When I first came out, I was so overwhelmed because I didn't think people in this day and age still thought like that people said I was naive but I've always been in a multicultural society so I haven't ever been in that position before.
'This is why I spoke out about it and since then it did die down a lot but things do happen every now and then so if it's bad enough I do call people out on it...
Gabby was clearly traumatised by one incident as she explained: 'Some idiot sent me some very inappropriate pictures about race and stuff and I just thought you're someone's son and someone's boyfriend and you should be so embarrassed...
'If you take time out to try and hurt me and to try and put that out there then there's something wrong with you. If it's that bad I can't ignore it. The worst thing (that's been said) is that you're the genocide of your own race...
'I can't believe people think like that. Like, where do you live? What do you think when you see ethnic people, do you know what I mean? Marcel is so laid back he just hates that i have to deal with it. I get it more than he does. A lot of black people give me s**t and I'm just like no!'
While Gabby was in the Love Island villa, she cried to Marcel about her figure, as she insisted she wished she had big boobs like the other girls - a stance she maintains.
'I'm told I'm the genocide of my race'
Other urls found in this thread:
OMG she's so brave
>my genes werent strong enough
well they were up against a nigger so yeah they took a beating
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
this pasta could use some work
She is already in the first phases of regret
Your kids are going to be foriegn to you.
Dios mio....
>she thought it was going to turn out 100% white instead of 50/50
>literal state of roasties in 2018
Looks like she gave birth to a Mexican
The next few years will be brutal for her..seeing all of her friends with their beautiful white babies, and her mixed little mongrel asking her “mommy why don’t I look as pretty as the other girls”
that mutt lmfao
I always laugh when I see these sorts of pictures, it's so god damn funny. Just look at it
Found out my gf is 1/16 black. What should I do Sup Forums?
that ugly fucking 56%c face niglet. I hope the dad murders them both
Baby monkey > baby half nigger
Kid looks like it has a mustache
same vapid smile I see every day. ugh.
Why would you care? You're probably the same
so now she's going to have a daughter who will be at maximum a 6, whereas if she had a white daughter she would easily be another 8
>wh*Te women
these are the people you supposedly “fight for”, Sup Forums
think about that
>'I 100% still want a boob job. It still stands that i want a boob job.
She is a degenerate, stupid hopeless degenerate. Let her fuck at least with dogs and horses. what's the difference?
>what have I done
Just flushed her genes down the toilet. Gave birth to a third world looking shitskin. Imagine being the father of that bitch and seeing your grandchild..
One of my sister-in-law's friends from high school is a coal burner. Single mother trash with a mulatto mistake of course.
Whenever they get together for a bridal shower, birthday, etc. she says the coal burner just looks at the other girls with their white husbands and white babies with a broken borderline suicidal look on face.
None of the girls say anything. But they all give each other a certain look. They're all thinking the same thing about her. Most girls will never articulate their racism. But they feel it just the same.
good women have to be found among thousands of human trash
go figure huh?
caaan't stooop laughiiing
You can see the hint of disgust on her face
it took my like 10 seconds, to even see, that there is a nignog behind her - kek
Disgusting. Mother nature didn't put thousands of years of evolution/work into each race just so you could breed with a beast of lesser.
Rarely is a coal burner this open about her regret. She is actually apologizing to the monster she created like Dr Frankenstein.
>Slag model looking for love on a reality show
>Capable of good decisions and foresight
Why is the top monkey so ugly compared to the bottom two?
"You are attractive because both your parents are white". This one sentence kills the coal burner.
Whenever I go to Walmart I always see boomer grandmothers sitting with their hapa (when in Canada) or mulatto (when in USA) grandchildren with a look of disgust and defeat.
I think that's just her face
And for the 30,000th thread in a row, Sup Forums unironically proves coal burners are ALWAYS below average looking white trash
for the love of god.. why?
Dios mio..... La creatura indescritible.....
white women are so fucking retarded
The girl in OP from a non-cherry picked angle
A lil demon spawn. Cant wait to c some memes
Fuck off ant-white concern trolling shill
oh but it did. Givin them a chance to adapt in different environment gives them a chance to attain greater diversity. the majory goal was maximising this and then mixing back together for an glorious more powerful ubermensch
I'm not the one racemixing
This is her future
The message is good, but it reads like something a boomer wrote on storm front.
Bottom right
Don't make blanket generalizations then based on some shitty anecdotal evidence
And this is why i don't date white girls anymore they're so fucking retarded.
That this is a girl?
not sauce for the fucking reddit
sauce on the girl
Good, we don't need low IQ retards like you destroying the gene pool
That can't be real. Holy fuck.
Wanna bet that most of those white girls you're posting have slept with a non-white atleast once.
fake but kek'd
This board and this thread in particular is a joke. Race and Politics won't be an issue when we're all one mind. Technology will wipe all of these differences away or we will kill ourselves.
Stupid bitch. 40,000 year of evolution. gone.
Breeding age white females are UNDER 4% of the planets population.
Some part of her knows. Some primal tribal part of her knows.
oh god I was afraid that she would be a coalburner
is that really her man?
race-mixing = decreases IQ of offspring for whites
The real black-pill is the white race is doomed because white men can't keep their women from fucking low iq animals.
On the bright side, this way there'll be less white women to fuck things up in future.
I'm a glass half-full kind of guy.
>y-y-yes, but he's a really sweet kid
she fucking knew
el abominación
@brooklynkellyy faggot
I don't make bets with retards that say shit like "And this is why i don't date white girls anymore they're so fucking retarded." because he saw a blacked thread on Sup Forums and a bunch of below average crackwhores with a black guy
once the honeymoon phase is over i bet her genes won't be the only think taking a beating
God only knows mate. Thinking about it makes me insane. I'm genuinely not a bigot. But white people and especially white women are getting this propaganda shoved down our throats.
You can be racially aware and NOT hate other races.
Leaf you did it again. 10/10 post.
The girl in the op is not a crackwhore.
wew this made my day
although he looks kinda gay
Hello newfriend! Did blueshill let you out of the basement or did you find your way over from reddit?
It could be real. The story is completely plausible. I probably wouldn't have used the word niglet though but I still would have walked out.
If there was more stigma against mixing she wouldn't be in that situation.
Hope it is true, these cunts need to learn
at least the story had a happy ending
Calm down there little man. You're speaking to a green-pill
You know it's not true, because every sensible man would've fucked her on the couch before leaving. If she's a 8.5 that is.
I wouldn't, I would probably fucking snap and kill her
>All white women are like this
>t. autistic nerd virgin
This makes good white women even more valuable and worth protecting.
This. There're plenty of good women, there're just a lot of retards on this board with zero female experience shilling that white women are all coal burners.
Yea she's clearly a stunner see and represents 99% of all white women. The mental conditioning has really run it's course with you huh. I bet you can't even look at a white woman anymore without it evoking the mental image of a giant black cock. Just pitiful
Most white girls have slept with at least one non-white man why is this so difficult for you to understand.
I don't think mutts count as non-white in this context
It's hard to expect the common roastie to distinguish between mutts and whites
You are definitely not European. Even the UK with the highest amount of coal burners (because it is the most Americanised cohntry) does not have so many things women race mixing. In the slums of London you will find many but other than that it is rare. Show your real (Amerimutt) flag, you dissenting Jew.
Absolute nonense
>>You are definitely not European. Even the UK with the highest amount of coal burners (because it is the most Americanised cohntry) does not have so many things women race mixing. In the slums of London you will find many but other than that it is rare. Show your real (Amerimutt) flag, you dissenting Jew.
>>Even the UK with the highest amount of coal burners
Thanks for proving my point.
Someone should make her aware of this thread so she can tweet about it
I've seen these kind of reactions all over the internet, like the English woman that married an Indian lamenting her daughter she didn't look like her or white woman who was mad at her black partner for giving their daughter those "black" style braids, saying only black people use that style or something like that.
Some white women who breed with blacks are unironically unaware their children will not be white, what a bunch of retards.
That would explain why white women are flocking to "non-white men" on Tinder oh wait they're not. I'll give you this, I believe in Chad theory and if you're a good looking guy of any ethnicity women will flock to you but you'd be surprised how racist white women are when you pull your head out your Jew masters ass
Ewwww. I refuse to believe that anyone can look at this nigglet and call it cute. Why are nigger children always do goddamn ugly?
Highest amount of coal burners in Europe you idiot. Its like being the fastest one-legged man. Just cus we have the most coal butners in europe doesn’t the absolute numbers are high. Americans are the cucks that want the rest of the world to be Like them now show us all your real flag cuck.
>how dare people have preferences and standard, we are all equal so how dare you turn down some and accept others
god I fucking hate commies
Put it out of its misery already.
Your gay lol
It's half chink
it's embarrassing that Sup Forums still holds so strongly onto the utopian image of a white woman when in reality they're all refugees welcome types/coalburners