Should men(18+) under six feet tall be killed off?
Eugenics thread
I'm 6foot3 so call me biased but yes.
Most great men in history are
Just you
6'4" here gonna say no. Our selection in women will shrink. Some of us may end up with gingers, shitskins, fatties, or nothing due to this.
If we had the ability to do that I would rather use it to kill women above 6+ ft in height. The taller the woman the worst birth defects occur.
>tfw 6'3" chad
this, if all the men under 6 feet are killed off then all of the fat chicks must die too. Otherwise there will be an imbalance to far gone to fix.
Im 18 but 177 cm i have shut eating habits. If i focus on a more nutritional died, will i hit 180?
Joke's on her, she has man hands.
Thats actually Psychotic I apologize, its important to be moral.
All fat chicks will be starved and put on strict Ketosis diets for the remainder of their lifetimes to ensure health and hygiene.
>Damage control
Holy fuck never mobile posting again
*shit *diet
they should be given mandatory leg lengthening surgery then be forced to breed with giantesses to make average sized humans
Whatever, insignificant lanklet
no. just because someone is tall doesn't mean that their kids will be tall. my dad was 9'0" tall and i'm only a 7'5" manlet.
Yeah, what this world needs is more large white cowards with two first names like Chris Kyle.
>t.5'1" manlet
My father is 6'4, unfortunately he chose a small woman to breed with, thus I am 5'9.
It's all good though, I carry the genes so no doubt when a find a healthy mate I will produce strong giants.
>my extra 3 inches is all i have
quick answer, YES. also, im one of them.. send me off to "the little people land" please- i wanna see the scale of what a global auswitch would look like.
People who are insecure about their height should be killed tho.. Everyone has their own preference in terms of finding a partner being insecure about it and posting about it i should say that yes OP kill yourself.
No. Average height is that way for a reason.
t. 198cm
Absolutely, being short is a sign of degeneracy.
Killed off? No. Humanely castrated? Absolutely. Manlet untermenschen can still serve society as productive citizens without being given the opportunity to propagate their inferior genes.
you guys will never understand our pain
>complain about manlets
>only want short women
Beware the manlet infiltrators. They could be standing next to you, looking at you in the eye, and you wouldn't even know what they actually are.
Yes start with JEWTIN
Going to clubs...taking pictures
It has its advantages
That's the exact opposite of eugenics. Height has no benefits for an intelligent, tool using species. It does however greatly increase resource cost per person, make space travel prohibitively expensive, increases risk and medical cost of injuries and creates an easy to hit target in war. Sexual selection based on height is the second biggest tragedy of our recent evolutionary history.
with crisper technology we can just insure that all manlet offspring are at minimum 6ft tall...p-please don't put me in the gas chamber
im getting second hand embarrassment
>sad manlet boner
Bahaha oh man. There is literally nothing I can say about this. It's the same way with majoring in philosophy too. The STEMfag memes are too powerful, all I can do is shake my head and move on.
>t 5'8 philosophy major
I'm a great person, but society will never give me a chance.
>eg extension will give you 6 inches for 90k in the USA and like 20-30k in mexico
It would be too much to see people start treating me like an equal human being after 27 years of being treated like an inferior subhuman cockroach.
I've already seen the predatory primal nature of humanity at it's finest, paying 90k for longer legs won't change that.
>tfw 5'11''
It's ok, I have a great gf who's 5'6. I lost my insecurities.
The photo was taken by a photographer hired to promote the club
No we need fighter pilots and jockeys.
Gentle reminder ...
Being a manlet is bad, but being ugly and low IQ is even worse.
That's how guys like Putin find the motivation to rule countries with an iron fist.
Probably a childhood humiliation
Pick both, and only both
you would kill off 90% of asians
Well, I'm 6'2 so why not
No. I know a guy that is only 5'4 but served in CAG for a while. That guy was probably the closet thing to Captain America we'll ever have.
No because then people 6' tall would be considered manlets
We're literally superior, so I don't know if you can.
And how does it feel to know that every single hot girl in the world would pick a 6"2 homeless child molester over him?
Doesn't surprise me. No one trusts women to make good decisions.
They're incapable of it
Nope. 177 is where you will stay.
Cool, so you can experience being a virgin longer.
thats why we let blacks in, they are taller and bigger dicks, me as a manlet with pathetic 17 cm dick cant compete
Yes because white men are the tallest men on average so it would disproportionately effect the other races.
Manlets take one for the team.
Cool story, but Asians are the most populous race and they're short as shit.
6'5" here (my cock is 8.5 inches) and I agree. We should be compassionate towards our inferior, shorter brethren
>under six feet
>I'm 5'11''
Yea, that's because back then asian women doesn't have a choice - all asians are menlets. Now that this planet is more globalised, asian women has the choice of mating with tall males (aka men). That's why all the asians women are going for white men. Asian menlet will so die out, you included mutt.
Try it Lanklet
Holy fuck.
lol is that why europe's feritlity rates are in the gutter?
JUST kill us all desu. Holy fuck that was awful
why are insecure lanklets so obsessed with manlets that they keep making threads like these?
I love my height, except when it comes to women. Then it blows. In the US the height preference literally takes half the stranger dating pool out before even saying a word (from my experience, if you know the person beforehand, height doesn't matter nearly as much). It's absurd though.
>every single hot girl
as if you speak for everyone, faggot
stop browsing Sup Forums and go outside for once
you guys are as bad as incels. Killing of short guys would rid the world of spinners then and there would be nothing but tall chicks. Chicks like dudes who are taller than them and if they get taller it is harder for them to find a mate.
women making fun of short men is pretty dumb considering the cunt in the picture is probably wearing 3 inch heals
5'9" is pretty much in the range of average, user. It's not pathetic like being 5'4" or something; lower than 5'7" is when people really notice and make hushed remarks. My 5'3" friend can attest to this pain.
>lol is that why europe's feritlity rates are in the gutter?
dude, asia has it worse than anyone
I'm 5'11 so make it
I'm 130 IQ, a classically trained drummer who plays on a competitive level, I've played in bands, and I'm in shape just about on par with an amateur boxer
Women DO NOT like short men. Period.
Fuck off with whatever meme response you have ready
"Just be yourself! Personality! Confidence! Lift!"
SHUT, THE FUCKING FUCK UP. I'm about to be a published author.... I just can't listen to this dogshit anymore. Try being short dude, let me know how that goes.
And note that HK, SK, signapore, Taiwan, macau ---- all are hovering around 1 or below!!
Those are the smartest asian countries besides Japan (who was at 1.4 in 2015) Asia is shrinking. The need the big white cock
I'm 5'4 and as much as I want to save my race I don't want to make more manlets.
Just kill me.
I've been here since the site came up and trust me, it's not going to stop. This dumb meme is going on 10 years now.
>Eugenics thread.
>Never about lowering disease, increasing physical strength, longevity, or intelligence, lowering disability chances or removing other health issues.
>ALWAYS about height. Always.
You are literally a nigger.
Humanity unlocks the secrets to genetics and you just want to be fucking taller.
You don't want to be immune to Cancer or Aids, you don't want to be smarter, stronger, more beautiful, you just want to be fucking taller.
[spoiler]That and cock size is way more important than height. A 5ft4 man with an 8inch penis is way more impressive than a 6ft man with 7inches. [/spoiler]
>I'm 130 IQ, a classically trained drummer who plays on a competitive level, I've played in bands, and I'm in shape just about on par with an amateur boxer
then what are you doing here? oh wait, you're larping like an autist
but srsly, if you really believe the "hot women prefer tall men" meme, then how about you try to get one right now?
I have a Boomer neighbour 5'8 and his son is 6'8", and clearly his biological son. Environmental factors are equally important. I know a lad that is a manlet and his father tall, but he had a viral illness in his teens which effected his growth.
Specifically East Asia. How about the rest of the short world - SEA, India, Africa, Mexico, South America? All short and breeding far more than "le superior lanklet!"
You inherit your genes from two parents you silly Paki
>I'm really butthurt women don't talk to me because I'm too short
bahaha of course, you live in some nigger non-country. Being a really talented musician doesn't mean shit anymore, people only listen to retard DJ music played by 6"2 chads who have no talent at all.
What was his name?
More whites are under 6 foot than Niggers so no kike I wouldn't kill off those men.
Most females are 5 foot fuck all anyway.
Why would we need to when the gene pool already heavily discourages them?
Goes for the ugly shitskin girl. He deserves the cringe.
5'11 master race here. Stay salty you sub-human virgin fucks
Iām 5ā4 and have been with almost 15 girls. Girls come up and talk to me in the past before more than not. My moms ex husband is shorter than me, is an asshole and always has a different girl every time I see him.
I dont know if youre larping or just have bad luck
eh... I mean im 5ā6
Because studies have shown little to no corrolation between height and dick size, meaning the lank has an average dick and a manlet does on average. Quite easily in statistical terms, many manlets will have bigger dicks than lanks.
begone thot
His wife is not tall. She is 5'6" max. No other explanation than environment/ nutrition.
leftist divide and conquer shilling no one actually believes 50% of white men should just be fucking murdered at a time like this unless they're 100% full of cum and soy, stop replying to these faggots who need to hang
6'7" here
no. there are pros and cons for being tall or short. and i think there are actually more advantages being a short (between 5'2"-5'9"). both individually and the human species as a whole.