You literally can't say Caucasian without "asian"

You literally can't say Caucasian without "asian"

We go together like...


The whiteman/wests survival depends vitally on a strong alliance with Eastern Asia

Attached: olgakurylenko.jpg (300x300, 19K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: expat life.webm (1280x720, 1.77M)

Op is a desperate chink
If not a faggot race mixer

Jesus , fucking disgusting.

Attack of the Roasties!

Attached: 1520537125195.png (1024x633, 486K)

rice is brown

Asians are top tier honestly

They belong in our countries

Attached: IMG_3645.jpg (691x1024, 210K)

you can't say therapist without rapist
now I know what I'm gonna be

Who is constantly shilling asian women on Sup Forums and why?

(besides the most obvious reasons)