
What? Did this guy honestly think all the shit he did wouldn't catch up with him?

What interests me more is, did that kids mom honestly think it was okay to let a shirtless old dude visiting her son into the house?

its 2017 you can't just not let your son be gay with an old man like some bigot

You wouldn't?

why does he have to get naked when hiro doesnt

its probably the ATM shenanigans that got him


Is he literally /r9k/

nah hes something worse
a chad that pretends to be like /r9k/ because its hip and edgy

Well yeah. He assumed the wrong guy had already been detained and that he was off the hook.

Ichiro has to respond as fast as possible which means flying, he takes his shirt off so the mechanic doesn't tear it.

Given his methods, it shouldn't. If anything, it was the ATM robbing that caught up, he went full retard there.

>Can send a nuke
>too fucking stupid to get the money through several off-shore bank accounts

Poor Pube Head-chan is in the wrong kind of show

I wanna see how they'll make me root for this guy. Now all I want is him to die or suffer some horrible fate but looks like that's not going to happen what with that ED and OP.

I suppose they'll go with something like showing Hiro's struggle to feel human again

Ur dead, Kiddo

Because he's a fucking idiot. I thought that was made clear by now

Just got done reading the manga.
I'm surprised at how quickly I was able to get through it.
2chan part was best part desu
rip old man/spoiler]


>tfw you're literally chokko too by the end ;_;

Who arrested him? Didn't look like police. Earlier on it made it seem like the suspect wasn't anyone special.

I thought the suspect was the old man. How come they went after the edgelord?

He didn't care. It was only when his mom said she hated it that he decided he'd do it for her. He is the ultimate family man