I want you to create an original prayer RIGHT NOW.
>Father, one of mercy and understanding, see me as I am and mold me in your image that I may be greater than I am and spread light to those who live in darkness. Remove from me my desire to sin and imbue me with a lust for righteous purity’. Make my every desire an action in your service. I both accept and rebuke your gift of free will; may I ever be a vessel in your service. >Christ, accept the depth of my sins to absolve my soul; forgive me for my nature and my actions, and allow me to desire them not. Make me whole in such a way that sin has no draw and that I may live my life honoring your sacrifice, and respecting all that has been done for my sake.
>Spirit, may you guide me forever, and allow me to forsake the flesh the beckons me to sin, allow me to be whole in Christ and the Father so that I may do their will in benefit of all mankind. >Bless me this way so that I may bless others. Give me the strength to imbue others with your own. Embody me with mercy that I leave no willing soul to rest; but to blossom into eternal life with my loving father. >Allow me to to be your angel, a messenger from above,to guide those who are lost; to beckon those who hear your call. >Give me wisdom that I may spread your word without question. >Give me patience that I may weather the quest of others. >Give me grace, that I may forgive... that I may forgive... that I may forgive. >And bring me all of your most lost children; brIng me the hopeless and wretched. >Bring me the rejectors and the foul. >Let me be your sword oh lord; that I can slay ignorance and evil as to deliver unto truth an righteousness. >Bring to me those who need you most, that they may test the full armor of the lord. >And allow me to prepare them, O lord, with the same blessing you give unto me. Through me let your will be magnified, through me your will be done.
Well, you captivated the originality portion, I suppose. Any reason you feel compelled to be ironic?
Ryan Moore
An original prayer? right now? Alright
>Lord, we pray to you that you would protect us and keep up safe from harm, for the enemy besets us round about every side, even on the inside. >We ask that you could give us strength to withstand those who wish to endanger us. >We ask that you give us courage to stand against temptation from those that try to subvert us and we ask that you keep us humble and wise to teach those that want to hear us. >In Jesus's name, >Amen
Angel Moore
Praise Kek. May he bless us with the death of zion. May the shitposts flow. Jews will face demise.
Give me love so that life is worth living. Perception, so that i may see the truth. Wisdom, so i know what to do with that truth. Strength, so that i can carry out that wisdom. Humility, so that i do not loose faith
I have to note my significant digits, there is one time in the Bible we are instructed to calculate: >Revelation 13:18 >“Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six Should we multiply the verse (16 x 18) we receive 234, the reciprocal and my get being 432. Added together, we see 666. It doesn’t end there, though. Divide my get by two and we see 216; correspond8ng with the diameter of the moon at 2160 Miles. Further, we can double it to 864, the diameter of the sun at 864,576. These are significant digits indeed. I won’t bore you with more mundane math, but do please peak interest in the ordained numerals I received.
Dominic Johnson
I’d be glad to help you, but perhaps Reddit is more your speed?
Thanks, I guess, but I would prefer you compose an original prayer to your Heavenly Father. Don’t worry, you know no one responding here can judge you.
Aaron Williams
No. I have to put effort into things like this. Are you not entertained?
Mason Young
Oh yes I am very entertained, hence why I called you an autist as a joke
have a short prayer
>Lord, we ask forgiveness for all that we have done for no man is sinless. >We pray that you keep us on the straight path and to divert us neither to the left nor the right. >We ask you in Jesus's name >Amen
Kevin Ward
Checked. Prayers are why this thread was made, after all. Thank you for your contribution.
Brandon Campbell
Sweet holy Jesus, Oh fierce Lamb of God . Let the waters of holy import wash away my worries and cares. Let them sweet waters envelop me, cool waters that cool the body but not the soul. Let them waters cleanse me of those heinous sins I Barbour, forgive me Lord - for I know what I do but not why I do them. Let me float on them waters, adrift for only a while, lost but for an instance before you come to guide me. Lead me from the dark depths and into you light. Amen.
Michael Morgan
Guess what Did you know that God does not ask or expect you to speak in pompous formal language
Thomas Rodriguez
yummy yummy in my tummy mother Marie give me bloodies for my sins I promise not to cummie give me bread with my blood for the lamby is my lord and he wants me to not go hungry!
>Guess what >Did you know that God does not ask or expect you to speak in pompous formal language Oh you speak for Godin now? Or Jesus's dad Jehovah/El?
yummy yummy in my tummy mother Marie give me bloodies for my sins I promise not to cummie give me bread with my blood for the lamby is my lord and he wants me to not go hungry!
woah lads, put on the gloves, this one is sharp round the edges
Lucas Nelson
Minus one point for no green text Plus one point for achieving eternal life. Thank you for contributing. 10/10, absolutely forgiven.
Ethan Powell
Did you know he doesn’t mind if I do?
Hudson Phillips
Gentle Mother, font of mercy, Save our sons from war, we pray. Stay the swords and stay the arrows, Let them know a better day. Gentle Mother, strength of women, Help our daughters through this fray. Soothe the wrath and tame the fury, Teach us all a kinder way. Gentle Mother, font of mercy, Save our sons from war, we pray. Stay the swords and stay the arrows, Let them know a better day.
Matthew Cox
>Lord, everyday I have seen the beauty of nature and all that is therein and we thank you for it. >We know that there is sin in the world and because of this we pray for those who have strayed into sin and earthly lusts to return again unto us that they may be forgiven from their sins. >We pray that any is tempted by the lusts of earth be protected from it. >In Jesus's name >Amen
I should have anticipated, but did not, the arrival of cubefag. I figured it was about time for leaffag to show up, but damnit if I didn’t think you had to sleep at some point.
You may remember me! I would ask you to levy exactly one criticism against Christianity; a task I know you are incapable of. In the interim, thanks for the bumps.
Nathaniel Allen
the amount of shitposting and edginess ITT worries me
This isn’t a catholic thread, this thread is for Christians only.
Cameron Young
Does it? I’m pleased with the meager prayers received. I suspected much less and am happy for what was produced so far.
Also, thank you for your second prayer.
Ryder Myers
While it is true I expected it to be worse, it still worries me to great amounts. I guess I'm just glad for what we got. You're right it could have been worse
>Also you are welcome user
Jose Kelly
>In my all my life, Lord, never have I been in much pain as this >And yet you comforted me >You stayed with me all these years >You kept me happy >No one else could do this but you Lord >I ask for you, Lord, to help others who are in deep sorrows and are in times of trouble. >Please comfort them, Lord >In Jesus's name, I ask of you >Amen
Zachary Reed
May Christ protect me with the full armor of God. May I be of truth in a world of lies May I be righteous in a world of wrong. May my feet be swift in delivering the Word. May this armor protect me against rulers, against authorities, and against all the power of this dark world. May this armor protect m againstrulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms
Lord, make my armor true, For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Leave me armored for the sake of all, let my luster be a beacon to those ready. Let those ready find me.
Dominic Reyes
I pray you stop pushing religion on people and maybe sprain your ankle.
Samuel Rodriguez
>I call it "DRINK THE VIRGIN BLOOD -- EAT THE VIRGIN FLESH" >yummy yummy in my tummy >mother Marie give me bloodies >for my sins >I promise not to cummie >give me bread >with my blood >for the lamby is my lord >and he wants me to not go hungry!
God, please point my brothers at Sup Forums in the right direction.
I know they can be mischievous at times but I believe their hearts are in the right place. Please point them towards Jesus and give them the strength to fight against the Satanic hordes of Social Justice Warriors and other demons.
In Jesus Christ's precious name Amen
Tyler Green
Steel yourself, for many souls must be lost. We should save those we can, but never lament those who stray.
You do understand revelations, brother? It is the ultimate black pill; that nothing can save those who blaspheme the holy spiri at the first trump. Save who you can, but understand it was never possible, nor sadly desirable, to save all.
Colton Scott
>I want you to create an original prayer RIGHT NOW. Whore virgin of Israel, may you be cursed Cursed be the fruit of your entrails and cursed be the father of this unholy beast
Nolan Sanchez
Thank you so much for contributing user. I would attempt to comfort you, it you are on better hands than my own. Regardless, there are always more hands.
Nice flag. Please, I beg you tell me, why wouldn’t you accept Christ?
Noah Rivera
Thank you for contributing.
Aw, man... you are doing it way wrong! Need some pointers?
Cooper Brooks
I know this user. I guess it's just utterly sad, that's all
>The Satanic enemy is upon us everyday, Lord >We ask that you protect us from subverts who wish only evil upon all who a willing to follow you. >Lo, everyday, they try to demonize us. >Give us courage, Lord, for I know you are our defense against this degeneracy and wickedness. >In Jesus's name >Amen
Gabriel Russell
>The Lord give us power to confront sins on our journey >Make us feel your strength >In Jesus's name >Amen
God, make me a locus for the lost. You’ve blessed me with estranged, but potentially saved. You have encouraged me that all is not lost in this world; yet I seek all that is lost in this world. Give to me those lost but not gone; those defiant but not opposed. Lord fill my thread with those who know the need you most, those who accept but defy you and those who ignore but desire you. Please lord; let me fill your purpose, and when I cannot let me try regardless.
Please lord, deliver me an atheist tonight; let me test our mettle; let me live your might.
Don the FULL Armor of Christ and be not afraid. There is much to fear upon you, but you need not be afraid.
Daniel Parker
The words are to help others. The meaning is for The Father. I trust you are in good hands,
Nathan Thompson
I shall not fear, for these things must come to past.
>Lord, my sadness is ever increasing. >And yet, every time it does you are there to comfort me >You return me to life with joy and your wisdom. >We ask that you do the same for others in times of distress for only you can give them hope, Lord >In Jesus's name >Amen
Eli Thomas
I’m here for you, no matter what; but I sense you are here for others as well. The choice is yours.
Caleb Allen
Thanks so much for contributing. I came originally to help those without Christ; but I know now that even tos with Christ need help. Please. Help me help you. Please.
Kevin Nguyen
Dear Jewish baby Jesus, our Hebrew Messiah. Fulfiller of the Jewish prophecy. We follow thy hallowed words as was recited within your Jewish temples, where the holy word of the Torah had passed thine lips - for you to become the Jewish Messiah blessed by Jewish parents. I would follow in thine Jewish ways, as was passed down to thee by King David, by him, our Jewish God, within the Kingdom of the Semitic Heebs, where thou dwelt.
Of course I'm here for others. Otherwise what good Christian would I be if I didn't follow this Matthew 22:36-40 > 36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law?
37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
38 This is the first and great commandment.
39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.
> If I don't care for others who are my 'neighbors' as myself, then I would not follow the commandments and that is sin Don't worry user, I am not that sad
Also, I will be reading the bible for a bit. I will be back. Keep this thread bumped and have fun
Dear Jesus please gas all the Kikes and Communists, Amen.
Sebastian Smith
I’m here for you when you are ready. Sooner is better than later.
Luis Morales
Dear God, let all the egregious perpetrators of evil find Jesus and be saved.
Jayden Price
so woke
Brayden Lopez
God, if your listening I'm lost - stuck in the middle of nowhere open vistas all around. Its not like there's nowhere to go, I can set off in any direction, but they all look the same - so whats the point in walking God? Don't just show me the way, please give me a destination I want to go - a fucking place I want to walk to. Amen
Dylan Myers
Short and sweet. Thank you for contributing.
Joseph Gutierrez
Keep seeking. You are so close even you can taste it. Seek endlessly.
Adam Sanders
C-close enough...
Blake Flores
Them vistas be empty son, where do I seek
Liam Wilson
I'm back
>Lord, you are my sword and my shield >Your are my rock that I stand upon >You defend me from all evil lusts and you save me from temptation to commit sin. >You are my shepherd and my leader, for only you are good >Please continue to be with us Lord >In Jesus's name >Amen
Ryder Torres
God is listening, but you won’t answer his knock. For now, I am here for you. I am here to open your ears. Who troubles you? Who is it that you can not forgive?
Aiden Jones
Please Our Savior, Our King Jesus Christ, Clothe us in your righteousness, let Your Most Sacred Blood course through our veins; help us expose the evil in the world, namely the synagogue of satan who have stolen Your identity and the Identity of Israel and their servants the jesuits and freemasons, and all manner of witch. We bind these powers and principalities of darkness; we bind them up with the assistance of your angels, we utilize Your Most Sacred Blood to anoint these principalities and burn them like acid. We cast these unclean principalities into the abyss never to return to our earth again. Jesus we cry out to You! Our only Hope! Our Only Way! Please Father God, we repent of our sins and beseech thee that the Blood of Jesus Christ come down upon the Land and fill the hearts of all people who decide to receive You with their own free will. Please Father heal us! Please let Jesus Christ be seen and for this evil to end! We offer ourselves up, remove the will to sin we beg You; Let Your Holy Spirit come down upon us and heal us and our land! Cleanse us with the Most Sacred Blood, Father Please! In Jesus's Most Precious Name- WE BEG YOU LET IT BE DONE, SO BE IT!!!
Anthony Ortiz
Inward first, outward second. What is God to you? Describe him without error and seek communion. Is he merciful? Loving? Wise? Is he yours as you are his? Conceive the god most fitting And commune.
Xavier Wilson
Keep praying. God will protect you from evil. God will be your protector from all the earthly lusts. Know that your journey is very hard; you will be demonized and hurt. The reward for this, however, is eternal life and spiritual peace. Know that others will try to subvert the true interpretation of Christianity.
>Pray and pray hard. >Read the bible. >Ask for forgiveness. >Follow the commandments.
I can only show you part of the way. Only God can lead you the rest of the way. I will pray for you too if you cannot do it alone.
Jace Reed
>Lord, we ask you that you teach us to keep diligent against the evil that has befallen us. >Help us learn to teach others of you and your son Jesus Christ our Savior >Teach us so that we may stand strong against subverts >In Jesus's name >Amen
Lord Allow me the pride to better myself in service of your message Help me see plainly who try to deceive us on earth in service of evil Grant me the wisdom to discern what is true. Free me from fear of death, so I may fight til my last breath for the victims of luciferian evil. Amen
Dominic Bennett
This is a good short prayer, user.
Jaxson Bennett
>Lord, I pray you, help others to see that which is too difficult to see alone. >For the subversion rapidly increasing and hurting them spiritually to make them fall into the hands of temptation >Lord, help us and help them. >In Jesus's name >Amen
>Lord, we constantly think of you >These are dark times, Lord >We ask you to defend us from evil for only you are good >We make many mistakes and we pray for those who make mistakes who ask for forgiveness >In Jesus's name >Amen
>Lord, only you are righteous. >Only you, Lord, are truly good. >Deliver us, Lord, from the hands of our enemies. >For they destroy all that is good >God, we pray to you >In Jesus's name >Amen
Levi White
Not something I wrote, but this is the prayer of Dolindo Ruotolo, short and straight to the point in your times of need: >Jesus, you take over!
It's not about shedding personal responsibility, but rather trusting Jesus in guiding you towards the right solution to any given problem.
Caleb Morales
Gabriel Hernandez
>he doesn't create original prayers every time he prays Enjoy your time in the lake of fire, cathcuck
Aaron Sanders
Tried to write something for about an hour. Got nowhere. Athiest here but yeah I tried. Really enjoying readibg all your prayers.
Not trying to tip fedora but I think I struggle with what is acceptable to say to god. I dont want to be selfish and also don't want to understate his power.
I just want to tell him I accept his judgement when he decides to take me.
Gavin Morgan
5 “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 6 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. >7 And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. >8 Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him. 9 “This, then, is how you should pray: “ ‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, 10 your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. 11 Give us today our daily bread. 12 And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. 13 And lead us not into temptation,but deliver us from the evil one.’
For whose benefit do you pray? Do you pen flowery verses? The Lord God is not impressed. Heathens and false Christians are the only people impressed by your words. Pray as God himself has commanded you to pray. Do not disobey Him to raise yourself up to other men.
Luis Lewis
>I think I struggle with what is acceptable to say to god. Just keep praying, speak what you want to speak. Speak what you feel. If you do truly believe then God would protect you and comfort you, just like he has with me. I can even pray for you, if you want. God will understand. Matthew 7:7 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
God always hears those who wish for forgiveness. Never forget it.