has a full auto rife, with your shitty hunting rifle.
you should be able to have the best options for defending your own life.
nice thread op, have a bump
its not the bill of needs its the bill of rights, faggot. sage
No reason?
There is no reason for civilians to own a computer.
All you could possibly need is a printing press.
The founding fathers did not know the speed at which one could type with a computer.
No one should have any technology that allows them to type more than 40 words per minute
>fully semi-automatic
There is no reason for anons to bump an anti firearm thread. All you could possibly need is to sage the thread.
kek, dat filename
>thats the joke.jpg
Whats really funny is you could probably get liberal social media to use that picture, and people would actually think the bottom ones better.
They really just want stocks to be made out of sustainable materials. Some gunmaker needs to step up and make stocks from pressed bamboo. The lefty chodes will wet themselves.
>file name
Sup Forums has no sense of humor, thats a sign of low IQ
Pic related
why? its fun
Full auto rifles aren't sold in the US you fucking retard
scary as fuck
should've floored it and taken the dents to his bumper
>Full auto rifles aren't sold in the US
Not over the table iykwim
you're making (((them))) more successful you mouth breathing primate
There is a reason. I need to shoot you with it when you come to implement your communistic tyranny.
y'all postin in a slide thread
clever OP, clever
thats the same gun with different furniture. also yes there fucking is. what if you have to fight more than one person, no one has ever been in a fire fight wishing they had less bullets. sage
have some fresh oc
Have a (You).
Can I have a fully semi-automatic hunting rife?
Fucking retard..
> fully semi-automatic assault rifle.
KEK, but tits not about this it is about maintaining an armed populace. However, you haven't seen a horde of nogs coming at you (or in our case indians - feather, not dot). You'll need an assault rifle to take those out.
imagine spraying into that crowd with your 500 round baby killer AR39392932 semiAUTOMATIC machine kkk gun-rifle
yes they are retard. dont comment on shit you dont know anything about
Tell me more about gun control.
Can you get the firearm if:
>you have mental/psychic disorder
> using antidepressants
> has police records for voilence/robbing
> has other disorders for example, rage control problem
Gun control works so well everywhere they do it, I want it here too OP.
>doesnt know about ex post facto
>fully semi-automatic
>There is no reason for civilians to own a fully semi-automatic assault rifle.
multiple attackers, big bears, wolves, invasion, etc...
There's that word again...
We also don't need faggots, dykes, transfags, niggers, durkhas, jews or chinks yet we allow them all anyway
I hate that "need" word. It pisses me off much more than any of the other gungrabcuck arguments.
>1 post by this ID
>fully semi-automatic assault rifle
>fully semi-automatic
>fully semi
Anyone here own the Ruger Mini 14? I sadly live in California, and all the AR15 faggots talk shit on the Mini 14 - But I've read that the models in the last decade are pretty darn good...
The 2nd amendment is not about hunting.
goddamn i love those pointy torpedo 60's tits... who was the retard that got the bright idea to change the bra design that shaped up those beautiful milk volcanoes?
Even ironically this thread isn't funny, you're all fags for bumping.
But they're the same.
very nice file name
well done
Well, as long as the hunting rifle is not semi-auto, yes.
YOU stop.
When you are being charged by a moose, you need a semi-auto my man.
You don't have time to reload when a moose is going after you, bruh.
Yes, but they are used for assault, right?
What's up future former marine? Still hunting shekeru desuka?
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little 'clever' comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
Deep state Trotskites wants a Mao style cultrual students revolution in America, but they know they would be slaughtered like lambs among wolves unless theybdisarm us first. How did Mao take over China and kill 100 million people? No one had guns except Maos students who acted like Antifa, thats what they want. They would put remote kill switches on cops guns too, so they couldnt rebel.
If Hilary had won, they would have pushed hard on pedosexual legalization and acceptence. There was a unironic Weimar movie being made, they really want that here. They would legalize sex changes for kids, then say kids do understand gender and consent therefore its legal to fuck them, parents would face charges for discrimination if they didnt let their 6 year old date a 45 year old. Same as with gays, from Matthew Shepard to hate laws to enforced acceptence they would force it starting in California using Judges to pass nation wide laws like gay marrige so we all couldnt look at each other knowing that kids are being raped and mutilated and we can do nothing but retreat into video games and drug addiction.
What they were planning is unbelievable, Trump was going to decrimilize silencers and give us 50 state concealed carry and after Vegas they wanna take Tannerite even. They will never stop, they will never give up and if they werent afraid of being shot they would treat us like Chinese treat dogs
OP is this OK ?
>fully semi-automatic
Or a bump stock
>fully semi-
The M14 on the bottom looks closer to the one US used in Vietnam than the M14 on the top.
i hope this is bait
I smiled OP, well played posting a modded ruger mini 14 with a stock |ranch rifle" mini-14
That's the Mini-14 dude.
Also, can't people not tell what's bait anymore?
Dumb fuck you think you're clever eh ?
>fully semi-automatic
>Crowder posting
I bet the Secret Service are masters are hiding their weapons, considering every time the politician they're protecting advocates for banning guns it would make them look like a gigantic hypocrite.
Top kek
gunphobic is actually bretty gud, because it's one of the few 'phobia's' created in the past 50 years that's actually accurate. Feeling fear for an inanimate object is irrational.
Show me where in the law it's explicitely stated that arms means rifles with scary features.
This is why they make flame throwers.
Why the fuck would you slow down for this, you might as well kill yourself and save the pavement apes the trouble.
No there not you fucking twat unless you don't mind a 30 year old pre ban tax stamp for about $20,000. Eat a dick nigger.
Show me in the law where it's not wafflenigger.
No assault spoons are used for assault.
Well beside being a human right as outlined in the Bill of Rights.
Sorry, law doesn't work this way, just ask any lawyer.
So you should be happy that you're still allowed to have what you have now, unlike the brits.
I made one of those too.
>law doesn't work this way
Uhm, yes.. it does..
Laws explicitly prohibit people from doing things... Not the other way around..
And who decides what you're prohibited from doing? You?
Are you really that gullible?
>And who decides what you're prohibited from doing?
The law.. I literally just told you that, retard.