Is this an okay present for my dads 66th birthday, or are model kits soy tier?

Is this an okay present for my dads 66th birthday, or are model kits soy tier?

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I think those are cool.

its fine
Better than jewish entertainment

model kits are not soy tier, they are a lot of fun and a good away to keep away the crazy for a short time

what else are you gonna buy him? tickets to nigger man?

Depends. Does your dad like building models and/or enjoy America air power?

How's his vision, fine motor skills and does he have an area set aside with the supplies to build these things in?

Spend time with him assembling them. Otherwise you are a faggot.

>are model kits soy tier
Fuck no ! Im 50 and ALL the kids had model kits . I had faggy star trek and superhero ones ( cause I like that shit ) , but the cool kids had car and war (planes ,tanks) kits .

OP is not a faggot

Soymilk is the only thing that is "soy tier".
You're trying way too hard if you're filtering recreational activities based on Sup Forums memes.
If you're a fat fuck with bitch tits you need to blame your serious lack of physical activity before you start damning your hobbies and autistically scanning food labels for soy-based emulsifiers.

Hasegawa make fine models.

Thanks Sup Forums

Just spend time with him while you can user

Nothing wrong with that. Everyone I know who builds those are obsessed with either airplanes, the military or both. My uncle makes a lot of these, or at least he used to.
About a decade ago when both our families were on vacation near an old military base from WW2, I went with him to look at the old German fighters they had recovered from the sea, because his son didn't want to go.

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Yes, Hasegawa is excellent. Revell is shit tier.

If he is into models at all then absolutely.

Potentially a really great thing to bond over with him too if you're both willing.


> OP and his Dad are cool people.

>no warthog
Do you truly love your father, user?

buy some better planes

what if they where gundams

This. Definitely. Some older jets perhaps but definitely some nice German WW2 aircraft or some nice sea planes.

This, you'll regret not doing that when he's gone.

No they're great. I mean, they're good for literal autists as well, but back in the day you didn't have to be an autist to have the attention span to work on model kits. It's just that now we require constant stimulation from multiple electronic sources.

Also, be sure to get him some planes from his era and before, too. The F-15 and F-16 is a good start, but you may go even earlier for some 3rd generation jets. And of course you can never go wrong with WWII.

When I was a kid I loved the smell of plastic glue on my military model kits in the morning.

My grandpa once said I was a traitor for building an F-16 model because “Americans are an occupying force”. I didn’t understand what he meant, I thought the Soviets were the bad guys... although I did put together a Mig-29 model plane as well.

Model kits are cool

P.S. today electric propulsion RC airplanes are damn cheap. Maybe your dad would appreciate flying one of those impeller models? They are damn cool to build and fly - it is not as hard as in the 1990s when they were all expensive and gasoline powered. Today everything is cheap, easy to build and with rechargeabel lithium batteries. If I had kids (I have not and am regretting it...) I would buy them RC planes all the way.

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I used to build these as a kid. I was like 9 or so and they were skill level just above snap together. Good shit, dad would help paint them, we'd experiment with spray paint and folded paper to come up with neat camo patterns. Good times.

>US fighter jets
>made in japan
>half the box is written in moonspeak

Why do you hate america?

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How are model kits soy tier wtf

>Why do you hate america?
It's probably all the Jews.

They are not poo. Model kits are the epitome of blooming masculinity. A young male child who does not assemble one in his young life is missing out on a important rite of passage.


Looks fine to me

I'm building an accurate diorama of pearl harbor with my dad now. Quality time with dad.

>no F-14
>no A-10

Go back to the store. You dad deserves happiness, too.

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they require skill and dedication, which is meritocratic, and presupposes objective beauty, thus at least moderately anti-progressive

Sup Forums approved

>dad died when I was 3.
>can't do stuff like this.

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Get the cool planes instead

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models are fun especially if you do them with your dad. you get high on the glue fumes by accident and then everything becomes funnier than it really is. my dad and i never finished a single car model correctly but we had great times trying.

I remember I sliced the fuck out if my hand with a modeling knife working on a model of an Apache. Still have the scar. Good times.

My dad was like, "Guess you'll learn to be more careful next time."

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> get the ikea version
even our polar temp iq politicians knew its shit

Those are nice gift OP, im sure your dad will be proud

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At least he tried, mine wasn't there. Just got a visit from police at 27 while I was high as fuck
>user we come in?
>yeah into the hallway, what did I do wrong?
>nothing, but you would probably like to sit down
>your dad is a goner
>like for my entire life, gtfo

>model military jets
>soy tier
naa that's pretty cool if he's into military aircraft
if it was a model fixy bike with neon colored tires it would be soy

Heh, I built this as a kid.

or at least an F-14

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eh, desu, my pa was a piece of shit wife abuser and murderer, so, yeah, probably wouldn't have been a happy life with him, just sucks I never had that kind of relationship, like most kids.

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This is /comfy/ pol. Good thing to wake up to. It’s been said a million times but do it with him and enjoy the time together. The spiraling agent of time has no care for what you plan to do, so do what you can now and be happy about it later.

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Our new plane is really good, I promise!
Please buy some!

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Get your father a USB stick with animal porn on it

Anime and videogames are soy tier. Thats alpha my good man.

Where at, Norbro? Such museums seem to focus on the actual machines, and not be jewed against those who flew them.

Disregard the abo.

Tanks are where it's at, prove me wrong.

Model building teaches patience, dedication, and improves fine motor skills. All fine goals


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>model kits
Models train your project management skills.

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I've got a few I've been putting off building.
My favorite game is in the process of dying, this shall remind me when the servers are shut down.

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Herdla, on an island outside Bergen. It was used as an airfield by the Germans during the war. The airfield is technically still there, though it's mostly a grass field today, and there's a museum dedicated to its use during WW2. It's also got an old 8.8 cm flak cannon, several bunkers and the recovered Fw 190 in the picture above.

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Having to ask permission of strangers on a satirical Korean cartoon posting forum is soy tier

Now that's more like it! Fighter Jets are supposed to be scary looking! Gotta do something to strike gear into their little commie hearts!


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Sincerely and unironically this. Top tier birthday gift - you are a great son.

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I'll visit if I'm ever in the area. Thanks!

world of warships is dying?

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Nah thats a pretty good present for someone of that generation real good choice op if he likes those things it shows you give a fuck.
>most appreciated gift i ever got anyone was a small digital radio or my grandad
>he was always happy as larry when i went to sit with him and we'd listen to it and have a drink together
Build one with him OP, its the little things that matter the most in life and you'll treasure those little memories forever just like i do with pops.

Found the soy

sounds neat
that gun looks like its in pretty good condition
great actually considering how old it is

I was about to respond with presenting him a good quality rifle, but then I saw your flag.

Nah, methinks he is talking about Steel Ocean

Yeah, I think it's been sitting in that exact position since the war. It is quite rusty, though, and the instruments don't work, but they give it a new layer of paint every few years, so it doesn't seem to deteriorate any further.
It's in good enough condition that I think it can be restored, which I hope they do one day.

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My old man is 72 and use to model until I was born and got me into it in my teens. After getting my life and relationship in order and setting down I got back into it and have something to share with him. He builds ww2 aircraft and I build AFV's.

Having a hobby isn't soy if it's a practical skill that you don't put before important things in life.

One cool thing about Norway is that you'll find old German bunkers and cannons all along the coast and in every city. Almost every mountain in my city has them, and you'll come across them almost everywhere you go, whether you're hiking or traveling by boat.
Hell, the apartment complex across the street has two bunkers right outside it, and I used to play in an old bunker complex with my friends where I grew up across town.

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Well, did you learn from the first time? Reminds me of dad told me to have wide, stable stance when chopping wood. I didn't listen and hit my leg. Dad just shrugged and continued chopping wood.

nice, that sounds pretty cool to have around as a kid
nothing like that around where i live in murica


One of the few perks of having been occupied by the Germans, I guess.

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I doubt gundams were ever soy tier. Japan is shitlordy as fuck, plus it takes a lot of work and imagination to make a Gundam model not look like shit, and both work ethic and imagination is something soyboys lack. Building any sort of models is something soyboys can't do because it's not the kind of activity where you can mindlessly throw money at and it becomes an achievement in its own right.

I build gundams and I only saw two or three episodes in my life. I just like building them. It also builds hand dexterity like crazy.

Best son

>asking the internet on what you should buy your dad
Just buy him a starbucks giftcard to show off your priorities.

Model kits are grade-A autistic and definitely not soy.

Who hurt you?

Wargame: Red Dragon

Haven't played that in years. Eugene was stupid to implement navy.

Have they done anything with it since Red Dragon? Been with it since EE.

How does a PC game get its servers shut down?

Get your dad a jump start kit. When his car runs out of juice and he pulls out that gift he forgot about he'll remember that you saved his butt that day.

Should be venerating

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The imperium did nothing wrong

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i dont want to play warhammer but i really wanna autistically paint stuff under a magnifying glass for hours.

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>tfw used to build german tanks with my dad
didn’t come prepared to feel user

American make is soy tier. Sukhoi is the future.