Was Guilty Crown just too smart for Sup Forums?

Was Guilty Crown just too smart for Sup Forums?

Define "smart"?

>ywn have your waifu wear a bridal veil made of pure energy on your wedding day

For how much the plot changed, it would have needed at least twice as many episodes to have a good plot, and even then it would be unlikely.

>tfw it's her wedding day but not yours


>they didn't even die together
What a lame ending.

The only good about this show was the music and the character designs. Valvrave was better

Everything that makes me whore

>valvrave better than anything
Delusional hipster is delusional

Sup Forums was too smart for guilty crown.

>Sup Forums was too smart

I don't think I fully appreciated Inori's armpits when this aired

Guilty Crown will be six years ago in a short few months. Where has the time gone? I remember the threads like they were only yesterday.

it really says a lot about guilty crown


>I can't confess anymore because I'm no longer human
Never dropped a series so hard.

Another show that was too smart for Sup Forums.

Did they crazy blondie fuck the wannabe cat girl hacker?

Shoe should have died to make it more tragic.

Dying is actually less tragic then what happened to him. Guy couldn't catch a break.

Really? The debilitating nightmare he was left with wasn't enough for you? He can only listen to his waifu's songs for the rest of his days.

I literally can't remember how it ended. Someone jog my memory.

Inori gets turned into rock candy and dies and Shu goes blind and gets prosthetics. He sits around in parks listening to Inori's music.

I fully expect someone to post the edit of this image.

I liked the first part where they just did comfy terrorist stuff as a group.

That is still better than
>Amnesia the plot

The ending of the first half, I think, when Shoe and his friends charge into the enemy with a vehicle was genuinely good.

At least he didn't fall in love with a rock

Inori is and will always be SHIT.
Fun threads though.

at least EGOIST is still doing well and widely popular in Japan, by far the only good thing that came from this show. Inori still lives on through the album art of every EGOIST album.


Up until the hitler arc everything was fine, at least it wasn't that bad.

Anyone have the image compilation of the nazi arc being on or starting around the same time as a ww2 anniversary?

But it got better at the hitler arc and beyond.
When it got absolutely ridiculous was when the anime shined.




>GC is 5 years old

Pretty sure that was the opposite.
Hare best girl. Ayase second best, by a close marging.
Inori a shit.

I was young, I didn't know shit about nip animation and I was much MUCH more tolerant than now but this part still had me "What the actual fuck is even happening at that point?". Inori going berserk out of fucking nowhere never to be mentioned again also unleashed my inner Frodo pretty damn hard.

Much thanks.




guilty crown too smart?

well now I've seen everything.


I am a simple man, I see anime armpits, I post in thread

>No nipples.
That's what killed it.

i cant even remember who's the villain

Inori a shit

I don't like the Mc. I don't even want to see him near best girl.

Winter Seasons Beatless is Guilty Crown 2.0

I need more images of Ayase being abused.

The MC is a total wuss. If that's smart, then that's rather watch stupid.

Not for me, I loved it.


The writers were trying to make Shoe as miserable as possible throughout the story, so they had to cap it off with something special for the ending. Death would have been too easy.


GC was retarded, so maybe.

Is there NTR in this show?

Of course.

Proof? How did Sup Forums react?

it was armpitkino

He was the only good character in the show

well I guess I'll throw my tinder in this trashfire thread
I dropped it after one episode because it was too misogynistic. I didn't really understand the felling myself.
of all the anime I've watched this was the only one I picked up and felt like every frame was screaming that the people who created it truly despised women...
very pretty though. I wanted to like it.


should have committed incest with mana otherwise it's just a 4/10

Wow. That's hot.

Ayase the crippled girl was the only good thing in this shitshow