Murata is streaming the next chapter

Murata is streaming the next chapter.

Sketching second page.

Third page?

Murata just said that the update is 100 pages. This is not a drill.

>100 pages

I'll lick your dick if that's true

ONE wasn't joking when he said he's gonna fix his schedule.

what the fuck

Nice, very nice.

Based Murata is gonna do it again

>100 pages
See you in December?

>he underestimates Murata

Best news I had all week desu.
Shame he probably won't make it for the next week though right?

Chapter will drop in two weeks or three.


The update would be on christmas

More like just 2 weeks


So this is probably not the beginning of the chapter and Murata has drawn more.


100 pages of Tacchad.
Will the Garoufags even recover from that?

I just hope Genos doesn't job before MA arc starts.

>Jobnos jumps Elder


This gonna be good, too good

Fucking told you, knew Elder would appear.

wait, which page is that?

No way the 100 pages will end at Garou being saved. That means we'll get some stuffs of the next chapters.

He is the monster association school bus after all.

Ganbatte Murata!

>Fucking told you, knew Elder would appear.
It was obvious user.

Anyway, since Elder is a pain to ink, this already long chapter will take a while to complete.

depends of how much Elder appears. The harder part is for the spreads and when we see a big part of his body. It won't be much worse than drawing Orochi for example.


Did Murata mention when he's coming back? He didn't stay for long.

> das it mane

Fucking monster.

Genos jumping like Saitama did against the meteor? Seems like he's getting some more screentime unlike in the webcomic where he gets none after Bang and bomb appears.

So when is he gonna post a new webcomic chapter?

You really think he got the time with all the content he's pumping for the manga?

if he is fixing his schedule, yes

They have to hype him before he jobs again during the MA fight.

He already did. Stop being retarded.

I can't even imagine what it's like having to juggle Mob and potentially two versions of OPM at the same time, being both the writer and an artist.

then where is the new webcomic chapter?

t. I've read the shitty translation of ONE's tweet
He said he's fixing the schedule of OPM manga not webcomic

He never mentioned the webcomic when he was "fixing the schedule", it was for the manga. You must have read that retarded translation from reddit.

Real talk. Why are eceleb threads aloud?

It's manga/anime related.

It's also advertising and worshipping ecelebs. So hence me asking. Mind you I have no issue with this thread in particular.

>Artist streaming his work

that's exactly right

Kill yourself you retarded mongoloid.

>It's also advertising
He doesn't get paid for it
>and worshipping ecelebs
There's always threads going about mayazaki or anno or any others, so it's not something new

Quality post

>he doesn't get
Do you not know what advertising is?
>but others are doing it too
That doesn't make it okay. Also Miyazaki is notoriously hated on Sup Forums. So I doubt those worship threads are a real thing.

I genuinely hope you're being ironic.

>Do you not know what advertising is?

How popular do you think OPM is? He's not getting any extra from the streams. It's just for fun, retarded.

>>do you not know what advertising is
Well threads like these are. Funny you learned something today. Almost like a child still learning basic things.


Look up what eceleb means.

Murata's dedication for this shitty story is astounding

Hilarious. A reaction image that requires text in order to be understood. The text itself does not apply to the situation but I'll let it slide for now

every fucking thread then is advertising, every shit on internet is advertising from your pov. why staying here?

>Do you not know what advertising is?
Enlighten me
>That doesn't make it okay
Come again when someone ban anno or other kind of shit threads then come here to complain

If every thread is advertising by your logic why do you think there's a rule against it?

you tell me. you started with this advertising shit


>you tell me

I believe it. The problem woth this is that in exchange for quantity Murata drops quality. I can't remember the last time a OPM chapter wowed like in the earlier chapters.

>I can't remember the last time a OPM chapter wowed like in the earlier chapters.

You're blind then. All of the last chapters have been great. If there is something to complain about the art, it would rather be work of the assistants.

I'd rather the story just progressing rather than looking at pretty pictures desu senpai.
Not that Murata still doesn't deliver 9/10's

Are you one of those that wants more 40 colored pages of a robot moving?

When was the last time we got something like pic related? These used to be way more frequent when Murata could just take his time, retard.

I agree but I still miss it.

The time taken on this was ridiculous with tiny payoff, it wasn't even used in the final version. I'd rather have great choregraphy like we got in the last few chapters rather than something like this.

It's not worth doing something like this at all.

Genos looks like he has Down's here

>like in the earlier chapters.
Man. user. It's only gotten more impressive since then. Stop asking for flipbooks. They're fun, but fuck. You're as stupid as those anons who go on about ONE's "godlike paneling oh my god im cumin from how good it is". Of all the things to be so fixated about.

"quality" isn't just about taking forever on a extra polished colored animation where nothing happens. More polish doesn't means better. The quality Murata has now is plenty great enough, you're full of shit for saying you're not "wowed" by them.

The payoff was an amazing piece of work. I disagree that it wasn't worth it but I also rather move on with the story as well.

Really now?

Now that It's done I won't complain about them, but this kind of gif really only works for "important" parts like the serious punch.

>wait, which page is that?
No idea yet. Murata started streaming with pages that don't seem like they belong at the beginning of the chapter. Elder appears out of nowhere.

because you can't give any reason to defend your shitty argument?


I didn't his work was now garbage friendo.

How can an user be so tasteless?


I obviously would love for Murata to do something like this for the whole manga, but sadly the time chamber doesn't exists and it would requires to clone him 100 times to make that a realistic goal. It's just about being realistic. I prefer having lots of pages of actual content rather than a flashy gif.

Well, I assume the cracks in the ground here
serve as the prelude to his appearance? Unless Bomb somehow smashed whoever it was prostrated on the ground (Garou?) with a slight tap of his hand, it looks like someone got sucked into a whole instead?

No. Genos jumped Saitama style (against the meteor) toward Elder.

Does this man ever sleep?

I think it's Genos jumping. There's no hole. Elder is already up above them and Garou is not seen in any of these panels.

Yeah, that makes more sense with the posture in the first panel, yeah.

Yeah, and Bang & Bomb standing together makes me think the Garou flashback either hasn't been drawn or shown on stream.

> and Bang & Bomb standing together makes me think the Garou flashback either hasn't been drawn or shown on stream.

Well, it could have. Here we're having a little fight between Genos/Bang/Bomb and the real time that saves Garou, so it would make sense that Elder already saved Garou and put him inside of him here.

If he really meant it, then could see the chapter released by November 24th

Yeah I think MA kidnapped him already and the start of the chap must be missing. It's hard to say if Garou is being carried by Elder or it's just keeping the squad occupied tho.

While expect the Tacchan flashback to be extended, I have the feeling we might get to see Fubuki in the chapter too if she also got one of those transmitters, she meets with the Saitama gang, and after Garou gets kidnapped, they head home for the Hot pot scene.

Genos and other characters have been getting love by ONE and as I predicted. The heroes will possibly win more fights. He'll probably lose to Orochi to hype him up for Saitama or Tats though.

Shit, this page is either 71 or 21. Couldn't grab the screenshot in time.

Murata is streaming again.


OH BOY. Godamn, this looks hype.

Elder looking kawaii yo.