British police thread, lets see how the Orwellian police force rolls.
British police thread, lets see how the Orwellian police force rolls
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Tfw they dont use baseball bats
Can a bong pls explain why the entire English police force is so bad? Is it because they're Masons?
It's fucking bizarre for a police force to be this political and cuckolded
How about you fuck off with this blatent shilling Mohammed Vitali
Allah is a pedo and Putin = putain
Bitch lasagne, you are Swedish haha
LITERALLY the most cucked nation, then Canada then Germany, then us
They don't come from the working class much now.
They are liberal minded student types.
sometimes I wonder if an ideological opposition to the human emotion of profound disliking is simply an effort to prevent us from being at odds with the circumstances being imposed on our lives
has anybody got a theory why police is like that? Are they reall just low IQ retards who just care about the next paycheck?
How can they just adapt to any shitty system and execute such shitty laws?
They really seem to show motivation
The police who interrogated Lauren Southern, knowing about that they let Telford etc happen, what did they think when they got home after work?
Faek an ghey
I’m confused by this. Are they saying that good citizens don’t question the state?
You're in denial. This sort of thread should be a daily general to constantly remind us of how bad this is.
>b-but country x is more cucked than us
Passing blame isn't going to help. You're part of the problem
They can't even use guns, what's stopping you pussies from rebelling?
Muslim population threatens police and their families, their government doesnt have their back, fight back and have your wife and daughter raped
Some user wrote yesterday, that british police is inflitrated by pakis. They are occupying pretty high positions, corruption is rampant, and since blood is thicker than loyalty to the police force, they are informing their relatives of police activity.
Also this activated my almonds:
Britain is the textbook definition of an anarcho-tyranny.
>Anarcho-tyranny is a paleoconservative concept used in critiquing modern "social democracy." Samuel Francis argued that the problems of managerial state extend to issues of crime and justice. In 1992, he introduced the word “anarcho-tyranny” into the paleocon vocabulary.He once defined it this way: “we refuse to control real criminals (that’s the anarchy) so we control the innocent (that’s the tyranny).”
>In one of his last essays, he explained the concept:
>What we have in this country today, then, is both anarchy (the failure of the state to enforce the laws) and, at the same time, tyranny—the enforcement of laws by the state for oppressive purposes; the criminalization of the law-abiding and innocent through exorbitant taxation, bureaucratic regulation, the invasion of privacy, and the engineering of social institutions, such as the family and local schools; the imposition of thought control through “sensitivity training” and multiculturalist curricula, “hate crime” laws, gun-control laws that punish or disarm otherwise law-abiding citizens but have no impact on violent criminals who get guns illegally, and a vast labyrinth of other measures. In a word, anarcho-tyranny.
Oh my fucking god. This makes me cringe so bad. Why don't they fucking tackle him down and just cuff him? Is this REALLY what the UK is now?
don't be a blight - bin those rights
If 10 police officers can't handle one muzza, what's stopping you pommy bastards from rallying in a large group?
oi oi darling, come down station with us
Stop being xenophobic.
seriously what's stopping you from rebelling? Your police doesn't even have weapons. Vote for the commie faggot, dismantle nukes, dismantle the army, buy a few thousand firearms and take over
I agree but don't you think there's a difference if you actively and (it seems) gladly persecute your own people and humilate them over nothing?
There is a difference if you have to survive under a system but only do work-to-rule and secretly leave your own people alone (like arab cops do it with other arabs) or if you become a happy servant for that system - like european police does.
It seems they release their agression onto their own people. pathetic
also police can easily find a new job in private security. you don't HAVE to be a cop to survive
Welcome to the beautiful city of London, Jewel of the kingdoms.
I can't figure out what this bitch is saying. Why do English people sound like retards? What happened to annunciation?
Britain is beyond fucked. The King's English is dead.
>buy firearms from a bunch of niggers in commie blocks down the road
i'd rather not fund the criminals that's ruining white communities thanks
the crime*
No, buy them legally. You can buy shotguns, right?
Diary of a daft cunt.
Mate, I have non-pneumatic air pistol and for that I had to put my name on a list for the police to know who I am, can't imagine the stress of buying an actual gun legally whilst in London
>Buy gun from criminal
>Shoot criminal, take money and guns
>Orwellian police
You are stupid user. British police can't be further away from Orwellian police, they are cucks like your police. British police doesn't controls a thing, they even ignore racial statistics. They ignore data, not collect it.
>>Buy gun from criminal
>>Shoot criminal, take money and guns
>get sent to prison
>raped by somali-islamic gang
That's fucked up.
>I was going to overthrow the government without breaking any laws
The virgin partisan vs the chad insurgent.
1488 checked
hang in there guys
Hitler should have gassed bongs instead of innocent jews
What the hell is up with teaniggers anyways?
anglos are asians
Anyway, I must correct you, OP.
It's not called the Police 'force' and hasn't been for a few years, it's the Police 'service'
These English cops are fucking handbag swinging chumps..fed up watching videos of them shitting it from nogs n shiet
better buy a 3-D printer secondhand cash, you can download the plan for a weapon under a proxy and stash it on an external hard drive before deleting it.
I have no idea what any of this entails just sounded like a good plan
Jesus christ that's pathetic. I'd be so embarrassed to live there.
the cop on the left wants to rip the dwarf in a dress a new arsehole.....The other 2 are enemys of the people
what the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuckkkkkk
Are Brits retarded?
ladies and gentlemen i present you the worst
>Though what the perpetrator has done may not be against the law, their reasons for doing it are
You think the general population has more balls than the flaming faggots that make up their police force? Let's also not forget at least half of civilians are migrants who are on the same side as the government
Dead country.
This entire thread and all the similar shit posted outside of it.
Kill me.
Thank God nobody got hurt.
>Eating a bacon sandwich on the wrong park bench could have you fined and thrown in jail
Well, the west was great while it lasted.
This is shopped, incase anyone was wondering..
Dios mio....
What's the purpose of a police force that can't even arrest your run-of-the-mill robber?
This comment is offensive to the dead community. You'll be having a visit by your local police community support officer very soon.
dear fucking god.
Hang in there m8
We'll use hate as the Orion engine for our journey.
>there is nothing wrong with letting jews being judges, you racist
>suddenly uk
make it stop