Why is Pol full of angry young men??

These are serious questions; albeit personal, I feel it is important we remain as honest and open as possible in this space I have created.

None of these responses will be shared outside this space, so once you participate in this thread it is pertinent you retain this I'm formation as privately as possible.

You are safe to share your true feelings so we can work out the underlying causes of your depression, personality disorders, and mental retardation.

Please remain open and respectful towards those who chose to share.

Question 1: How big is your penis, fully erect.

Question 2: Were you molested as a child, and if so by whom?

Question 3: Have you been clinically diagnosed with autism?

Question 4: Have you ever attempted to commit suicide, and if so, how many times?

Question 4: What political party are you and why?

Question 5: Has your mother ever walked in on you masterbating?

Question 6: Have you ever been in a serious accident in which you incurred a head injury?

Question 7: Are you an incel?

Question 8: What is your biggest dreams in this world to accomplish before you die, or kill yourself?

Question 9: What is stopping you from committing suicide?

Question 10: Have you accepted Jesus Christ in your life?

If you answered no to any of these questions, you may benefit from accepting the Lord and savior Jesus Christ in your life. What is stopping you?? You don't have to live in anger with a small penis and mental retardation any more! For salvation is around the corner.
Please answer these questions and leave your phone number.


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Other urls found in this thread:


This is a very shitty bait thread. Needs to be better. 1/10.

eat microwaved dicks

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Who said Sup Forums is full of angry young men? What if Sup Forums is full of mischievous shiba inu puppies?

1. whatever it takes to sage this thread
2. kids touch dogs inappropriately let's just end it there
3. dogs do not use dsm
4. doggos are happy so no self kill
4. woof
5. does ball licking count
6. i ran into a sliding glass door once
7. spay and neuter not even once
8. play outside and nap
9. whats stopping you
10. the landscaper doesn't like dogs very much

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because they're being emasculated by every sector of society, video example: youtube.com/watch?v=yI4qPd9nirw

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1- 17 cm
2- no, but beaten by both parents and yelled at everyday for mostly bullshit reasons. My parents told me they wanted to get me out of the family as soon as 9 years of age if I didn't "behave" even though I was a model student and child.
3-No, I'm socially accepted despite my past. I managed to build myself around all the difficulties such as isolation caused by my parents who wouldn't want me to have a sleepover or invite friends or go to friends places 4 times out of 5.
4- Yes, with knifes as soon as age 11. Managed to hide it from everyone. My last suicide attempt was when I was 20, 2 years ago on a bridge. I was on the edge but didn't jump.
5- Conservative Party for less than taxes and immigrants.
6-Yes, she even unlocked the door of the bathroom to "help me shower" age 11. Not even kidding, I am beyond digusted and was at the time. I yelled and cursed at her to get the fuck out, and instead of leaving me alone, she started to turn my family against me and harrassed me even more.
9-My dream is to get even and make my parents suffer through their retirement until their death. I will make sure they will fall in the stairs a lot.
10- I'm a non believer although I get the deep truth in the Christian religion.

This is illegal, stop it right now

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1. 7.6"
2. Nope
3. Nope
4. Nope, but I've planned to kill myself many times, I stop when I realise it's going to hurt too much. Sometimes I wish I had just killed myself back when I was a teenager. Now I'm almost 30, too many responsibilities.
5. I genuinely think both sides are equally retarded and bitch and whine about the same things just opposite sides.
6. Nope
7. Nope, I'm in a relationship with an Asian girl, nope don't care my kids will be half Asian, half white.
8. I want to be God, I mean proper killing thousands controlling your every way of life type God, not that pussy Christian one.
9. Already explained above, I'm a coward, I don't want the pain or chance I'll fuck it up and just be a potato suffering.
10. I did once, then realised that most of human history disproves pretty much everything the Bible says.

1. 6.5 inch
2. Not really I had a gay experience with another kid my age. Probably why I hate homosexuals.
3. No I wish though
4 pt1. When I was like 4 I did because I didn't understand the ramifications of it
4 pt2. Nat Soc/ Fascist because I love me some authority and culture.
5. Yes
6. No I fell down the stairs once as a child though
7. No I don't believe in sex before marriage
8. I would like to complete becoming a nuclear engineer as I wanna work as in a nuclear power plant
9. God and the white race
10. Yes

I am not angry.

I am entertained!

7.8'' 20cm
lobertarian people should work to get something
i hope not
utilizing atleast some of my potential
i like life
kike on a stick

>benefit from accepting the Lord and savior Jesus Christ in your life

For anyone starting at the top with an open mind, this is a proselytizing cunt.

Fuck you faggot.

Now this is redditspacing!

kill yourselves everyone responding to this


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>I would like to complete becoming a nuclear engineer as I wanna work as in a nuclear power plant

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2. Yes older brother
5.Republican, rand Paul exists
8. Take over the world, get rid of nukes and stop automation, also kill all non caucazoid people
9.This boring ass list
10.no faggot

Do you take up the bum ?

>6' dick

I'm 5'6 lol

Fuck I meant 6.2, fuck you

1) 6.3" / 16cm
2) no
3) no
4) no
4 (again?) ) apolitical. Side with party that I like at the time.
5) nearly
6) not serious - hit my head on the base of pool when diving
7) pretty darn sure im not
8) to retire before im 35, live financially independently and serve God
9) Life is a gift from God and depression is only a current mood - it will pass sooner or later
10) yes

> Question 3: Have you been clinically diagnosed with autism?

Shit bait

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It's hard to not be angry after you take the redpill. Also, fuck your questionnaire.

>Why is Pol full of angry young men??
We're not angry. Trust me. When we become angry your jew skull will look like a canoe.

get rid of the memeflag and ill answer ur questions

1. 6
2. nope
3. nope
4. once
4. well it was the tories but i don't know anymore
5. yes
6. nope
8. nothing
9. god
10. yes

>hey pol why ya mad!
>starts with penis
yeah this is a Jewish slide

I'm not angry just apathetic

(This is probably a slide thread, but it don’t see why I should not answer)

>1. 6”
>2. Nope, I was lucky and everyone around me actually dose not want to traumatize me
>3. Nope, I have no history of mental illness, but one of my grand parents is diagnosed bipolar
>4. Attempted? No.
>4. No political party. I have been jaded by recent political events and have come to the same conclusion Washington did, political parties are bad for democracy
>5. Nope
>6. No, the worst injury I had resulted in a fractured arm
>7. No, I have hope that I can find a good woman
>8. Probably to join an organization such as the DOJ or ICE and do my part their
>9. Good family, hope for the future, interest in seeing new technologies develope and personal beliefs.
>10. Agnostic Atheist, so I don’t know if there is a god, much less the Christian one

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Why not bump?

Vidya destroyed my teenage years and right-wing propaganda have destroyed the beginning of adulthood, but now I've gone too far to stop

fuck off dataminer

1. 5in
2. yes, some stranger faggot
3. no
4. no
4.5. Labour, jobs lmao
5. no
6. no
7. wtf is that
8. seeing my anime waifu become real
9. my sanity
10. fuck you

>Question 1: How big is your penis, fully erect.
Question 2: Were you molested as a child, and if so by whom?
>Question 3: Have you been clinically diagnosed with autism?
Question 4: Have you ever attempted to commit suicide, and if so, how many times?
Yes, idk how may times.
Question 4: What political party are you and why?
Apolitical, all the political groups on my country are shit.
>Question 5: Has your mother ever walked in on you masterbating?
Once. Akward as fuck.
>Question 6: Have you ever been in a serious accident in which you incurred a head injury?
>Question 7: Are you an incel?
>Question 8: What is your biggest dreams in this world to accomplish before you die, or kill yourself?
Being comfy with my waifu and sons.
>Question 9: What is stopping you from committing suicide?
>Question 10: Have you accepted Jesus Christ in your life?
im cool with JC but im not a religious fanatic.

Addendum: I do not live in anger my dear OP.

My guess would be because jews rigged society to screw them out of their birthright. They inherit a decayed nation. Inly the best and most fit will get an attractive wife , and even if she's a relatively decent (for these times) woman, she's probably got a double digit bodycount and sees nothing wrong with that. These young men see men of lesser breeds given privileges that they are denied in their own lands. They are demonized by a hostile alien elite, and are taught from infancy that rejecting this is evil.
I could go on. But yeah, it makes complete sense why they're angry.

faggot jew datamining for dicks sage.

>Question 1: How big is your penis, fully erect.
>Question 2: Were you molested as a child, and if so by whom?
>Question 3: Have you been clinically diagnosed with autism?
>Question 4: Have you ever attempted to commit suicide, and if so, how many times?
>Question 4: What political party are you and why?
>Question 5: Has your mother ever walked in on you masterbating?
>Question 6: Have you ever been in a serious accident in which you incurred a head injury?
>Question 7: Are you an incel?
>Question 8: What is your biggest dreams in this world to accomplish before you die, or kill yourself?
>Question 9: What is stopping you from committing suicide?
>Question 10: Have you accepted Jesus Christ in your life?
Stop projecting user, it's sad.
all fields

Joke's on you, I'm a girl. Angry, but not depressed, higher IQ than any liberal because I'm not the one who wants to shit all over my own culture.

You're the one who is retarded. "Gee pOL Y u no Leftwink?!! U rayzis or somming?"

Pic related you stupid child rape enabling cunt.

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>when you shill
>when you bait
>when you fill Sup Forums with shit
>when you push people to other forums you don't know about
>when you succeed in promoting what you try to suppress
>when your shitty thread gets sage

my sides.
left calling the right unbalanced.

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chef at wendy's over 9000


>Why is Pol full of angry young men

because the world is filled with people telling us we are the cause of all problems and that we are the root of all evil and if we just crawled away and died the world would be better
listen im all for love but i aint going to love someone who hates me

and if you don't want your country to turn into a thirdworld shithole your a racist!
if you complain about increasing rapes then your a fucking racist!
if you complain about racist crimes against your people, guess what YOUR A RACIST
if you don't want to let foreign criminals stay in your country, you guessed it YOUR A RACIST!

meanwhile I don't judge anyone by their ethnicity only by their actions, BUT HEY WHAT DO I KNOW IM JUST A PRIVLEGED WHITE MALE SO OFC IM A FUCKING RACIST

yeah its a real mystery why Sup Forums is filled with angry people

1)3.5 in
3)No but I feel like I am since I view myself as autistic
4)Yes, once, but my brother stopped me and then I realized what I was doing, which made me stop from those thoughts
5)Yes but I played it off
8)Work alongside Nintendo, travel the world, raise 3 children, and probably buy a country(Latin American one, perhaps Honduras or El Salvador. I can probably do a better job. Maybe not.)
9)My pride, my hard work, and the love of my family
10)Yes I have. However, I have times when I doubt but I attempt to recover from those times

1. My penis is 1 millimeter long.
2. I was sexually abused by my grandfather and father and my mother would throw bottles of urine at me. Even my children have beaten and raped me.

3. Yes, i have extreme autism which I have weaponized through the help of /pol.

4. I have tried to commit suicide several times, I tried about a week ago after my neighbor tricked me into drinking dog semen.

4. I am a member of both political parties because I will do anything to make new friends.

5. My parents used to force me to masturbate on camera as a child and they would use the videos to advertise me to Saudi Arabian businessmen who would abuse my anus.

6. Yes, I am regularly kicked in the head.

7 No I am raped by various men and animals regularly.

8. I just want it all to end.

9. I am afraid of the pain.

10. Often priests sexually abuse me and they make me attend mass after.

1: 6in
2: No.
3: No. (Have been tested as a child, because I didn't cry often enough lol)
4.2: The pirate party
5: Close, but no.
6: I fell on my head only once but no concussion.
8:I don't know
9: Why would I?
10: No. I only went to church to get money as a child.

1. 20cm fat
2. no
3. no
4. no
5. no
6. no
7. no
8. no
9. no
10. yes

You have question 4 two times, and plebbit spacing, so you are the autistic one.

1. 6.2 inches


3.No, ADHD, and clinical depression when I was 8.

4. Never.

5. Replublican, was a communist until about 23. I make good money, and hate paying taxes. I feel that the most important issues surround people that produce and not those that consume. Religion, family, and security mean the most to me.

6. No.

7. Voluntarily. Slept with in between 120-150 women until I got HPV.

8. To have a net worth of 100 million, and then at least 12 kids.

9. Because when I was 19 I was robbed by two niggers that said I had raped their fucking sister. Ever since then I've made it my mission to disenfranchise any black person in any way I could. When I'm rich enough I will just use my money to influence politics rather then this small town.

10. Yes.