"read black clover" they said

>"read black clover" they said
>"it's the next Naruto" they said
Well Naruto is bad but this is GARBAGE. Why has everyone not dropped this yet? I'm 20 chapters in and so far:
>your average shonen main character that doesnt stand out from the croud of other shonen MCs at all
>literally a sasuke as his best friend
>the most boring magic system I have ever heard of, fucking clover books? Really?
>he joins a "guild" like fairy tail, and just like fairy tail it's filled with wacky and over the top characters that aren't even fun
So far I've met the leader dude, who seems to say the same line about getting stronger and surpassing limits every time I see him, a gangster type dude who seems nice but way too underpowered if in the first he's shown in, the newbie MC has to save his ass. And met a hot witch who drinks a lot, can't say any more than that (because she had no other role to the plot). And I met a lightning user who smiles all the time (but is actually really sad because he had a sad childhood!!!!) is insane, andloves to fight, and pretty much feels like a deviantart OC. And the princess actually seems nice, I will give this manga that.
>shitty villains, but then we get what I think is supposed to be the real main threat, but he's literally just Garra.
And the main character beats him on the first try. For a manga about how weak and pathetic the MC is because he has no magic, it sure does have its MC win a lot. At least in Naruto they had the decency to make Naruto and co lose to Zabuza the first time around.
>the pacing sucks
The pacing fucking SUCKS. Like what the fuck am I reading, it's going so fast. Nonstop battles, too much wording (you gotta let the page breath, don't overcrowd it by throwing in a pathetic attempt at a deep and meaningful line into every single fight panel. Am I the only one who finds it annoying when there's a nice image of a MC kicking ass, but it's ruined by paragraphs of him talking? That's this. He's throwing 1/2

Other urls found in this thread:


2/2 He's throwing a speech about "muh sorcery emperor dream" and "I won't ever ever give up" into every conversation he has.
And I'm not too fond that this guy is literally Naruto. I'm sure there are earlier and better characters who fit this description, but I'm gonna stick with what I've been comparing this manga too.
>no skill in magic/ninjutsu
>so he gets a literal demon that can give him power
Black haired emo friend who also happens to be your rival
And is the whole plot gonna revolve around how snotty literally every noble they've introduced so far is? Boring, I don't need to be reminded that rich people look down on poor people. And wow, once again, why does everything feel so fucking rushed? Was he afraid it would be cancelled?

Tldr: fans of this should be rounded up and thrown into the middle of the ocean

>Someone actually bothered writing this

he's too autist to stop reading something he clearly doesn't like and needs validation from others to actually do it

I'm watching the anime only because when you watch it drunk it's the funniest thing ever.

Nobody gives a single fuck about this OP. Everyone knows it's trash, but some people like you somehow won't stop reading it.

>I watch it, but only ironically
Not everyone enjoys doing dumb as shit things.

>I get drunk alone in my room and watch bad japanese toons
Why even live

This isn't your blog

Everyone of your complaints is fucking stupid and every other Shonen is guilty of them.

God forbid something has good pacing. You fucking ingrate.

Yuno is a thousand times better than edgelord sasuke and actually respects Asta.

The grimoire system is literally no worse than any other shonen power system and offers potential.

Shitty villains within the first 20 chapters, shocker! Tell me how good fucking kuro and krieg were. At least these ones stick around are developed. Comparing it to Zabuza is stupid as thats literally Narutos best arc and one of the best first arcs of any shonen.

The guild members actually do something and stick around unlike Naruto's rookie 9 and everyone in FT not named Natsu, Lucy, Gray, and Erza.

Oh no the main character is the same as every other shonen hero that ever is and ever will be. Please tell me how intricate and diverse the rest are from one another. Does Monkey D. "im still the same character I was 20 years ago" Luffy do it better for you? Or Naruto's "Hard work over comes all except when Im the chosen one" character better? Maybe Ichigo's "I fight because I fight" schtick?

No shonen main character is unique or different or good. Get over it.

>Well Naruto is bad
opinion discarded

But user, Naurto IS bad...

>Sup Forums is so contrarian they'll even pretend to like Black Clover

Jesus fuck you guys are the worst

It's above average for shounen. I think a lot of people forgot just how strong the first part is, especially the first 70-80 episodes.

lol dude chill why are you so mad

need I remind you this is the same board that unironically likes Kill la Kill and BnHA

And it only took 15 posts this time!

Naruto was in the 1st post. What's your point

pointing out your autism =/= liking black clover

>Consistently great animation
>Well Directed
>Excellent music
>Actual world building with no infodumps
>MC isn't a beta bitch
>Actually has a personality
>Actual character motivations
>Unique rival dynamic
>Isn't literally kids bop the anime
>No high school setting

I haven't read the manga but this is already leagues beyond anything bnh has done. All the insecure fags jumping to attack this show is icing on the cake.

So something I've noticed is that a lot of people on Sup Forums just loves bashing on Black Clover, the fanbase most notorious for doing it is none other than MHAfags. And to be honest, I think this all boils down to jealousy.

Black Clover for one, has better characters. The females in this manga are actually useful and the heroine actually gets character development unlike MHA's. And the rival is actually mature and cool, unlike MHA's who's one dimensional and angry 24/7 for no reason at all.

Characters is just one of the few areas where Black Clover outclasses MHA.

well said user

god knows why it gets such a bashing. I guess Sup Forums needs something to rag on now that Naruto has finished.

BC is just a fun ride with cool characters and setting. It takes what Naruto and Fairy Tail does and does it right, but becuase of the similarities it gets bashed for it.

Its not bad to take something shit and make it good, and thats what BC is doing.

Just because it has some cliches everyones so quick to jump on it when basically every other shonen has these same faults.

Fuck Sup Forums and its hivemind.

I don't know about the manga, but the BC anime left a terrible impression on me.

>le hivemind meme
No, everyone saw the anime and hated the annoying MC that you're supposed to be sympathizing with, the yelling, the cliche as fuck story, the really shitty CGI, everything (barring the soundtrack, perhaps) sucked.


>this anime is garbage why the fuck do people like it?
because its shonen

>MC isnt a beta bitch
but he does have turbo autism
Thats from episode 1
ONLY episode 1

Comparing it to naruto 24/7 is fine but compare it once to bnha and all hell breaks loose?

>Unique rival dynamic
Imagine believing this

HxH fans are the Rick & Morty fans of anime. They go into an autistic fot when you criticize it, convinced that you just dont understand because you arent smart enough to understand the "deep, complex writing" about the adventures of some 11 year old boy

srsly do people watch this muted and that's why they tolerate it?

They self identify with the screaming autistic faggot

>No high school setting
you say that like it's a good thing, user.

Its garbage, dont see it lasting just like Bleach.

>I haven't read it but BC is better
Can't make this shit up

>MC isn't a beta bitch

yes, user. this guy just screams Alpha to me, user. It's a big macho, obviously, user. He looks just like you, user. A true stronk alpha, user. Oh dear, I just cant see how he can walk around without women begging to fugg him, user.

It's like a Michael Bay film. It's full of cliches, and some people like it like that. It's just something you turn off your brain for, like CGDCT anime or fanservice shows.

He's talking about Black Clover's MC

Wrong MC retard

>author makes battle shonen with creative powers
>axed within like 20 chapters
>says fuck it and makes the most generic Naruto ripoff he can conceive
>it's a success
Hilarious. Same thing happened with BNHA, by the way.

It's Boku no hero killer

>Same thing happened with BNHA, by the way.
I liked the zoo manga.

>Le just turn your brain off
Love this meme.
Do you still actually go out to watch Michael Bay films?
Im almost 100% sure you don't, because there is a limite to how much shit people are willing to eat.

God i fucking hate you people.
Nothing is "bad" anymore as long as you watch it ironically, like that somehow makes it better.

>Naruto ripoff
I love this meme

>Tell me how good fucking kuro and krieg were.
Fuck you.
Don Krieg arc was fucking gold and you know it.

It was good but the drawn out, the guy sanji saved couldnt stop crying for 1 second.

This is like the japanese version of the girl who constantly speaks with an upward inflection

One Piece is always drawn out though.


I'm not going to say its not generic but I dont think the lightning guy is actually sad. I'm pretty sure he really is happy at least most of the time.


The only thing I truly dislike about black clover is Asta
It's like, if you took the worst parts of Rock Lee and Natsu Dragneel and then combined them, you'd get Asta

What is it with with japan and obnoxious brainlet main characters?

Uh oh.
OP here, I've been reading it more and I actually like it now. Maybe I was in a bad mood last night? Idk
My bad

>complaining about cliche
>in a genre whose purpose is to be cliche

There haven't been new ideas in anime and manga since the early 90's. The whole point is to reiterate familiar tropes you absolute brainless monkeys.

Maybe they don't like that genre, did you ever think of that, you brainless monkey?

then don't read the genre. I can't imagine you just said that thinking you said something smart

The genre is anime/manga you turds are talking about sub genres.

Anime- all of it- is built on reproducing familiar tropes. The same is true with manga.

Shounen is a demograph

i'm watching it as there isn't much else on at the moment and it is pretty inoffensive.

everything is insanely cliqued and you can guess with 99% certainty what will happen next

OP here agaaaaaaaaaaaaain. I've reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad through aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall of iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. Best magna ever, Asta manest MC ever.

The pacing is nice though. 130 chapters in and we are through like 6 arcs



are you retarded? Do you know what genre means? Anime and manga are mediums. Horror, battle shonen, comedy, etc are genres

he never said shonen in his post. Learn to read


Shounen is a demographic mega-genre.

wtf are u on about? You tried to act smart "muh demographic" when the post had nothing to do with that. Just take the L and move on

how was user trying to be smart by stating the obvious?

he stated something that was not being argued to somehow devalue what the other guy said.

What genre is he talking about, then?

ask him, not me

>Zora became part of the Black Bulls

YES, I love him, he's one of the best characters introduced lately.

try again next time, user

Agreed, I love how he's the only character that really calls out Nobles for their shit. I hope he shits on the Clover King too.

BnHAfags BTFO!

Black Clover was getting bashed long before hero academy even came out you paranoid fuckstick.

What was Sup Forums's reaction to this when it happened?

Cancellation when?

It has an anime, is doing quite well in the rankings and has mass appeal in Japan. It'll probably last several more years.

But a bunch of anons told me it was a massive failure, who can I trust??

700 chapters

No one talked about it. There only started being regular topics for this when the anime came out, and most of the time it's either bitching about the series or people falseflagging it to troll MHA fans. You could probably could the number of actual fans on your hands.

>trusting Sup Forums instead of actual japanese audiences
You can only blame yourself.

From a series with a character controlling space and creating blackholes isn't an considered an op thing, the image you post isn't that impressive. The powercreep in bc is just ridiculous

What a cute kitty

nvm, here was the thread: boards.fireden.net/a/thread/154105992/

Only one ESL shitter liked it and everyone else just shat on it

what are the ratings for the anime like?

>>literally a sasuke as his best friend
I like it when they make it obvious they haven't read it.

For each slot

PriPara → Black Clover



Pretty normal for a weekday show.


>We're supposed to accept mediocrity because everything else is mediocre

Lol Even Pokémon get more points