Civilization good riddance if anything we see sooner or later it leads to degeneracy
Benjamin Moore
Matthew Anderson
Your on Sup Forums u degenerate
Anthony Adams
> implying people making their own shit isn't better than them just buying pre-packed Jew crap I know Sup Forums loves their conspiracy theories, but for fuck's sake just sometimes can you not?
Levi Anderson
That isn't degenerate we gather here to discuss and mock degeneracy and poltical correctness
Christian Watson
>we need to be degenerate to eliminate degeneracy
Landon Price
Use your hands and rewire your brain in wonderful ways. Humans have been doing it for a couple of hundred years, tis' why we want our kids to play sports.
Become NEET and plink away at a keyboard and watch your brain rot. Better yet post here and let us watch as well.
You make the exact same thread every month like clockwork. Why?
Juan Clark
Who the fuck are you calling degenerate leaf ? Go back to plebit
Thomas Wright
Can you please define for me what you think "degeneracy" actually is? We've never actually been this technologically advanced before and have no idea what it's "supposed" to be like.
Nathan Wood
>canadian user's monthly sperg out on the maker movement makes an appearance tonight
Wyatt Thompson
>country where 1 in 3 women have been, at some point, paid for sex. >calling anyone else degenerate
James Turner
I don't understand your autistic dedication to this thread. The Maker Movement comprises of a fraction of a fraction of Western civilization. Even so, of all the hobbies one could have, The Maker Movement is unequivocally one of the more constructive ones; vidya, anime, even physical sports at best only improve oneself whereas DIY projects can educate or at least inspire people to go on and create projects that benefit society as a whole. Just because its unconventional doesn't make it inherently bad. Many of the tech we take for granted today was from people "working outside their profession".
>been a while since i've seen this pasta, how you been ol leaf? Just mixing the pot, adding more when I have the time.
Hudson Butler
>learing to do practical shit is de civilization. Ok soyboy we know you prefer to buy shit or pay others to do the simplest shit you need.
Blake Wilson
do you guys larp as op often?
Kevin King
>do you guys larp as op often? Just me m8, also not larping.
Oliver Cooper
Op is EU tier faggot. Having this post every fucking day until he gets someone to agree with him
Matthew Edwards
>Look mom, I posted it again!
Camden Perez
OP is a commie. I can't put my finger on why, but op is a goddamned commie. Would not trade with faggot op. Stop making these marketing threads.
Tyler Edwards
>if you're not a commie, then you're a capitalist Nice false dilemma you got there
Brody Barnes
Semi-nomadic animal husbandry
Hunter Bailey
Maker movements are interesting in that people think assembling things like a Chinese laborer is somehow inventive. Very few create new, novel, and useful things even with more accessible creation tools.
Easton Sanchez
>guys stop fulfilling the power process in a meaningful way and save all that energy for your workplace!
Maker here , been teaching workshops for 3 years now and raising the next generation of makers. Stay mad, OP.
Dylan Mitchell
>The Make Movement- a movement where people use their free time to work outside
You are clearly not aware of what really goes on in maker clubs and meetings. I went there because I loved engineering. I don't see it as 'work', and wanted to learn more about similar people and what they have built.
Instead all that was there were self-promoting losers who can't code or build shit, but love talking about technology, arduinos, and TBBT-tier tech humor.
It's a gathering for non-engineers who like to talk about shit that they can't really do.
Blake Miller
>conspiracy theories I like conspiracy theories. Here's one.
There are transmissible and very contagious variants of cancers in humans and people are propagandized to believe that cancer just happens and it's just really bad luck.
Currently the most well known is HPV or Human Papiloma Virus, key component being [-oma] or the suffix that denotes that it's a viral vector that can cause tumors. This does not make it a transmissible cancer but the virus can cause it.
The day will come when there is a human clonally transmissible cancer, probably caused by some horrific mutation from a STD that is best described as the bastard child of HPV and herpegonnorsyphilaids. Most common spread of infection will come from rampant thottery and bohoing.
Isaac Sanchez
It's (((sponsored))).
Cooper Clark
>Instead all that was there were self-promoting losers who can't code or build shit, but love talking about technology, arduinos, and TBBT-tier tech humor. so basically an antifa meeting?