Who said women can't be soldier?
Field matress to slow in retreating, militant coalburner nothing of value was lost.
>that face
She looks like Oney
>No qt3.14 kurdish gf to kill muslims with
Draft them ! We want to make up for wrongs of the past, let the bitches fight the wars. Im down
Is that Stalin on here pin badge?
I wouldn't really call good at dying a soldier.
Stalin pin.
Is she wearing a Stalin badge?
If she died then surely wasnt a good soldier
>stalin pin
>low iq commie
oy veyyyyyyyy
>commie subhumans get killed in syria
i don't see a problem here
They can.
So, can we draft them now?
Kurds are commies. What a surprise.
> we must save le white woman
> but its a commie so its okay
After the innovation of breech loading artillery the abilities of individual soldiers have more or less become irrelevant in preventing their deaths.
Wait, where, who and why are the British fighting again?
It must've been an easy head shot with that giraffe neck
its true at that point they are too far gone
RIP Egglette
>take that patriarchy!
She sure showed us!
No, its image of creator of PKK.
science has gone to far
Yeah but on the other hand, with that neck she can easily move her head around making it harder to shoot.
no its ocalan you uneducated paki subhuman
>who said women can't be soldier?
Bullet did.
Anyone with a functioning brain?
>Female soldier die, female make good soldier, Grug give up bat with nail to rock cop so he no offended Mudmud.
Her peeking ability would have been top notch
I've never seen any credible evidence that this Kurdish Women's Group is doing anything more than running out and playing GI Jane for a couple of videos.
I don't see them slogging out a 20-miler after 4 straight days of fighting.
If she came back to britan she'd have been arrested for terrorism.
Hey, good job defending Afrin today, bitches.
Wayta prove women don't belong in the military.
Most people aren't saying they can't be, just that they generally shouldn't be. It's a job men are better suited to. That said, if a woman really wants to be a soldier and can meet the requirements then let her.
If they've killed in combat, you can infer that they were in combat...
goodnight sweet prince :/
>all female group
So how exactly are you trying to convince me that they were good soldiers?
gif is top tier humor. we need to return to this kinda stuff
Get rekt comrade
>be British
>get shot
I watch shit tons of combat footage and have seen coed kurds plenty, they certainly fight. I've seen videos of them being executed by gunshot and kicked off a cliff too.
She's a terrorist volunteer, like all the ISIS ones.
yea Turks are brutal man..they give no fucks
Because shooting in the general direction of an enemy in a non-critical area of the battlefield after the men have prepared a spot for the photo opportunity is the same thing as being shelled for 27 days straight in Flanders then going over the top to charge German trenches.
>Good people of the country die to protect the bad people
>Except she was protecting nobody and died in vain
I do enjoy black and white tier-comedy from time to time.
I have seen those same videos and I have never seen evidence that the Kurd Coeds are carrying the primary burden in any battle.
If you have a string of evidence that indicates otherwise, by all means prove me wrong.
god fucking damn this man could mime
It might be "non critical", but she fought in a place were ennemy was still active, since she got killed.
She had the guts to risk her life fighting.
I'm not saying she was effective, or the best, but you can't deny she faced real combat action, since she died fighting.
Male vs Female social behavior and hierarchy.
Good enough?
>I'm not saying she was effective, or the best, but you can't deny she faced real combat action, since she died fighting.
I don't deny that at all.
I don't deny that women have heart or bravery, or that they want to get involved and do something. I'm sitting on my fat old ass in the States.
I'm saying that if she is a weaker human, who can be killed by just about any man in hand-to-hand combat, can't carry 1/2 the weight, can't pull herself over a wall because of breasts and upper body strength, and requires more food and rest during stressful times, then her death would be a goddamned tragedy if it's because of some effort to prove women are equal soldiers.
If a dog gets caught in the cross fire do I have to pretend it was a warrior?
>Be retarded girl
>Think GI Jane is real
>Travel to shitholistan
>Die once you make contact with enemy
>british woman was present when a bunch of women from an actual warrior culture killed Isis
You don't have enough information to make the determination she was a larping feminist skank.
Until you have that information, the assumption is that she was an honorable Western warrior fighting for a cause.
There is just no evidence that she was anything more than a marketing stunt gone wrong.
Dishonoring Western soldiers of any kind is sign of russian shills, d&c shills, muslim extremists, commies, and other faggotry.
Serves her right for fighting alongside the mudslimes. I find it so funny that she went to some shithole desert to fight le evil muslims -- alongside other mudslimes -- when there are mudslimes in her own home country raping all the children.
Just imagine all the T*rds who gang raped this whore before they got bored and killed her. Hell, they are probably raping her corpse right now.
Thank God she's dead. Would've just come back here and started voting left and offered her children to the mudslime pedo rapists otherwise.
>larping communist goes to the Middle East and dies
>western soldier
Fuck off.
be afraid
You are exagerating. Of course if your combat force is meant to only have the best fighter fighting, then it's going to be all men, When you only need 1,5 million people in the military out of a nation of 300 million, and that among these 1,5 people you only need a fraction of them to actually fight you can afford to be picky and only take the fittest to fight.
But when your country is at war, you can't be that picky, especially in an asymmetric war.
In syria, before the war there used to be about 3 millions kurds and they had a lot of casualties during these 7 years of war. So it make sens to let female fight. They let fat guy fight, and old men fight too. And teenager.
And so did USSR during the great patriotic war, and a lot of guerrilla did this too. Because of lack of men.
And they might not be as good as the professional soldier from a professional army from the Western world, but they can be helpful.
You're right women should be able to be soldiers. In fact they should be required to register for the draft. Equal is equal.
damn he doesn't look too good,
Fuck off. I am completely right. Whites don't need to fight along with the K*rds, they are mudslimes too. She should've focused on the mudslimes in her own country first, mudslimes who are actively trying to destroy the country and the countrymen she admired enough to die for.
>inb4 K*rds are good mudslimes
Nope. The only good mudshit is a dead mudshit.
Its the famous mustache man that they paint on every checkpoint and roundabout in their territory.
To be fair, commies have a well documented history of hyping women like propaganda props.
This kind of thinking is what's killing your nation.
No. Hell no. Start looking to the genuinely exceptional again. Stop settling for literal cunts in uniform because cucked media commands it. An exceptional man wouldn't allow irreplaceable wombs to throw themselves into combat so uselessly.
She's 25.
Your backs aren't against the wall in anything but the field of breeding rates.
Bring your white women to heel again.
Bro, pic related is the Serbian army. We are literally famous for exterminating mudslimes. The problem is that in recent wars we always get cucked by the western countries and get bombed for "abuse of human rights" of muslims. Like they are people.
and there was a thread by some user that fought with the YPG that mentioned the shitshow it is on the inside with the infighting, rivalries and how western volunteers are seen as a necessary evil more than an asset as most of them aren't experienced, competent or even reliable and usually massive drama queens.
> tfw a Slav thinks he is in any position to decide who is human or not
>citizen of united caliphate goes off to fight in the desert
did she manage to stop at Mecca first?
All that is true but at least she volunteered
Good. All Kurds are Commies and must die.
>Instead of having her own life, love, english family and God, she went out of her way to die in sandnigger shitskin lands at the age of 26.
Are british men absolutely abject that their women would rather go fight(fuck) in Kurdistan?
Half of Deutschland has Slavic origins mein freund. Especially the eastern part.
Lurk more cunts.
That’s Ochalan. Kurdish Messiah.
Go back to /r9k/, don't come back.
> getting this butthurt about mohammeds opinion
I know. Fuck Tony Blair.
>Ms Campbell - who had dyed her fair hair black so she would not stand out - is the first British woman to have been killed in Syria with the YPG or YPJ.
Just read this. She actually believed in "the good mudslime meme".
Again, thank God she died. Would've just come back here and started voting left and offered her children to the mudslime pedo rapists otherwise.
yes my thoughts exactly, let them build our countrys and fight our wars, itsd only fair the harpie bastards get a taste of the cost otherwise how can it be equal?
oh that webm is fucking painful to watch, just someone snipe her already
I was talking about Kurd's back, not ours. They are right to accept female fighter.
Most people fighting in Syria outside of Assad's army weren't experienced or competent in the first place. I'm sure they would rather had a company of western grade special force than a battalion of green horn, but they aren't given that alternative, they are lacking fighter so they use what they can.
And they still turn down some western volunteer.
that's what you get for working with commies you cunt
Hopefully she killed at least some roaches.
You like dirty subhuman roaches and their terrorist friends? Kurds suck too but not as much.
nobody said can´t , they shouldn´t be...
thats apo
So westerners in these malitias are basically just photo ops to attract media attention? Lmao
Any pictures of the corpse?
Too bad she'll be executed for treason. the UK is rightful ISIS clay.
Well played curds. well blayed.
Nigel why are your women so ungly?
Are those rape decoys for your snipers?