The one redpill that even Sup Forums refuses to swallow

accept it

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Prove it.

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The one redpill that OP refuses to swallow:
Sup Forums is not a person

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where's the proof? for all we know his universe is a simulation and our god is the master coder.

*Tips Fedora*

>the one redpill that even Sup Forums refuses to swallow

> there is no god
You're right. For you, there isn't.

There are more females than we think. But they are even more fucked up than the males.

>I deny God and his fully justified wrath. I pretend sin isn't real
>godfags deny the red pill

How do you know?

Nice try, perfidious Jew!

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I thought the redpill that Sup Forums refuses to swallow is that white women are useless.

OBEY THE CUBE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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>white women are useless.
Only to you beta

obey the cube

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Please elaborate on your picture/cube

I don't believe you.

Plenty of atheists on Sup Forums, we just don't vocalize our lack of theism because we recognize that religion fulfills a biological imperative to find meaning in the mundane and secretly wish that we could be religious ourselves.

This right here. Ancestor worship and striving for glory seems totally defensible to me though. Continuation and propagation of legacy seems to be an imperative for all life, so may as well have fun doing it. My ancestors were real, so there's no factual claim to get autistic over, and only nihilist arguments against caring, but lol so?

>But but muh preferable behavior for the flourishing of sentient creatures!
Anyone who believes in evolution and understands the implications will eventually realize that multi-thousand year old traditions have already accounted for the variety of human psychological drives and needs of the group that created them and found a useful equilibrium therein. Noone can design a better system in their lifetime from the ground up. The blind watchmaker already has a several thousand year head start on fedora idiots. Give up and add your thought to the existing behemoth that is your respective religion by culture.

Prove it. I believe in god wholeheartedly. Having hope and faith, believing in both myself and in others, and in the future, brings me great happiness. This belief gifts me with a desire to want to improve and strive for better things, to help raise up everyone I share this planet with, to see everyone else be happy on their own and foster beauty and understanding in the world.

you dont need god or faith for any of those things

You're absolutely right, I'm just a regular person sharing his personal opinions though.

>Not being a deist because it's the only rationally consistent position
Enjoy your random collocations of atoms.


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Tell me,why isn't there a God? Huh OP?


Isn't it past your bedtime kid?
What is the overman and the will to power?


80% of Sup Forums users are americans.
What did you expect

"There is no dog"

Time to dial animal rescue services

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Every religion in the world proposes a completely different reality and describes Gods which are entirely different to yours. By principle of mediocrity, if we agree that all religions (read: belief systems) are wrong but one, due to their beliefs contradicting one another, yours is probably not the one that's correct.

That wouldn't be the "God" most of the Christians on Sup Forums believe in.

It doesn't matter if you're a sheeple. Sooner or later people start realizing that they can't keep up the veil, and all the predictions their holy books make are a load of shit. The social "benefits" amount to little more than cult-like control. Far better that people get taught self-consistent moral systems that don't rely on "God said so".

I can truly believe that I'm rich but that doesn't make it so. Why can you not want to do these things just because there's no God to watch over you and force you to, like a parent telling you to be good?

> Holding ridiculous views for no reason other than that your dad told you to
> Thinking that beauty and meaning must be placed there and cannot arise naturally
> Not understanding emergent behavior
> Having a self-inconsistent philosophy that does not stand up to scrutiny

And just for good measure
> calling people "fedoras" because you can't defend your own philosophy

shut up you embarrassing fedora

Do you feel euphoric?

Universe = god
We are expressions of the universe so that it may experience itself
Go experience all you can before you can't anymore
Try to do things today that won't limit you from doing something new tomorrow
If you want to be the worst type of person in order to balance the good in the universe become a Sabbatean-Frankist satanist

> that thing I said came true

you are walking talking reddit my friend

>proofs of non existence
what retards...

It keeps happening!

But in all honesty, do you feel euphoric or any kind of euphoria when debating religious people?

>where's the proof? for all we know his universe is a simulation and our god is the master coder.
Where's the proof of the proof of the proof that proved the proof?

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>his religious leaders and incredibly corrupt laundering money and covering up rapes
>turns a blind eye in order to keep his comfort
Religion made you an amazing person.


All Christians on this board are just larping.
They have never had any religious experience and God has never spoken to them.

Remember phony faggot, hell is forever, and for you salvation is no longer possible for denying God.


First red pill I swallowed before 90% of pol was born.

Sounds like you don't understand what being a deist is dummy. If you are an honest atheist then you are also necessarily a materialist. You're on the first few steps of a million mile journey, atheism is the hill that makes you think you're way above everybody else, until you start looking around.

it'll keep happening until you leave this fucking board again


No. I like debating because it gives me a chance to flex my philosophy cock and rape-impregnate folks who don't do enough self-reflection. I guess it makes me chuckle a little when theists just respond with ad-hominems because they have literally no good argument against what I'm saying, but I just find it funny.
> inb4 a-HA!

Honestly a lot of our universe looks scarily like it's optimized for performance at a subatomic level. I do believe there may be some God, like a simulation-creator, but whatever God there is clearly doesn't give a shit about our reality. The problem is that there can never really be a good answer to "Yeah but why", because the cause for that also needs a cause.

Religions just end it at "God did it", which may be comforting and basically amounts to a stop-sign. It's no different to Elan Vital, Phlogiston, or Zeus. Just magic to explain away things we can't. I also have my suspicions about this so-called "dark matter".

A standard "life sentence" is 25 years in prison. A murderer may spend more than 1/3 of his life behind bars. The most heinous criminals are imprisoned for long enough that they will die in prison. So what crime is so horrendous that it deserves an eternity of torture? Why, not believing in God.

Ah, the old "threaten those who ask difficult questions" routine. Real honest, pal.

No. I passed through the naive atheist stage long ago, and then the "Religion is necessary" stage a lot of Sup Forums seems to be on. Now, I think the best term would probably be "agnostic", but I am certain that most world religions are a load of bullshit. The God I speak of is the one overseeing our simulation, if we are one. Needless to say, our ideas of "simulation" and "god" don't apply totally to this circumstance.

> The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you.
t. Werner Heisenberg

How can you definitively say there is or isn't a god? You don't even know why you're here or what existence really is. You were just thrown into this reality and are trying to come up with some answers like everyone else. Face it, we know nothing

It's the cocksure conviction that you have something intelligent to contribute that really brings home the reddit euphoria. Where on earth could you have learned that people owe you serious arguments because you are so reasonable and groundbreaking yourself? really makes me think.


You're spouting shit that sounds like it could be a reasonable defence but turns out that you're just saying "no u" but in a fancy way. You're just chaining insults together, like a kid.

You seem to either genuinely think that people who disagree with you, or people who disagree with your religion, are just being trolls and that the fundamental TRUTH of it is so obvious that you would have to be malicious to deny it, or you know that your philosophy can't stand on two legs so you're desperately trying to browbeat anyone who questions it into submission instead of defending it in an honest way.

> inadvertently calling Reddit a place for reasonable, groundbreaking, serious argument

But the thing is that I'm insulting you because none of what you say is new or insightful, but stale fedora arguments from around 2007. You seem to genuinely think that people who call you a faggot, i mean ""ad hominem"", are doing that cause they have no other arguments. You are the embodiment of fedora euphoria because of how much you repeat how reasonable and sensible you are. You're only asking questions after all. But on the other hand you people come here year after year with your cock hanging out, so I can also "predict" that you can only interpret hate as denial for your arguments, since it can't possibly be directed at your smug self.
>You owe me arguments because I am so reasonable

> meanwhile, they repeat arguments from literally the 15th century
You might as well be saying "go away stinky pants".

And you don't necessarily owe anyone arguments, but if you just call them names it kind of makes it sound like you're a fucking faggot with an inconsistent belief system who thinks they're great because they can just call people who disagree with them names until they go away, then goes to fap to hentai with a raging euphoric boner at the thought of defeating the godless heathens.

Most on Sup Forums are atheists

I'm not a Christian friend, you are the one with the boner for abuse. You're only asking questions and disagreeing with dogma! How could anyone object to such reasonable discourse? Listen to your fucking fantasy about the kind of conversation you're having. Well at least you dropped the fake nice guy act, which is progress of a sort.

We're in the same boat then, I make the distinction for being a deist because of the Cartesian argument for god. The concept necessitates existence. Most people who are only deists are not religious, and do not believe in mysticism.

Jesus is a commie kike

>he claims to know definitively there is no god
>he has seen and understands the breadth and width of the universe and all within it to logically say that there is no possibility at all that such a phenomenon exists

>implying knowledge and understanding to validly arrive at such a conclusion is not evidence of the divine

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You're still doing it. And yeah, I am kind of getting pissed at the guy who just keeps on calling me names and asserts that I'm wrong without actually trying to defend theism. Almost like he knows he's already lost. And just a reminder, you can't just repeat people's arguments in a sarcastic way to nullify them. It almost sounds like you hate me because what I'm saying personally hurts you.

I mean, the problem them just becomes "what made god?" and the answer is probably "we can't know". Like I said, at some point you have to reach an unsatisfying answer of "we can't know". That sucks, but it has to happen - we have to reach the end of the chain at some point. I'd probably say that it's more likely that there's a "god" than not, because our universe does seem optimized for performance a little more than I'd feel comfortable with, but it's not a certainty.

Idk. There could be... Our creator could possibly be some retarded omnipotent being that accidently made the big bang happen, or fuck, maybe the Bible or the quran is real but God plays it like a poker game, intentionally misleading and lying for the sole purpose of positive development, or there is no god. Shit man who really knows?

And also, no, I'm not just saying the same "2007 fedora shit" over and over. If actually read any of what I was saying he'd know this.

>I'd probably say that it's more likely that there's a "god"
Literally what I say when I'm forced to expound on what it is I think. As for the "what made god" question, I tend to not care much, I'm a finite being trying to wrap my head around the infinite. It's not rationally feasible.

Look m8 I think you sound reasonable smart and there are hordes of stupid Christians ready to call you names and bombard you with memes, but you are seriously a stereotype with this "i'm reasonable" and "you're only calling me a faggot cause you're mad/stupid" shit. You're still "doing it" in the sense that you want people to argue reasonably with you, which is not weird to want, but where you veer into euphoria is when you conclude that the only reason people DON'T (like me) is cause there's something wrong with me. I'm repeating YOU in a sarcastic way, not arguments, cause your attitude is the same tired old "i'm reasonable, i'm rational, i'm only disagreeing" bullshit that turned out to be only superficial after I poked you a little, which is more stereotype. You are fucking angry at bible-thumpers and you think you can hide it behind smarmy eloquence.

>I'm not just saying the same "2007 fedora shit" over and over.
Well you can say that, but I disagree. What now? It needs to be resolved right??!

Back in my retarded liberal fedora tipper phase I was pretty sure a God scientifically couldn't exist. Eventually I realized that was a really retarded and narrow viewpoint and there's no proof or method of knowing either way.

I don't think a deity would be from any of the modern religions, but it's possible one is out there. The universe is so big we can't even comprehend with our minds how big it is, and a lot of its pieces fit together in weird ways, so anything is possible.

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Define god

Yeah, more or less. We can only speculate on the nature of what our universe is really like from the outside - unless God is a shitty VM developer, it's unlikely we'll ever escape this world.

> when you conclude that the only reason people DON'T (like me) is cause there's something wrong with me.
No, I concluded that the reason YOU're doing it is because of that.

> I'm repeating YOU in a sarcastic way, not arguments, cause your attitude is the same tired old "i'm reasonable, i'm rational, i'm only disagreeing" bullshit that turned out to be only superficial after I poked you a little, which is more stereotype.
1. What's the problem with stereotypes?
2. I'm not "fucking angry at bible-thumpers", I'm angry at YOU because you're calling me names. Do I not have a right to be angry at people who call me names? You're fucking delusional.

> Well you can say that, but I disagree. What now? It needs to be resolved right??!
God fucking damn it, I can hear the sarcastic lift in your voice. Yeah, yeah I'm saying shit that I think you haven't really heard before, or don't hear often. The other people in this thread seem to be doing just fine. Can you stop being such a smarmy little faggot and act normal for once in your autistic life?

> LMAO look how angry he is!!
Yeah, I think I have a right to be angry at faggots like you. And judging by the other threads you (I think) are in, you might just be serious, too. ISHYDDT.

I mean, sure, but the problem in logic is the part when that means that YHWH/Vishnu/Allah is real. They totally could be, but also a trillion minute variations in them, and also the Chaos God Nurgle and minute variations thereof. In fact, I guess if you accept the infinite universe model, there must exist every position in deity-space somewhere really, really far away. But, that logic is no different to the stupid "lol multiple universes so there is world where everyone is BATMAN" crap.

ok m8 stay mad

God is real in your heart you heretic

It is up to the believer to offer proof of their positive notion.

> he says, continuing to be a turbonigger retard
You wouldn't happen to be of the "sand-negro" variety of Dutchman, would you?

All religions are lies.
God is a superstition.

stab in the dark: ever been near lesswrong?

Yes, but I think that for the most part they're full of shit. They do, however, actually try to be self-consistent, unlike True Believers(tm). I can tell, though, that you're basically just going to say "A-Ha! That means you're a NIGGER FAGGOT and need to GO AWAY!" I reiterate: NOT AN ARGUMENT, FAG

> Commies
Communism is a harmful dogma of its own

I don't even know why I'm wasting my time here. I'm out, thanks for nothing, faggot.

flawless victory

No (((you)))

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Prove it.
and if it would be any pill, it would be a black pill..

God is what mankind shat out in its vain attempt to understand reality.

IMO we are the leftovers from previously destroyed worlds where the 1st law of thermodynamics preserved the nuerons of higher life forms who then built us from the ground kek.. disprove that faggots lol

in all honesty fuck religions,

What makes you think that god would bother proving his existence to anyone, no less you faggot.

God by all accounts is a bit of a prick, we lock people up who kill for shits and giggles..Maybe we should let them all out and see what happens

Fallacy of over generalization.
To lump true Christianity in with “all religions” shows you are either a brainlet or haven’t really weighed your presupposition.

Either way you have a massive burden of proof to say all religions are the same


If you make a statement, you need to be able to make a logicaly sound case for it..

Like if someone said all communists are faggots.. and truly meant it.

Well if Christianity is the reason we find ourselves de-toothed and de-clawed to the point
we are easy targets for outsiders, then it goes against every single hard earned instincts that humans have evolved over the it even goes against nature which godbots insist god created.... its a circular mindfuck which proves nothing in the end, except that its improbable to be from a 'creator who cares about every living thing'

There may or may not be a God, but christianity played a fundamental role in establishing western culture, values and fabric of society. Its impact cannot be dismissed by atheists who want to be absolved of all responsibility so that they can be complete degenerates with no moral repercussions whatsoever.

You are getting destroyed by accusing your opponent of doing what you are actually doing.
The fedora sophist is real

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It's worse than that.

>there is no god


>a world without gods means one of turpitude, amorality, misery and inevitable decay and destruction

People will seize on the first fact without realizing the latter. And that'll be the unpleasant end of all.

Oh well.

It’s like you have nothing original to say and you’re just repeating this based Netherland chad. It’s really amusing to watch. It’s like he is reading your mind and destroying before you respond

Setting up a straw man LOL keep reaching!

Agreed. That was verbal rape.

Even if there were a God, what would it matter? The earth is of no relevance whatsoever in the grand scope of the universe and life originated here through its laws.

It is interesting to think I will one day cease to exist and leave the universe.

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You will go to hell, britain

>won’t matter
> you will go to Hell
UK btfo again..

I prayed and nothing happened.

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*shrug* who knows

No that the one that many refuse to acknowledge is that world society is Canaanite/Babylonian which is why politicians are into human sacrifice.

There is no god simply because there is no such thing as a definite beginning. We can't say that there is a barrier of space, we can't say there is a barrier of time. Time doesn't start or stop, so thats why a "once upon a time this guy made space and time" can't exist

A crazy person came in, screamed something stupid, and walked out..
Now people are debating no one..

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