Fuck me is SHY the worst pollie ever to come out of Australia? Thick as a brick, borderline retarded even. And racist af towards whites. How do you guys put up with something like this? She alone is reason enough to disband the Senate.
Daniel Foster
Also fuck boomers and FUCK yanks.
Time to head home from work now lads, I'll be back on in an hour or so with a different IP so if you want to leave your fag hate I'll definitely catch it later.
Joseph Morales
I find faggots annoying. I prefer not to be around them.
Kevin Russell
Just came across this brilliant clip of Australia's greatest Prime Minister:
Rather than being eerily prescient, it makes it seem like nothing's really changed in decades...
Ayden Fisher
The wife of Internode's founder is a big donor to that cunt.
Kevin Gomez
Do you think any of our politicians would ever reinstate a version of the WAP today?
Parker Hill
>begging for attention typical fag
Jackson Sanders
>tfw no gf
James Gutierrez
Our current PM acts much the same way, and is cut from the same genteel cloth, but sells the complete opposite. Tells us we need a shitskin fest or else we're doomed.
Justin Hughes
fukin eastern states getting flooded with immigrants. you fuckwits deserve it for taking all of WA's money for your highways and phone reception in the middle of Woop Woop while i've got fukin 1 bar in my bedroom and shitty roads all round
Every fucking day when I catch the train during peak hours, it is guaranteed some fucking train is canceled or delay. Holy fucking shit. Not to mention, every train is a run down pre-world war tin cat and it's packed to the brim with only the window letting in the cool 37 degrees air.
Thank you user. I'll get to work! G'day desu. Night.
Wyatt Morgan
>be me >live in canberra >3 days a week of uni >for the rest of the time I stay either in my room or go around campus on my own >have friends but never contact them outside of class >want to join some sort of blacksmithing club since it's something fun to do as well as padding for the old CV but no idea where to find one in canberra >want to get a job but no experience, employers have hundreds more qualified students to pick from here How do I sort my shit out lads? I never exactly feel suicidal but I definitely think inertia is my enemy here since it gives me way too much time to dwell on shit and I never really relax
>12 hours of comfy study in uni engrossed in history and literature. >finish and decide to check the news to make sure we are not at war >multiple articles about "racist" Dutton voicing support for white south-africans The absolute state of this country
Josiah Baker
>Are the girls cool with it? depends on the grille, some are
Take this down. SA and Tassie have just gone blue mate.
Adam Powell
what are you studying?
Ian Ramirez
now now, economic refugees should not be country shopping, the closest viable country should suit them fine.
Owen Mitchell
Both the LNP and Labour have paid shills here. Its pathetic. They think they can influence Sup Forums culture and make us a bunch of shills for a lamestream party.
Their memes are like turds. Gross disgusting turds.
Luis Anderson
Oh sorry forgot that we are still in Winter time here in Turkistan.
Joseph Clark
how do you focus user? I can make lists but I never get started on work should I watch sort yourself out man?
That is not carbonara. just put some eggs and parmie into cooked pasta with ham/pancetta. Cream just over complicates it.
Elijah Carter
Just lie on your resume. I'm sure some cunt on here will say you worked for them.
Christopher Carter
thanks knackers
Angel Torres
that is carbonara you moran. you add yolks just before serving
Jonathan Parker
the amount of subsidies/welfare given to farmers is fucked up, perhaps on par with miners in regard to what they achieve for the country vs the payments they receive. We have farmer doing fuck all with their land, getting fat cheques and still crying poor about being battlers. Either that or they're wholesale thieving water growing retarded unsustainable crops in a literal desert. We don't need more of them, let alone saffers. And if you'd ever met a saffer and dealt with their fuckwit chip on the shoulder mentality, you'd agree. Fuck them.
Nathan Bennett
I predict Liberals will win but only a small margin, Guy is a weak shit which will not lead to a huge swing. BTW the Liberals in VIC is equivalent to Labor in NSW due to the extreme left political atomsphere here. VIC doesn't not have a right wing party.
Jordan Young
carbonara doesn't have cream you stupid cunt. That abomination looks like seafood chowder
Lucas Bell
>carbonara doesn't have cream please tell me how long youve cooked for professionally user.
Austin Lewis
me come at me fagg0t meet me @ centrelinke
Jonathan Anderson
I am Irish American.Can I move to Australia?
Nathan Campbell
never been there, what's the add?
Justin Garcia
I was thinking about your guys' role in WW1 and about how you guys and your population and island are part of the Western bulwark against an ascendant China.
Then I got to thinking about how, as a de facto part of the white western world, you are being diluted by Chinks and brown skinned non-Christian hoards.
And this tragedy made me sad. The erosion. So my question is, are there actual Jewish politicians and political groups in your country and have they had any role in immigration?
Thank you for your enlightened responses and thoughtful consideration.
PS I read recently finished book by a Scotsman about WW1 and one of the commentaries about he quoted was an Englishman about Australian fighters to the effect of: "They're fearless but they don't organize or follow orders very well or take things seriously."
Where else are they going to deposit the subsidies? The science sector? Lmao
Lincoln Martinez
it'll be fuckin hot when I set you on fire you child molester cunt
Henry Sanchez
cheers user, I'll look into it
Jonathan Wright
>1 week >$2500 it's like they think cunts are made of money even one day is $500 for a single knife, what the fuck? surely it's cheaper to set up a ghetto forge of your own and follow guides
Reminder that burgers are gonna put the chair force in space
Brody Cook
Just think Aus is a huge place and its success as a colony, just like your country had attracted all types of international cosmopolitans looking to sow their seeds of pestilence deep into our heartlands. The rot began post ww2 and it spawned from the minds of those with no loyalty here.