Are they allowed in the ethnostate?
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no, theyre ghetto hounds.
based border collies or kelpies only
working dogs are whitemans dog
nigger dogs btfo
No, acceptable breeds are
>Rhodesian Ridgeback
>German Shepherd
>Siberian Husky
>Giant Schnauzer
>Czechoslovakian Vlcak
>Border Collie
The Nigger of all dogs??
Are you high?
But only thoroughbreds like Gotti or Razors Edge will be allowed. If there's no niggers in the ethnostate than we shouldn't allow their shitty inbred dogs either.
Yes, people call them nigger dogs but I disagree.
Pitbulls are great dogs, they're not meant to be pet dogs, they're not meant to be friendly family dogs. They're mean to be WAR dogs, killer dogs, and they're great at it.
Both of these breeds are fucked up so hard.
As someone who takes care of dogs I can tell you modern GS's are nothing and I mean nothing like the breed's reputation. Modern GS's are fat, with way more fur and their back legs are fucked because of bad mixture of the breed.
Every single working GS is mixed with something else, just because their back legs make them unfit to work. Needless to say, they are aggressive, dumb, unfit to be trained and even in the rare occasions where they are sociable, they are still nothing like the dogs they were.
This breed has to be taken care of only in cold climates. It has no place in mild weather and you should look up Siberian huskies and how they are mixed with wolves every few generations to keep the breed pure. All huskies who are raised in the cities are dumb as fuck, untrained and are overall a terrible experience. People just take them because they look good.
The breeds you listed are all with conditions to be taken care of and they don't find your average household.
kek I was about to post that
>muh based pits and civic breedism
oy vey
Whats a good breed?
what dog breeds are good family dogs then
can i keep my huntaways?
Ibizan Hound is a top tier Huwhite Man's breed. Come at me faggits.
>Golden Retriever
>German Shepherd
>Poodles and poodle mixes
>Border collies
yeah they pass
Depends on what you define by a good breed.
Many breeds excel at different things. Some are more intelligent/loyal, others are great guard dogs, others are excellent hunters, but each of them have issues in another aspect.
If we're talking a normal family, which is not filled with obese people, who will actually take the time to spend with their dog, I would recommend the following:
Extremely high intelligence and loyalty. Great for walks and children.
>Golden retrievers
Pretty much the same as labs, but less intelligent and require more time and stricter training.
Collies are also good, but like I said it really depends on the kind of the family and the time you're willing to spend with you dog.
They are made for corralling bulls. Not cheap loser britfags to hate on or niggers to walk around the street.
what are the smartest breeds of dogs?
toll status :paid
Jokes aside, Salukis are fantastic dogs. Very ancient Persian bloodline.
I'd like to add Doberman Pinscher to that list.
No. They're sub-canines. Worth only a quarter of any other breed.
They, along with the other bull and terrier types, are THE official dogs of the ethnostate. Any dissidence regarding this leads to instant execution without trial.
>This breed has to be taken care of only in cold climates.
Yea no. Huskies have an dual layer insulating coat so they don't feel hot or cold. Mine used to sunbathe outside in 25 degree weather even when she had access to plenty of shade and a paddling pool.
i bet Sup Forumstards are afraid to pet pitbulls
They look more like borzoi to me
If you want a smart, high energy working dog : border collie.
If you want your dog to be able to fuck shit up and be even more higher energy : belgian malinois
Standard Poodle
No. Nigbulls are to be exterminated on sight. In addition, all small dogs must suffer the same fate. Only medium or large sized dogs are allowed.
no. ban all dogs.
ban the eternal beast altogether.
Not in the White ethnostate. Blacks can do what they want in theirs.
No, they're niggerdogs, people allways make excuses for them like they dindu nuffing.
>Golden Retriever
>Hungarian Vizsla
>St. Bernards
Your list is missing all the best dogs
>Scottish Deerhound
>Irish Wolfhound
>Great Dane
So they do their job. Dogs aren't for petting, they don't have to follow our law. They're for protecting.
Duh, without nigger owners thwy are fine.
I prefer my Dogo Argentino though.
I would aloud them, but there are much better breeds without looking down syndrom.
look up wild boar hunting. Literally everyone uses black mouth kurr for bay dogs and staffys for catch dogs.
> missing Belgian Malinois
> not kys immediately
The absolute state of pol
Yes. Without niggers (of all colours), they're just like any other dog.
Shepherd master race
No. No dogs should be allowed in an ethnostate since they wouldn't be needed for. (except in farmlands where they can actually live a good life and not caged inside the concrete jungles that are our cities)
Dogs are niggers favorite animals since they behave similar.
Rightfully so, most pitbull owners are just as fucking retarded as the stupid faggot dog.
> thinking he has any place in a white ethnostate
gif related
Fuck I hate that stupid kid, what the fuck is wrong with him? Seriously, that fucking commercial where he makes that stupid fucking noise, I want to smash that stupid freaks head in. Disgusting.
y-yeah? at least we exterminate all the niggers and native Asians in my country. What did you diversity lovers ever did?
The dogs will be, but you will not. Cheers.
>el barkolino