Dear Indians

Stop being fucking pajeets and use a toilet

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Denying India's true nature?

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Average pajeet shits on the street 10x a day

Stay in India, and we are good

Fuck you nigger, I am going to take a shit in your street and you can do nothing about it

Calm down pajeet

Clam down wh*tey

Nobody cares about tribal pajeets. I'll buy them tickets to go to US and poo on your streets.

indians are fucking animals

Does that mean white women are fucking Indians?

All mammals are animals,user


Stop listening to Muslim propaganda.

Clever (•_

>Ignore's sanitation revolution heralded by based modi
>Does not realize that by 2017 modi has increased sanitation coverage significantly

I wonder (((who))) is trying to create discord and prevent the much needed pajeet-white alliance.

All hail modi \(-.-)

Article from 2014, what a shitpost, OP kill yourself.

stop it pajeet, hygiene is no joke

I can see the progress

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How much of this is true tho

That's not worship, that's how pajeets inaugurate pretty much everything. Even when they move into a new home they have these weird rituals. When you live among them (I live in Jersey) you will know that they have a fuckton of these rituals. Anyways I don't mind them, at least they are not cucktians or muzzies and keep to their own.