So, what were the Haibane Renmei? Did they only handle the Haibane and trade? Did they also do other spiritual duties, like having churches in town? Were they even part of the actual government? We didn't see a king.
And how big was that town? Surely, big enough for over ten thousand people, plus more than enough farmlands to feed all of them, plus forests and mountains that surely weren't feeding anyone. Must've been big.
So, what were the Haibane Renmei? Did they only handle the Haibane and trade? Did they also do other spiritual duties...
They were Haibane who didn't have their day of flight and stayed in town to take care of the Haibane and the town's business with the outside world
That's a lot of Haibane who didn't have a Day of Flight. Still, did they also handle other religious matters for the townspeople, and/or the governing of the town?
Author of the Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou
But don't Haibane who don't get their day of flight in time just disappear?
>Still, did they also handle other religious matters for the townspeople, and/or the governing of the town?
I don't think there's any suggesting they did or did not, but it would make sense. They're obviously highly regarded by the townsfolk as well.
It seems the Renmei do anything that requires knowledge the haibane and townsfolk aren't supposed to have. They keep the secrets of Glie, and that's why you're not allowed to talk with them or the toga, and why there are no answers in the library. I can't imagine them not being the highest authority in the town.
They say it themselves they are there for teh sake of the haibane, just like the village.
Haibane that can't fly have their wings and halos fall off, then need to live away from the humans and other Haibane. It would make sense that they become monks with the Renmei.
So, you think it's a theocracy? Like Vatican City? It would make sense.
>then need to live away from the humans and other Haibane
No, they disappear, the show mentions as much.
>If a Haibane fails to overcome their trials by then, they "fall" instead. The Haibane loses their wings and halo and is forced to grow old and die in isolation.
From the Wikipedia article.
What if I told you that Haibane Renmei is a story that happens in this setting but doesn't seek to unveil everything from it, that it is told from the (very) limited eyes of the two main characters and only the symbolic elements are taken advantage of (the climax of the anime takes place in a small room after all).
Knowing how everything works in details would cause the anime to inevitably sidetrack from its initial purpose and would require the use of a third-party spoonfeeding considering the very narrow focus (something the anime didn't want to have to begin with)
You just gotta take things the way they are presented, even though it's understandable that the shallow characterization (almost Kino no Tabi-esque) can be bothersome to some people, but I think focusing too much on that isn't a good thing when the anime accomplishes much more interesting things to meditate on.
>The one book Nemu could find with a creation myth was destroyed
>The one place of worship we see, the chapel in the forest, is in ruins
>Apart from that one girl saying they bring good luck, people don't treat haibane as divine beings
Even though it has a very religious character to us, I always got the impression the people Glie didn't have an organised religion.
Nobody said that they wished that these things had been revealed in the anime, we're just discussing our ideas.
>no citation
I wonder if ABe knows what the Haibane are, why they are in Glie, what's beyond the walls and all that stuff, or if it's a mystery for him as well.
>don't remember anything that happened in this shit
old anime was a mistake.
It's from the Wikipedia article. I don't want to go through the effort to look for when the old man says that in the anime, but I will, if I need to.
Give me a while.
Without old anime there wouldn't be modern anime, have some respect young man.
It's literally in the anime
>The monk explains the halo and wings falling off to Rakka as the camera cuts to the parts of his own clothes that represent halos and wings and then it cuts back to a look of realisation spreading across Rakka's face
This is elementary school-tier subtext, you assburger
I forgot.
>So, what were the Haibane Renmei?
they were abortions, thats why they ded, and thats why they starting over.
Only the little kids were abortions or stillborn baby, since they landed in Glie without a dream and are here to most probably get one. Whatever that means.
The little ones probably just died while still young, but aren't abortions. Otherwise, how would they already know things like speech?
Post more Nemu, she was best girl.
I bet napping with Nemu would be really cozy.
>Turns towards the camera
>"I guess we really were the Haibane Renmei"
>Credits roll
I'd die of coziness.
>those slightly lewd swimsuit nemu drawings
You're killing me.
Post them, user. For science.
Don't lewd the haibanes
Why not?
Can Haibane get pregnant?
That is not your business
Are you saying that you know, but won't tell me? Have you tried?
Lewding the Haibane is a crime against humanity.
user, were you unsuccessful? I know it's hard on a wishful father, learning that he and his wife cannot have children, but there's always adoption.
Haibane are only daughteru material, yes.
I want a Nemu and Hikari under my tree with lots and lots of books.
user Glie it's a place for redemption and fulfill your wishes, maybe if you don't have lewd thoughts for the Haibanes you can realise this
But what if my wish is to lewd the Haibane?
What was your favourite episode? I know people usually pretend it doesn't exist but I love the OVA beach episode.
Ok Reki pls go to sleep, you aren't fooling anyone
>I try to search this
>First result is a R34 page
Delete your post please
>makes the setting interesting but doesn't resolve the mysteries
>causing the viewers to want more from it
>the setting is symbolically crucial both narratively and thematically
>the viewers who want to dig deeper will start to notice that the anime got under their skin without them necessarily noticing it and they'll start grafting their own personal issues onto the story which ultimately offers a cathartic internal resolution
ABe is such a sly motherfucker, using even the anime's structure to organically project the core themes onto the viewer.
Why is Reki posing like a thug?
>No results
I'm disappointed in you Sup Forums
Do their wings twitch when they take a shit?
Fuck off
Remember, Ideas exist before people come into contact with them.
I want to rub her soft wings.
She is daughteru material.
If we new everything about the world it would not be nearly as interesting.
Rakka a cute !! A CUTE !!
I thought Haibane Renmei was a cute and SoL interpretation of the Purgatory. Wanting to be edgy, mysterious and deep, failing almost all. Though it was interesting enough to keep me watching.
You do realize nobody is going to take you seriously if all you can do is throw shitty buzzwords around, right?
Grow up.
>Wanting to be edgy
Yeah this anime is not for you i mean come on they are angels and is heavy on dialog that is the opposite of edge
You're the faggot from the other thread accusing anons for using common words you don't understand? There are no buzzwords there, and this is my honest opinion. I liked the anime enough to help in translating it to my language which is not English. Could you please fuck off.
Literally WAT. Read my post again, you autist.
>There are no buzzwords there
>Wanting to be edgy, mysterious and deep
Nigga, what?
>tkmiz likes the eternal fuckup character
quelle surprise
jk we love you pls more potatoes
Indeed, what. Since when are these "buzzwords"?
Calm down user im not the other user so tell me what is your language ??
It's an ancient one no one ever speaks any more.
Those words are meaningless on their own, you're not entitled to your opinion, you have to earn it.
My reaction was a bit crude, but most people use that exact type of words to trigger other people. You need to elaborate more on those terms if you want other anons to take what you have to say seriously, that's all.
>want to read Phenomeno
>too easily frightened for horror
I know what you mean, but I'm not really willing to elaborate on those statements. We discussed it back then (in the subber group) ad nauseum and have never reached a common denominator. It's intriguing and divisive, for sure. My summary opinion in other words is the anime failed to fully reach its set goals (if it had any at all besides being marketing material). Anyway, if one simply states their opinion it's partly in pursuit of gathering like-minded folks. Then any discussion can begin.
What a shame user surely your effort be appreciated for someone
>My summary opinion in other words is the anime failed to fully reach its set goals
It certainly reaches its set goals, don't worry about it. And "marketing material" isn't one of them, for sure. I can greatly elaborate on that if you want me to.
>if one simply states their opinion it's partly in pursuit of gathering like-minded folks
I'd argue that only gathering like-minded folk isn't the healthiest way to discuss something, listening to people who have a different opinion than yours is much more interesting.
>It certainly reaches its set goals, don't worry about it. And "marketing material" isn't one of them, for sure. I can greatly elaborate on that if you want me to.
We don't agree it seems, but I'm willing to hear your opinion. Please do tell.
>I'd argue that only gathering like-minded folk isn't the healthiest way to discuss something, listening to people who have a different opinion than yours is much more interesting.
It's a (lazy) way, not the only way. But I am writing exactly to hear opinions. We're on a medium where word gets exchanged without care, aren't we. I though't it's a trivial thing on Sup Forums.
>We don't agree it seems, but I'm willing to hear your opinion. Please do tell.
Well, we need to establish what were the show's goals first. I found Haibane Renmei to be a great story of self-acknowledgement and self-acceptance that uses the medium's strength to organically project those same themes onto the viewer. And by that I mean that it manages to brew a nostalgic haze thanks to its melancholic atmosphere, tonal excellence, "show don't tell" situations, emotive approach, lingering unresolved mystery and woven into the narrative literary that's also relevant narratively since it's the result of the particular juxtaposition of light and dark (warmth and eerieness) that's used to characterize the spiritual dread one of the two mains goes through (especially during the first part of the show).
The anime is also about how to cope with the unknowable, and for that the anime offers an relatively in-depth exploration of altruism (what it takes and means to be a good-willed person), what it takes and means to help others. Haibane's main message is self-actualization and acceptance through genuine kindness towards others and helping those who are deeply suffering after making the necessary effort to understand their struggle through empathy. Haibane Renmei is a constant struggle between selfishness and selflessness.
Haibane's heavy reliance on atmosphere and tone can be a double-edged sword because depending on how the viewer personally clicks with the show's core themes, it can range from one of the most fulfilling experiences in the medium to a waste of time. I personally found this very indirect way of storytelling to be very unique and interesting, and I didn't have any issues with it because it doesn't betray what the anime seeks to accomplish; for an anime that tries to illustrate themes such as self-acknowledgement and self-acceptance, pushing the viewers to instill greater meaning is a rather clever way to do things.
woven into the narrative literary devices*
Self-acknowledgement, self-acceptance, accepting we're sinners and accepting our sin and becoming a better person through hardship and effort. Yes, it's all in there. There are good points like character development and a calm (but sometimes uninspiring) atmosphere. This is all fine, what bothered me most is the seemingly forced mystery, the meaning of the boundaries (walls), the departures, etc. Thus my own analogy with the Purgatory. None of them is explained, too much is left to the imagination of the viewer. More mystery and more depression packed in doesn't make the anime better in itself. I'd rather have them work harder for the points to make. I understand much of it was meant to provoke thought and in that one it succeeded, but I'd have preferred a little more word exploring and explaining. Oh, and IIRC the anime flopped. No that it speaks for quality but it surely failed to reach out.
Considering the fact that you called the anime "edgy", I'm sure you had issues with the middle portion of the anime. It's not really complicated to understand, Rakka struggles with her identity through excessive grieving while separating herself from others (which is seen as an act of selfishness) and is negated with the well scene which is a pure act of selflessness.
Just to give a concrete example people usually miss regarding the whole "selfishness vs selflessness part".
There was more than that but the point where haibane helped me was: you can't do it alone.
Shouldering the guilt of failure and refusing to ask for help because you're a fuckup only makes hardships worse.
It's a million time better to swallow your social anxiety and ask for a favour. Having to owe one back isn't a liability, it's society.
I think it is purgatory but only Reki is a suicide
Melancholy = pensive sadness, it's crucial in understanding the anime. The atmosphere being "uninspired" doesn't change that fact.
>the meaning of the boundaries (walls)
Abstract symbolism
>the departures
Obvious parallel with our own mortality and what primarily fuels the drama in the show
>I'd rather have them work harder for the points to make
What you pointed out as "flaws" is actually how the anime uses to work harder for the points to make.
The anime has a very narrow focus and uses the symbolic elements of its setting which is presented through the limited eyes of the characters for a specific purpose.
what* the anime uses to work harder
theres an ova? the fuck man
You're actually repeating yourself and speak like the anime is flawless. Is it blindfolded devotion, or you can actually critically analyze the subject as well? Just curious. It might be perfect in your eyes, nothing wrong with that.
I'm repeating myself because what you told me is something my initial message already answers back.
Nah. It's called differing opinion.
What is the meaning of the walls almost killing you when you touch them?
Pretty much the anime telling you that it offers a spiritual and internal experience instead of a physical and external one.
I had no issues like the ones you mentioned. I had others I did earlier. But, understanding most of the motives doesn't make it "good". I'm starting to feel that people that did get most of it think that everyone else that did as well would consider this a masterpiece. That's what it isn't - but it's not a "bad" anime. It just underachieved.