Does Sup Forums's constant use of the term "soyboy" suggest that it's a bastion of masculinity? Because I don't see it
Does Sup Forums's constant use of the term "soyboy" suggest that it's a bastion of masculinity? Because I don't see it
Colton Powell
Leo Nelson
Ian Rogers
You really have us BTFO.
Anthony Perez
Thanks for reminding me that I need to update my filter with these cancerous reddit buzzwords.
Ethan Clark
You might wanna filter ((((((((((Nazi)))))))))) flags too.
Noah Hughes
>kuckistani/MAGA shit = Sup Forums
Levi Morris
I never thought anyone like that was calling anyone a soy boy, I knew yall where faggots from the start.
Lucas Gray
Yes, undeservedly. If you don't look like a chad you have no right mocking leftists for their physical appearance
Hunter Stewart
why so upset?
Luke Scott