This is a white man in 2018

Where did it all go wrong?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Why are people in the modern world so obsessed with becoming something that they're not?

Because of you

Order of blame: kikes>americoons>anglos

Is Norway free from this men trying to be women shit?, or is it happening there too?

Emasculation of men and creation of nu-males with the assistance of estrogen.

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Truly worrying times

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it's happening everywhere. it's just a trend and something else will happen that people will latch on to for attention. we just need to ride it out unfortunately.

Jews seized control of cultural and entertainment centers through nepotism. They made it so that weakness became a virtue, and changed society and laws so that women held all the cards, got all the privileges and never had to worry about that pesky thing called responsibility. Suddenly, being a woman is more advantageous than ever before, while being a man carries all the drawbacks it always has, along with a bunch of new ones. In the west being a woman is simply easier than being a man.

Would smash boipuccy over confirmed tradthot coalburner 10/10.

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huh can anybody tell me what this thread is about? I dont understand

We gave leftists power

It scares me more that some look more like actual women than women do.

How do you even tell when you walk down the street anymore?

It's a shitpost.
At least I hope so??

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I'd suck her cock desu senpai

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Where was the first gender transfer operation and in what year?


This question is legit

>Collective suicide seems like a valid option nowadays.
>imagine my shock

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Prophecies said, men will wear women's clothes and women will wear mens clothes. I dont think they had the language to describe sex changes. I'm sure it has nothing to do with actual clothes in the book.

I'd let her suck me

In Europe year 1952. I really think technology is killing it for everyone. It's the devil.

Germany, in the 30s, actually.

Its the new age of Aquarius. The Tides turn.


Really see, google lies more misinformation.

Don't know what you mean. If Spanish is your first language, use that. I read it well enough to follow a simple argument.

I've been doing some research on this, I think if a child is showing early signs of depression, there is a chance the male will try to become more feminine later in life. I say this because the trannies I've seen are usually within the anime or cartoon community, surrounded by women and friendships with these women are usually platonic with no chance of romance. These types of cultures can absorb into a depressed man's mind and make him think his appreciation for female beauty is actually being trans

Because if they don't, they get alienated?

If they had to bleed for 5-7 days a week and go through all the hormones i dont think they would want to be a woman. I read women who become men cant have an orgasim, but who really knows with this new technology! It is unethical why do they have to mess with nature.

I know 3 people with sex dysphoria issues and they all claim that they had been molested as children.

Google said first surgery was in Europe in 1952. Successful surgery anyways.

How do you even react to a man that looks like this?

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black "men"

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oh God, help

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she's not white. Come on, be honest, if she was not european or blonde, you wouldn't consider somebody with skin as dark as that to be white

Suck her off

My brain is in a state of confusion.

I just can't understand how a man can look better than most women??

There's something about that face that just wouldn't work for me

Confusion is good. You're finding your way to the right side of history. Now imagine her cock in your mouth, bring down on your knees servicing her lovingly until she fills your mouth with sweet jism.

It's getting you hard, isn't it?

>Where did it all go wrong?

...looks like it's going pretty ok to me.

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....also, some people were just meant to be girls

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what makes white people get so angry and autistic about interracial porn?

heh. wh*teoids

this is the manliest of bailey i have ever seen
i counter it with a femme bailey

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i really like this pic of her

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fight fire with fire

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Hey, this is NOT Sup Forums's trap thread

who's that?

Damn those ugly nasty man hands and that big ribcage. Can't fix that or your chromosomes. Trannys will forever and always be deluded mentally ill nutcases living in a silly dreamworld trying to escape the shittiness of their existence by filling the huge gaping void in their soul with degen faggot dick. Imagine being so into your degen fetish you literally abandon all logic and start munching medicines for menopausal women like it's fucking crack and start whoring yourself out to afford moneys for surgeries so you can live in a pretend world like some little 3 year old girl.

some man thats apparently better at looking female than females.

i'm still very confused

Jewish propaganda and weak minded society.

At least 90% percent of these white transsexuals are Jews. So it happens mostly in countries with a huge Jewish population. Jews are just androgynic, I guess. Inbreeding causes fucked up hormones and shit.

Maybe also a form of defeatism and escapism, being a girl as a way of being lazy and keeping their head in the sky?

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No. I’ve met a good handful of jewish trans girls but they’re a very small amount compared to non jewish white people. Keep in mind that jews are only ~1% of the population.

no this is Sup Forums's trap thread

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Yeah sometimes I feel Sup Forums would solve the trap problem rather by dressing them in cute japanese costumes and implanting artificial wombs into them

Half of the appeal of traps is that they can't get pregnant, Hans.

even on Sup Forums?

This is a dead tranny thread now

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Kill yourselves degenerate freaks

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But then again, if someone's degeneracy > 9000 it might combine two fetishes kek

Absolutely disgusting. If you don’t apologize, your mom will die in her sleep.

WHAT? That can't truly be a man. It's not possible that men are better than women even at being women. I would totally fuck his boipucci, if you're not shitting me.

>It's not possible that men are better than women even at being women.
low standards these days

I think you can tell this is a man by this picture

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Not having a proper male role model early in life is the issue.

Jesus Christ. Could you try to be a bit more degenerate?

Kill yourself meme flag weeaboo sodomite

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Reported kill yourself sodomite abomination

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Sure, that could still be a a masculine woman, though. Wide chin and shallow cheeks suggests it's a man, but she does seem to have quite big and wide-set eyes, which are feminine qualities. Can't really see the forehead structure at this angle, so could be either one.

for trying to counter this blacked shit? Greeks confirmed nonwhite.

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You counter it by posting wholesome white couples, white babies and pregnant white girls. Not by posting fucking degenerate interracial porn. Jesus Christ, it's not that complicated.

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(((Degenerate Art.)))
When you are envious of something beautiful and create a poor reflection of it to turn that natural beauty into a bigger monstrosity than yourself.

white women are worthless whores. whiteKnighting faggot. this is why white whores fuck niggers. cause of soft faggots like you.

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It could be worse...
3/4 of black male on white female porn is consumed by whites who have some sort of complex about it. This guy seems slighty more sane, if only slightly.

See for yourself

tum b lr com/search/dezmin%20schubel

not to mention you are stupid enough to bump a thread about transsexual white men and promote this kike bs like the retarded faggot you are.

Access to unlimited porn.

it's simple. we need to feminize blacks.

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Mostly because we’re being taught that being yourself is not unique enough.

It's a race to the bottom Fin, it's like you haven't even left the finish-line yet ;D
Can I come live with you guys? I'll bring my knife and won't stand next to you

this is nothing but power of suggestion there's no truth to what he's saying he just eats you to believe white men are tannins to promote his kike agenda.

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Porn has rotted your brain from the inside out. For your own health and saftey please seek help.

>white women are worthless whores.
Even if mainstream media has corrupted a ton of white women, they're still our women. You can't have a white society without white men, and you can't have white men without white women.

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i dont have a source it’s all ancidotal but almost all black supremicist porn is made by old white dudes. Like half of it is just so bad it’s funny. Actual porn probably has more black people watching it but few black people are actually super into that as a fetish.

>porn is made by old white dudes.
>old white dudes.
>white dudes.

we need to rot niggers brains you fucking cuck retard. I'm much smarter than you ever will be.