How true is this? Is that the only reason people like Miyazaki?
How true is this? Is that the only reason people like Miyazaki?
Doesn't seem even a little bit legit. It's probably just some SoLfag shitposting.
But almost all of the Ghibli movies are from western literature.
People like his movies because they are good and appeal to anyone.
Its true for the most part. Miyazaki isnt bad, just as overrated as you can get when it comes to Sup Forums
>appeal to anyone.
You mean they appeal to nobody?
People like him because he is a master that creates masterpieces.
yes. Myazaki is the Japanese equivalent of Disnep's movies. It's casual, family-friendly approach means it doesn't go beyond your typical pleb's comfort zone. Sure, it's well animated and has nice visuals, but otherwise it's lacking. I do like some of Ghibli's creations (Mononoke, Nausicae for example), but the shows he's generally praised for is ultra gay-ass friendship is magic type of stuff like Ponyo or Totoro (fuck, I can't stand Totoro).
But Disney movies are actually good. They're nothing alike you're really underselling Disney here
they're just folktales without any of the cultural, psychological or symbolic meaning that they originally had and just replaced it with singing and dancing for 5 years olds
As long as you don't compare Miyazaki with the brilliance of Disney then I'm fine
>Miyazaki makes good movies
The last good movie he made was SA, everything that followed was mediocre
I just joined the conversation, I didn't compare anything, I think miyazaki and disney are both absolute dogshit pleb filters desu
>well animated and has nice visuals
That is the definition of good anime and animation in general.
if you're a pleb
I don't see anything in Miyazaki that even remotely strikes even a single scene the level of Alice in Wonderland (1951). If you think that movie is casual just because it has singing or pretty visuals you're just wrong.
Sounds about right.
oh boy alice in wonderland, that's a story we've never heard before, so original and innovative
This post cannot be genuine.
You're just mad Japan considers Miyazaki their best director.
>That is the definition of good anime and animation in general.
No, that's the definition of the show not being mass-produced trash. To be a good anime you need much more.
That guy only judges ANIMATION on writing and doesn't seem to have the slightest appreciation for visual direction or imagery. He doesn't know shit about anything.
mad about what? miyazaki is for casual normalfags, of course they like him, I'll take shinbo over him any day
but to be fair miyazaki is still better than disney because he made original stories and created something for the generations after him, unlike disney who just made dumbed down children's books, they haven't created anything lasting or inspiring just hired a bunch of animators and made gliterry shit for the kids and plebs
I'd say Miyazaki is as mass produced as you can get.
>because he made original stories
That's what I used to think too. You'll understand in time.
go to Sup Forums and convince them that call of duty is the best game because it has good visuals, let's see how that one works out for you
and even then disney animation is uninspired shit, one episode of madoka has more creativity than a decade of disney
>thinking is hard waah I just want to look at pretty pictures and singing girls
like I said, the absolute pleb filter
you never thought anything because you're a pleb and plebs don't think
>he is better because he made original stories
Ridicule only works if the opposition said something stupid. If you have to make up their shit with greentext it's kind of embarrassing for everyone involved.
You don't have the first clue about animation or any equivalent visual medium such as film. Graphics are not remotely equivalent to direction, which is how visual media expresses mood, emotion, themes, symbolism, etc. I'm embarrassed to be sharing a board with you.
>it's stupid if I disagree with it
and yet again the pleb filter proves right, yes if you make original stories that inspire generations then you're better than some retard retelling hercules in the most mundane dumbed down way
your argument comes down to
>but pretty pictures
>content and creativity are irrelevant in storytelling
you're the absolute pleb, I bet you came here 5 months ago from some shithole casual site and you can just promptly go back there
>gets called out for making shit up
>immediately makes shit up to defend it
That's not what I said. I said it's stupid because it is. Pseudo-intellectualism won't work against actual intellectuals user. You could actually be smart but still lack social skills. Work on your debating.
>brilliance of Disney
Brilliant marketing you mean. A movie about toys, it literally sells itself.
the pleb filter never fails, go live another 10 years kiddo
>I watch disney because I'm an intellectual
>fuck interesting and creative stories though
ahahahahahaha this is just satire at this point right?
People like Miyazaki because he used to make good, occasionally great movies. These days he make okay movies, so the better part of it is fandom inertia.
Even disregarding the content of your argument, you type like a shitposter from Sup Forums. Fuck off and die.
there is literally no reason to not like miyazakis films
>pulling the Sup Forums card
I'm pretty sure now that you're just trolling, I mean it should be obvious, everything you said was absolute dogshit bait but hey
Which one is that?
I said no such thing. You could be the most intelligent person on earth but your debating skills make you come of as a fucking retard.
They bore me to death. They look like shit. They all look the same. There's nothing visually interesting going on. I could go on but I rather not.
answer honestly, are you actually from reddit?
Don't take the bait.
>brilliance of Disney
Whenever someone says shit like this, I'm seriously tempted to go full Commie just so I can send them to the gulags. Disney is fucking evil from the top to the bottom.
>Disney is fucking evil from the top to the bottom.
Yeah, that LA Times piece was pretty damning.
I'm half sure he's trolling and half sure he's the latest shipment of casual newfags from reddit
Seriously, just look at his statements.
>They look like shit.
>They all look the same.
>There's nothing visually interesting going on.
They're just vague generic subjective negative statements, with no examples or specifics.
It's pretty obvious it's a troll.
I don't know how anyone other than sub 200 fags can ever rate Miyazaki bellow average seasonal anime.
>It's probably just some SoLfag shitposting.
What the fuck does this even mean? Where is the connection? Sounds more like your own personal vendetta.
I personally don't give a shit about miyazaki, I think he's a cunt who makes shit for casuals, but he's still leagues above disney in worth, if at least he brought up pixar that would make an okay argument, they at least made their own stories and not just a watered down version of kid's books
but even miyazaki and pixar are lowest common denominator casualpandering, they're not good stories by any metric and their animation has no creativity either
Honest answer: Been here for nearly a decade.
so 8 months, okay
or you're just trolling again in which case, sick baits bro u got me
I expected a thread full of retards and I was not left wanting.
no, I'm confident that a decade means 10 years in every American state. Are you perhaps from a non English speaking country? If so your English skills could use some looking after on top of your debating skills.
>I've been here for 10 years
>so here's this picture from 8 months ago to prove it
It's a reaction image. I have no desire to proof something to you. You asked me to be honest. So I gave you an honest answer. If you wanted proof you'd have no need for me being honest
yeah sure it's the first image you posted in the thread, and right when you're saying how long you've been here, either you're so new you don't even understand the protocol or you're just too dumb to even get an older picture from the internet, none of which really work out for you
> I have no desire to proof
oh boy you made a booboo, now I'm gonna make fun of your english! what are you some esl? go use your intellect in spelling correctly dumbo haha
well I asked you to be honest and you lied anyways so that's that, well to be fair every single thing that you've said was horrendously retarded so I'm like 85% sure that you're baiting, so gr8 b8 m8
>it's the first image you posted in the thread
Even if this were true. So fucking what? It's not btw. But claiming this only applies you're the one that posted that awful non Sup Forums related reaction image unironically
There's no way an image is going to prove anything. Ever. it's a reaction image. I answered honestly. What more do you want?
that picture is even newer than yours, I only posted the one from 2 years ago, because at least that's not a total newfag card
for someone who's been here for so long you sure have no clue about this website
>that picture is even newer than yours
Way to show that you have not even the slightest idea of what's being talked about itt. Good job. Enjoy those Miyazaki movies like the big manchild you are
>literally talking to yourself
>not a new IP
>I'm the only one in this thread and people can't reply to multiple posts
>guy they gets btfo stops talking
>suddenly a "third party" claims he's a totally new person while posting a Sup Forums related image
Yeah. Happens all the time.
>fucking casuals
Holy heck you're paranoid, my first post in this thread for you. Maybe try not killing the thread next time. Do you go to the archive and look up every image, here I renamed this image some time ago in order to fit in and then bitch about newfags in my shitposting threads.
Hayao Miyazaki:
-Has been working in the working in the anime industry since the very beginning, in 1963
-Is universally recognized as fantastic animator, storyboarder, and director - far beyond his colleges, whether you like it or not
-Started his own company, and then produced a whole collection of successful films
-Has more knowledge and experience than everyone on this board for anime related subjects
Sup Forums
-Calls people "talentless hacks" on the internet in their bedroom while being unemployed
-Thinks director of episode 13-16 of random romcom from 2 years ago is a genius
-Likely thinks he informed and intelligent from following anime blogs or shit like that
Calling Miyazaki bad should be treated as a dunning-kruger test, and the obvious pretend-to-know-everything MALfags in this thread highlight this very clearly.
how much does Miyazaki pay you to suck his dick?
>appeal to authority
>appeal to popularity
>appeal to popularity
>appeal to authority
>far beyond his colleges, whether you like it or not
I dunno. I could easily make a case for Takahata having a better resume than Miyazaki. Either way though neither of them are far above the other and they have both helmed many fantastic works
Sup Forums btfo
Wow, he looks like a serial killer. How many little girl skeletons does he have in his closet?
I think Miyazaki is more than likely the technically superior one when it comes to detail. I've noticed the stuff he specifically works on is far more dynamic and is constantly trying to make a deal of the lesser.
>far beyond his colleges
>storyboarder, and director
Oh, come on. The backgrounds literally eat the characters, and as far as direction goes the movies always look like commertials for themselves, instead of consistent stories.
nice meme
The normies I meet irl who love Miyazaki are always environmentalist hippiefags on the same wavelength as him.
I like him, his fantasy adventure movies are a fun time and Porco Rosso is great.
Probably none. If he wanted to kill and rape someone, he's first make a monologue about his hatred for humanity and modern life, drive the van across several country roads to take pictures, and spend half an hour ruminating about the purity of children. Then he'd go through the pictures and selectively delete and shoop them, to make a false image of a place. Make sure to make anything metal gritty and threatening, and make the vegetation vibrant with rich colors. Then, as he got back to the van, he'd look up to the sky and make another monologue. During all that time, the "victim" would have finished school and college and moved to her own place in Tokyo.
I think those little details are what really bring Miyazaki's worlds to life and it's why all of his fantasy movies are so memorable. There's so much care put into every little thing and his works are animated so meticulously that they're so easy to get lost in. When it comes to the actual writing I might prefer Takahata though, because his drama does so much more for me than a lot of Miyazaki's stuff. The character interactions in Takahata's works are on a much higher level than those in a lot of Miyazaki's anime. And that might just be due to the nature of their works being so different, but personally a lot of Takahata's character drama resonates so strongly with me that I end up feeling a lot more attached to his characters than Miyazaki's. Don't get me wrong though, Miyazaki's still responsible for some of my favorite characters, it's just that a lot of the time the action happens so quickly that they rarely get a chance to breath.
I agree for the most apart, but there is always exceptions.
I rarely find his movies entertaining now that I have watched quite a few of them. In fact, the only one I've enjoyed recently was the Lupin movie, which obviously is different from most of his works.
Then why do you continue watching them?
Calm your autism
Miyazaki is just super hit and miss; his stories with complex characters and deep worlds like Mononoke and Nausicca are fantastic, but stories that are all style and no substance like ponyo and moving castle are just super boring once you get past the animation
That is quite vivid.
>a parade of three people
>cringy English signs with simplistic 'no' and 'stop'
How embarrassing. It's like a parody of an angry mob.
Why should anyone listen to someone that can't even spell colleague correctly?
You missed my grammar overlook in the final point. Now that's just lazy.
It could totally be a plot for a meta-miyazaki movie. Maybe make a side plot where he treats his employees like servants. But you would need to find a way to fuck up the pacing. There needs to be a moment in the movie where both the rape and slavery story hooks get forgotten about, and nothing happens for twenty minutes. Maybe that's a good spot where you can edit in that rumination about the purity of children, and a frame of a horizon with puffy clouds.
Ten to one those two people in the back were "paid" employees.
When someone misspells breath or breathe while doing something else, I tend to pay careful attention.
Why is Totoro a well-regarded classic when Ponyo is so much better?
I had to submit my thesis at uni, sorry I can't stick around all day but you didn't btfo anyone with your retarded pleb opinions you newshit
there was one non-anime picture in the thread and it was even newer than yours, just because you're a massive newfag with shit tastes you shouldn't assume that every other person is the same
I don't know if you have noticed but Totoro is about dead children's purgay.
>nothing happens in totoro
>nothing happens in ponyo
They sound about the same to me.
If they're dead, then where are the hookers? If it happened to me I'd file a complaint with Saint Michael.
Did some epic e-celeb make a video about it since I see it mentioned all the time now?
Maybe we should do an "Sup Forums explains totoro" instead of Sup Forums sings.