Why does Sup Forums hate communism?

Why does Sup Forums hate communism?

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Do you like subhumans?

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because this is an 18+ website

It isn't just Sup Forums, many people hate communism. Either because they think that it's flawed system(And they are right), or because they dislike their estereotypical followers.

Myself, personally, strongly believe that any kind of political existentialism is the most stupid thing ever made by and for people that wants to project their insecurities in the world by standing in a pseudo moral highground in a pathetic attempt to run away from their personal flaws. And, coincidently enough, most of the political existentialism is left wing.

Weak bait

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Invented by Jews, killed a hundred million people, brainwashes the youth to believe absolutely retarded and completely fabricated ideologies without evidence, and promotes white genocide

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Strong bait

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Because Sup Forums is full of people who are so Orwellian that they cannot bear the thought of other opinions and wrong-think. Hence why Sup Forums cannot be used to actually discuss politics.

It is just an echo chamber for the insecure.

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Because leeches should be extinguished

because it always ends with a rebellion and a lot of corpses, best to avoid it from the get go.

Communism, and internationalist stooges, killed good people.

Of course there will be backlash.

It goes against biological reality. You, as an identity, need an incentive to be the best you can be.

This fundamental incentive is absent in communist society,

They think SJWs are Communists

It’s theft

Why would you do that? What is wrong with you?

>Sup Forums

Why don't you just spit it out and say you want an left wing echo chamber? The board staff does little to nothing in regards of regulating opinion in here, you literally can advocate for ANYTHING politically speaking, be it nazism, libertariansm or communism.

If you think that a bunch of people telling you are wrong is "orwellian", than you didn't read the book and are just repeating words you don't understand like a parrot, you can't say shit and go unchallenged anywhere. Somebody said you're wrong? Stop being such a wuss little shit and argument back, you asshole. Crying to the authorities just helps you in real echo chambers, just like left wing owned websites.

>Taking it very personally being called Orwellian

What's the point in arguing against a straw-man. I would happily reply to any criticism of what I think, but I don't see any. I just see you ranting about something that didn't happen.

>so Orwellian that they cannot bear the thought of other opinions and wrong-think
Do you even know what Orwellian means? There is no state apparatus restricting ideas here; no one to enforce wrong-think. This is literally an open forum for the free market of ideas.

The problem here is YOU. There are multiple unrefuted arguments in this exact thread that have answered OP's dumb question. It's quite obvious, you cannot function here.

jesus i feel like we explained it again and again and again

Because we want freedom

>a communist defensor calling anything orwellian

That's why I'm pissed.

This is retarded I oppose communism specifically because I don’t want an Orwellian society.
>inb4 bong

the ultimate answer for you because only weak people can be communist anyone who is responsible for yourself will never be commie i also grow up in eastern europe thats the all experience i need to know how bad is it

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You guys really didn't get the point of Orwell's books did you?

Is this what happens when you are forced to read it as a kid, and need a teacher to tell you what the point is?

>hehe Orwell was a socialist silly!
No his book 1984 was him picking a bone with Stalin.
I don’t want communism because it inevitably turns totalitarian.

Historically, commies have very shit track record. Has committed more genocides and started many mass starvation than the "evil" fascists.
Whoever supports communism in the 21st century is ignorant in the ideology and its history.

It wasn't just him picking a bone with Stalin. He was picking a bone with totalitarianism in general.

If you read more than the summary online, you'll probably see he made a large amount of finer points and dystopian predictions. Like the changing of history and meaning of words. Something certain people practically have as their pass time at this point.

There is nothing morally righteous about taking from people who work and giving it to those who don't.

When noobs post weak bait I respond with proper bait. Show these redditors how it's done.

That's exactly what karl marx said.

Utopian communism is a fantasy. Socialists and communists dismiss actual instances of socialist states as "state capitalism," but that's because their fantasy of perfect equality is not only completely untenable, but unattainable in the first place. (In fact, I'd argue it's linguistically incoherent. Apply socratic inquiry to socialism's supposed notions of equality and you'll reach insurmountable contradictions very quickly.) Such ideas /have/ to be imposed coercively by authorities; which contradiction means one must deem the ends to justify the means, and thus the means have no clear moral limits.

And we've seen how that goes, and continues to go.

Yes I know he was picking a bone with totalitarianism. Stalin was totalitarianism at that point in time. Pedantics don’t change my point

The further to the right you go, the more class cucked you tend to be.

Was that before or after his retarded ideology directly killed more than 60 million people?

>proles don’t know what’s good for them so I, an educated finer man will push for a movement that will take away their freedom so they’re not oppressed


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And communism is totalitarian by nature, what's your point?
>b-bt real communism dissolves the state!
It never happened on a large scale, simply because states are a natural form of society. If you scale it down enough you get the first human agrarian tribes, which are micro states with a clear hierarchy.
Centralisation of power is inevitable in humans, what we can hope is to have a balance between centralisation and individuals, something communism clearly never achieved

Karl Marx touted his theories as scientifically deduced historical inevitabilities. How's that going? At what point, to your mind, are they falsified?

Like retarded capitalism? Or retarded imperialism? Or retarded fascism??

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Why is it that socialists are never the actual proletarians? They're always from the bourgeoisie.

And yet they're surprised when they're put up against the wall?

Capitalism to this day hasn't killed 60 million of its own people directly

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Because they are "smarter" then those peasants who like to earn their paycheck instead of it being handed to them ny stealin money from small business owners.
>b-but communists regimes protect the workers!!!!
Song related.

Communism is not sustainable and most importantly, why should I share with my money when I'm more capable and smart than my retarded neighbor who is sub 90 IQ?

The point of 1984 isn't "communism bad herp derp". Try and read the book.

Most communists are not trying to dissolve the state any more. You're thinking of Anarchists. Those split from the communists more than 100 years ago.

I didn't say anything about historical inevitabilities. I said something about morals. Can you manage to not straw-man or is that your limit?

. . . and today it seems like these fuckers are trying it again. Why do you subscribe to jewish ideals @commies?

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>lets ignore the facts that communism killed over 100million people
>lets ignore the fact that it robs people who worked their ass off and distributes it to the lazy subhumans who are abusing the system
>lets ignore the fact that you get put into a gulag when you criticise the jewish regime
>lets ignore the fact that communism is the antithesis to human nature
What is there to discuss? You fools are from the middle/upper class and think that communist russia was "very good". I'll tell you: my grandpa was from Ukraine and he was Diaspora from the Austria-Hungarian empire. What did communism do: steal his farm and starve a more than half of his family to death. Wow really nice system. Must be cool to live a pampered delusional life.

So what do modern communists want? Do you want workers right? Let's start by fighting globalisation and freedom of movement of both goods, capital and labor.
Do you want wealth redistribution? You already sort of have it in the form of taxes, but those are mostly on middle class individuals. Let's focus on the corporate giants that profit from all the points of globalization above and tax them rather than fucking small businesses and the average working person.
Do you want to sieze the means of production? Go to Asia. All of our means of production already moved there. You cannot sieze much in a service based western economy, only capital (money) and the value of modern day money is based copletely on the stability of the state supporting it, not gold, industrial output or anything else. A communist revolution aimed at siezing capital would instantly make said capital worth as much as toilet paper.

So I ask you again: what do you modern communists want from Europeans?

Well all those things you claim are facts, are claims or opinions for example. So maybe we can discuss the meaning of factual?

I prefer general human rights, not just workers rights. I am a big fan of fighting globalisation. Taxes are not wealth redistribution. I am all for curbing the TNCs in favour of small businesses and the average working person. I think there are better models for public production than the immediate nationalisation of all production. I believe in parallel public production, where a private sector competes with a public one.

Just to answer the points you made.


I love when I browse lefty subs and groups for salt. The half that aren’t tranny’s or faggots are 16

I have read the book 2x just finished re reading the other day. You’re dense as fuck this is why communism exists as an idea because it’s fucking scabby dirty spastics like you that fall for it you fucking cheesy dense nonce

Unlike that faggot paradise Reddit, you can state your opinion without being downvoted into obscurity. Now with that being said, absolute communism/socialism is antithetical to common sense.

>oh I need centralized control over resources and labor and land because I can’t compete due to being a massive beta my whole life

Well since you can't make a single point from the book beyond the online résumé I guess you're just very bad at reading.

I wouldn't know, I have never posted on Reddit.

But i hope you understand, that echo chamber isn't about exercising direct power or authority. But about the culture which is present. Most people here do not come to have their views challenged or discuss anything with people who are fundamentally in disagreement with them.
Most people come here to have their pre-existing views and conspiracy theories reaffirmed. And they have an incredibly low tolerance for wrong-thinking people.

>Well all those things you claim are facts, are claims or opinions for example. So maybe we can discuss the meaning of factual?
>>According to the political theory of Marxism–Leninism of the early 20th century, the kulaks were class enemies of the poorer peasants.[3] Vladimir Lenin described them as "bloodsuckers, vampires, plunderers of the people and profiteers, who fatten on famine".[4][5] Marxism–Leninism had intended a revolution to liberate poor peasants and farm laborers alongside the proletariat (urban and industrial workers). In addition, the planned economy of Soviet Bolshevism required the collectivisation of farms and land to allow industrialisation or conversion to large-scale agricultural production. In practice, government officials violently seized kulak farms and killed resisters[3][6] while others were deported to labor camps.
>>In his summary of the estimates in the Black Book of Communism, Martin Malia suggested a death toll of between 85 and 100 million people.

The rest is up to you, how can you deny the fact that criticing communism wouldn't put you into prison/gulag and the fact that taking the stuff someone earned through labor and distribute it to lazy assholes is what humans want?

>The black book of communism

This is what is called double think. You know those are mutually exclusive right?

>I prefer general human rights
This is good, I too like human rights. It is sad however that most communists I talked to in my country believe in human rights for people from underdeveloped countreis, but not for Europeans. Many complained about the lack of self determination of Tibet or the demographic displacement of natives americans while supporting the same happening to my people just by virtye of my skin color. Many clamored against British, French, and general "western" imperialism while claiming that it is islamophobic of me suggesting that islam is using a sort of cultural imperialism against Europe. Or Chinese neo-economical imperialism in asia.
If you do not hold these double standards, at least I respect you as a coherent person. I have to say that you would be fairly unusual for a modern communist, not just because you do not wish to see me and my people vanish due to my wrong skin color but also because you believe in a private sector economy and hence private property. I never heard a communist believe in that

>conspiracy theories reaffirmed
Tell me how this is a conspiracy, this shit is real.

I'll make this simple for you.
Commies are for redistribution of wealth and no private property.
I will not fucking give up what's mine you fucking piece of shit.
I worked fucking hard and long to get ahead and will never surrender to lazy fucking commie scum like you.
When the time comes I will personally hunt down every fucking commie within a radius of 500km and will take pleasure in exterminating every last fucking one of them in the most painfull manner possible.

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I don’t need to make a point from the book besides what I’m telling you; the things that the book stands against are the things that communism leads to. You saying that people who argue against communism are Orwellian is laughable. I suggest you spend some time analysing your thought process

>when it doesn't fit your narrative, just attack the source
Ahhh, never you never change tovarish.

Islam is definitely not a form of cultural imperialism in Europe. Unless you want to drastically change the meaning of cultural imperialism, a term we coined btw.

Either way, I am an atheist and I think Islam is retarded, so is Christianity and every other religion.The current level of immigration in Europe is a result of right wing policy anyway. Because of the neo-liberal modus operandi, it is necessary to keep a supply of cheap labour around. And since society generally sucks, people are less and less inclined to have children, therefore the deficit has to be covered by immigration for the economy to run in this way. This would be a non-issue if we had socialism.

I don't want tosee anyone vanish, no matter what their skin colour. Neither do I want to abolish cultural differences, and turn Europe, or anywhere into a big cultural soup with no characteristics.

However, I think a bigger threat to our cultural identities, is American cultural imperialism.
I don't see anyone but Muslims celebrating Ramadan or Eed or what ever the fuck they do. But I see shitty little Danish kids, knock on my door for Halloween and i want to vomit in their eyes. We Europeans are basically whoring out our resources so a few Americans can be rich, and we have to adopt their stupid traditions too.

You just haven't understood it. Maybe when you read it as an adult you'll get the finer points.

It turns out something isn't true because you write it on a picture.

>when something fits your narrative, just ignore standards
Ahhh, Deutschbag you should try with something that isn't made up of thin air. Something isn't credible because it's a book written by catholics. Actually it's usually the other way around.


>Not having a list of a local commies you plan on murdering on DOTR

I disagree on islam not being a form of cultural imperialism for various reasons. It just looks no different in its objectives than the western imperialism many communists complain about. It aims at imposing a life style and a legislative body that benefits a small elite of people, in this case rich gulf arab monarchies, not that different from the western liberal world order imposing a consumerist lifestyle benefiting what you communists call 1%. Islam is a political tool, not a mere belief.
You definition of what constitutes "right wing policy" is an arbitrary one, just as it is my arbitrary definition of associating ancoms with communists. To me neo-liberalism is not right wing. The only people who actually passed legislation opposing neo liberalism in my country are right wing nationalist parties, anyone from social democrats to communists either supports globalization or opposes it on paper but then forms coalitions and votes for pro globalization laws proposed by social democrats.
I'm glad you don'ty want to see me, my culture and my people vanish. It's a bit uncommon hearing this from a western communist.
>However, I think a bigger threat to our cultural identities, is American cultural imperialism.
I definitely agree on that

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probably because it's slaughtered and starved millions of people to premature deaths.

Low IQ idiots who can't comprehend the genius works of Marx

seriously, all the people who hate communism so much can't tell you teh first thing about

how real communism actually works

maybe cuz they murdered than
100 million people last century
start there

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It's the mass graves and the starving masses.

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pol pot nice guy
why are they all french

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commie yoga

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its happening

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Because commie rebels often extort money from my uncle's farm in the form of 'revolutionary tax' and I am glad Duterte is killing every one of them.

Fuck commies. They are not even human.

luv yr prez
got the dirty commies
in sight

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Because materialism is death and equality is a lie.

commie medical system

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>Why does Sup Forums hate communism?
Communism is a Jewish creation to stir up the weak retards at the bottom of the hierarchical order by exploiting their envy, greed and wrath whilst installing in them unearned pride. The whole reason why the retards are at the bottom of the hierarchical order in the first place is because of sloth, gluttony and lust. The Jews then proceed to use the bottom of the hierarchical system to assault the top of the hierarchical system causing the whole hierarchical system to fall creating destruction and mass chaos. The Jews then take this opportunity to gain leverage and climb on top of the rubble and instill an oppressive state under there complete control.

Jews are literally satanic and destroyers of civilization.

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No, but Marxist critiques of kaptialism are valuable. Especially that of Finance Capital. The JEWISH bourgeoisie exploits the white white working class of my nation, sells us out on debt slavery, pillages us through taxation sends our boys to die in wars that are orchestrated by a foreign lobby and do not benefit us in any way. The Jewish bourgeois drain our savings through inflation and indoctrinate us via a vast complex of mass media complex which they own, and through the mechanisms of the state and academia which they control. The economy should be centered around the blood of the nation and the physical land in which their ancestors lived and died and where their descendents will carry on the legacy.

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Because I have a functional brain without mental diseases

honestly? because I'm historically bored of it. It's been tried to death ,multiple times since the 19th century and has continually failed the same way. Let's give another form of governance a shot

I hate that it’s socially permissible to be communist and for communist parties to exist while being a neonazi is frowned upon and for all intents and purposes illegal if you want to be vocal about it. Either legalize openly neonazi parties (won’t get any major traction anyway) or approach communism the same way as nazism.

What about the international banks, goy?

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How can you consider a hammer or a toothbrush a personal property, when in cummunism there's no property?
What is difference between personal property and private property?
If private property covers means of production, what stops me from disassembling a mean of production and claim the parts to be my personal property?
Why would you waste resource producing more than say (hypothetically) 1 hammer/toothbrush per 7 persons?

How can one cultivate and harvest crops to personal use, when there's no personal property to be used for farming in cummunism?
How do you allocate public land for this personal farming?
Who allocates the public land used by the collective?

The ten Planks of Communist manifesto:
#8 "Equal obligation of all to work. Establishment of Industrial armies, especially for agriculture."
> Equal obligation
How can a stateless and non-hierarchical society enforce this?
> Your work-time is equivalent to everybody else's work-time
Am I forced to sit and drawn hentai for as long as others work in factory, if I don't want to do manual labour as an artist?
If "... each according to his needs", what stops me claiming to acquire 70% of goods to suffice my needs?
How can anyone else define how my needs are sufficed?
How can a collective deny me coming over demand 70% of goods that others have gathered through hard manual labour, while I can provide them only hentai sketches?
How is Theft defined in cummunist world, when there's no property in non-hierarchical society you can steal from others?

I have lived in communism. That is why I hate it.

What was communism like?

>a hurricane is capitalist
>the nazis were capitalist
>global hunger is capitalist

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US concentration camps with german 1000000.
Khmer roughe muh not real communism.
wow im commie now

>World War 1
>World War 2
The only legitimate thing there I could give you is cigarette deaths, which is a capitalism thing, but even with your gigantically inflated numbers, it does not come CLOSE to deaths from communism.

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