Why aren't you on gab.ai yet? Where shills have no power and you have a cozy group of friends.
Why aren't you on gab.ai yet? Where shills have no power and you have a cozy group of friends
Other urls found in this thread:
It's a mossad honeypot that uses your account to vote on other accounts
forgot to mention, as is minds.com
go away aussie
>It's a everything-even-vaguely-supporting-the-right-is-mossad-episode
Ok smartass here's one for you search engine gabai with no period separating gab and ai and tell us how it's not glow in the dark as uncle fuuuck???
you really are that fucking dumb, I posted that for everyone reading this thread and not for you
Minds is open source and you can start your own server.
What is it with leafs calling everyone else dumb?
You cunts have Trudeau for prime minister
gtfo cunt you don't know what you're talking about
Torba is not a jew - he is European.
Gab is free.
The site is very well written / they are constantly updating it.
They are offering uncensored live streams / video hosting.
Google and Apple app stores both have gab banned.
If you don't like gab - what do you think of minds? Its open source and people can start their own servers.
Why do you trust Sup Forums?
Sup Forums is getting soft what the fuck. This dumb mayo nigger was told to go to the study commons if he wasn’t protesting. He refused multiple times. Sage goes in all fields. Stop being a bunch of nigger faggots this shithole is the_donald 2.0. I’m sick of this shit.
>make an account
>never use it
>constantly get added to friends list
Fucking dropped
Navigating was atrocious in beta
Check out the third parties that connect to it, minimum 30 agencies data mining it, plus i made a log of my account voting while I wasn't using it for a couple of months. That pissed me off the most
yes because I put him there, thanks for proving me right
For the same reason I avoided facebook, google and twitter when they were the darlings of 'free speech' and innovation. Corporations are everyones friend until they have you by the balls.
what is is with australians trying so hard to be cool, that they literally fall into every honeypot blind? just stay the fuck off the internet you fucking monkey
You can delete that account.
Start a new one and make it *private*.
Only your followers will see your posts and you get to approve all followers.
You can also start private chats with a group of users of your choosing.
Navigating is very good now.
What is the desired effect of such a walkout besides a fuzzy feeling of "I'm helping" inside? Is this supposed to change shooters' minds?
Americans are as weird as Japanese from this corner of the world.
its full of annoying fucking wignat nazi larpers and retarded boomers, other than that its decent, better than twitter for sure
Fucking with retarded boomer Christian Zionists is the best part
Because it's just right wing Twitter. Social media fucking sucks.
Remember to report Sup Forums news network and all related twitter accounts, only normalfags want more normalfags coming here.
So is Sup Forums. Infact it feels like the shills outnumber the Sup Forumsacks.
The point is on minds / gab / etc you get to setup your own private networks and choose who you interact with. You can organise and do team work.
I don't even care about the specific platforms we use. Im not shilling gab/minds - Im advocating for private networks over the open borders low iq, shill infested sewer.
/pol is useful for somethings (as I listed in the 2nd post) - but private networks are superior in many respects.
Do you think the elites sit around shitposting on user boards that are open to the whole world?
Social media is a tool.
In the hands of intelligent people it is very powerful.
user boards are like open borders communism. (Anyone can come and all posts are equal)
The results are predictable: Shills and avg IQ posters drown out the high IQ / experts.
70% of threads here are stupid, slide or demoralization threads.
90% of posts are shitposts. This is a huge waste of time.
shills and idiots are already totally dominant and always will be on open forums.
You have 0 control over them.
They have power over you - wasting your time and demoralising you.
The fact that JDIF is shilling for gab should be enough to tell everyone what it is.
I'm not demoralized and I fully understand that you can't control the immense faggotry of a normalfag who's putting on airs, but that doesn't mean they should be tolerated. Sup Forums has ballooned to a ridiculous degree over the last few years, but it's still possible to exert some control over the discussion, moreso on platforms like twitter where they're predisposed to deleting such accounts. Also, I'm an OG newfag from Sup Forums, I actually enjoy getting irrationally pissed off.
As I said in a previous post:
>I don't even care about the specific platforms we use. Im not shilling gab/minds - Im advocating for private networks over the open borders low iq, shill infested sewer.
If you are paranoid simply encrypt all your messages.
>I actually enjoy getting irrationally pissed off.
Low IQ confirmed.
My OP was not for people like you.
Higher IQ people don't like to waste their time in a low IQ population looking at bait threads. They want to organise to be with other high IQs and develop hierarchies, roles and do team work.
Here's the thing, champ: you aren't one of those "high IQ" people. The emu that knocked up your great grandma was higher IQ than you, you're just a lousy excuse for a shitposter and one of the shills you so claim to revile.
Torba benching 330pds
Goy status: Confirmed
>posting on places you have to sign up for
fuck off
You can make your account private and encrypt every message.
You are much more exposed on Sup Forums.
normies < pol < high iq organized private groups
Because it defeats the purpose of social media, which is to make your ideas reach a broader audience. Gab is an echo chamber. Good for organizing, maybe, but useless to actually try to challenge the mainstream narrative.
Yes, distributing your message via social media is important. But thats not what Im talking about here.
Im talking about organizing structured teams of high iq experts for team work. On pol this is absolutely impossible (it is too fast, fluid, open, disruptive, full of rubbish).
What the fuck is Sup Forums news network and why in the God given fuck is there a kekistan faggot flag attached to it?
I get that, yes. I'll probably create a Gab account with that in mind, but OP's post crossed me as dismissing of other mainstream social media and I don't think cloistering ourselves away in 'safe spaces'will be beneficial in the long run, tempting as it might be