Second Amendment love thread... Post your funs

A well regulated militia, being the best security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

"Regulated" in the late 1700s meant to be funtional or ready. It literally states that it's your right to be well armed, which today infers well-greased semi-autos along with everything else that is deemed important TO the 2A community BY the 2A community.

B... B... B... BUT what about Australia! GUN CONTROL! Think of the Children!

When Mexico's gun control starts to finally work out for them (they had their second deadliest year last year), I will start to listen so stop cherry picking countries with already low crime like Japan and Australia.

We had an "assault weapons ban" in 1994, gun violence rose each year it was in place and Columbine occured as well under it. It won't fucking work again.

Post your guns to give me emotional support, I am stuck in this freaking country until 2019. If my rights stay in place until next summer, I am safe.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Yes, i am compensating for a tiny, non-existent penis

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the people who pay you shills should also invest in some new writers, that is old as shit mang

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>commparing yourself to mexico or brazil to look good
come on, atleast list the czech republic or switzerland, but not fucking mexico, also poland seems to be doing just fine without guns.

Is that a pumpkin?

I wish it were autumn

Guns don’t lead to more crime, niggers do.

I pay myself hence why the quality is so low, did you expect something more for your low quality post?

Why any other country at all? We had an assault weapons ban, it was a failure after 10 years.

Or you know, Australia would be fine too, Liberals only mention Australia but fail to back it up with any knowledge of what happened there anyway. Pic relation

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My friend, I just noticed that you are indeed a leaf, I have a wonderful source for you... here

Now go and be mary! Join the club and sell your steam account for real recreation, the guide for you is in the OP

the issue that gun controll is meant to tackel is mass shootings or school shootings, and i think gun controll is an effective tool to do so.
School shooters are crazy people most of the time that lead a quiet life until some point(bullieing eg.) if they dont have a gun they cant kill as many people. Regular homocides are still going to happen, but mass shootings will likely go down.

What sucks is I relaly want to buy this so badly but the left has made it so that it makes no sense at all in buying any guns that aren't in the hot seat for the time being, I want this but, I will be saving up for ARs and pistols which are literally all """"""assault weapons"""""" to congress. Sucks man

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But you're not a member of a militia.

Careful with those logical falicies my boy, don't forget that mass shooting s have been decreasing for years and years with gun sales exploding.

the militia is the people, if you are interested, you could research various militia acts or supreme court cases.

Which is why they absolutely have to take the guns NAO.

You're dumber than I thought, I love the GAU but you're a worthless moron that can't figure that out.
Why aren't you smart like the other nips?
Are you a chink?

Every gun law is unconstitutional. Shall not be infringed. Theres nothing unclear about that statement.

how is that a "logical falicie"?
sure mass shootings are trending down, but that has to do witht the definition of mass shooting, some gang member killing 8 other gang members is not really what we think of as mass shotings, its mostly about people targeting civilians to cause as much harm.
Thos shootings will probably increace in the next 20 years because america is getting more and more fucked.
so why dont you do something about your tyranical goverment?

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I am thinking US service member or family.

What do you want us to do? We have niggers killing cops for being cops now. We have depressed teenagers shooting up schools. And the kike media is blowing it all out of proportion. If we could just get the season opened on libtards we would be pretty well off.

Springfield model 1873 'Trapdoor'.....Nice.

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Why do gunsoys think Trump could order a totalitarian takeover when the military doesn't even want to give him a fucking parade?

Just admit that you're all pansies who need a gun to feel big.

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oh no, for america there is only the more gun route, your continent is saturated with ilegal firearms, you cant controll your borders, and you have 30-40% brown people.
Im just arguing that in a time where culture is going downhill there is no reason to introduce guns into countries that dont have them currently, eg. poland, japan.

Fuck you. My first piece was my Fathers war trophy from WWII, an Arisaka type 99. He fought in the pacific. It's one of the few things I have left from him.

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your picture repeats the data in the link I posted, did you just google "gun violence graph" and save the first thing?

>Thos shootings will probably increace in the next 20 years because america is getting more and more fucked.
Yes, and since most gun control only targets law-abding citizens, you know full-well that banning something will do fuck all to change it. The next 20 years will also see suicide attacks in the middle east and Africa maintain themselves, truck attacks across Europe like the Nice attack, Shaken-Baby-Syndrome, drunk-driving collisions, theft, rape, kidnapping... The world is fucked and the U.S. is getting more divided, the last thing you want to do is gut the constitution that half of the country holds dear to their hearts during such a brutally divided time. The left is too fucking idiotic to see that thouhg so on Sunday they will beg and cry for legislation banning all semi-auto guns, legislation that if passed would literally leave Canadian gun owners, New Zealand gun owners, and many other nations with better access to to firearms. Better than the U.S.A., the country, the one country where it's a right. Silly liberals.

fuck me, that pic, no dude we in America have concealed carry, that puch would have been the last he ever through he had targetted ohhhh........... about 15-25million people across the U.S. and California

Hey I don't have anything against mementos, just the notion of "I need a gun because muh gubment might attack me!"

too much ソイ in your diet you fucking 白左

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the US is a different story, im saying that disarming law abiding citisens will help curbe mass shootings.
The people that shoot up schools are law abiding citizens most of the time. sure they are crazy, but by that logic you cant give weapons to a fair share of people because they are mentally ill, wich would be in violation to the 2nd ammendment.

All im saying is that introducing guns into a society that does not have them will make it easier for crazy people to kill innocent people.

This coming from a LARPing weeb, pathetic. Your image doesn't even address my argument. I didn't say "the gubment is too strong anyway", I said "the army wouldn't even obey Trump if he ordered a takeover". Classic emotional right-wing SJW who posts before thinking.

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are you a crayon eater in japland?

autumn really is best time. really dreading upcoming summer. heat sucks!

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Go home amerimutt

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An user with taste! Nothing like the classics.

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>I said "the army wouldn't even obey Trump if he ordered a takeover".

Why is trusting the state or standing military complexes so popular among liberals? Does it go back to your foundational Marxist ideologies?

Noone owns guns because the think Trump will order a takeover or confiscation because if he did it would instantly validate the second amendment for any pasty laftists who currently want their right taken away from them, like good progrresives always do.

>repsonding to a strawman

I want to, need to save up first for a used car and guns, I move back in 2019

What is a good used car to buy if say I have a budget of 5 thousand-ish but want the car to last at least 4 years with no problem.

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It's not about having faith in the state, you illiterate manchild. As I said before, the military doesn't even want to give Trump a fucking parade when he wants one. What makes you think they would turn into loyal slaves if he ordered the military to take over the country for him to become a dictator, besides your impotent ego desperately trying to come up with any excuse at all for you to give up your tool which makes you feel 'big'?

Don't even bother responding to me if you're going to not read my posts before responding again, subhuman weeb.

>the federal government is the only tyrannical force the militia protects against.

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It was tragic- I still can't talk about it.

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Pistol bayonets gives me a hard on.

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>muh 2nd amendment protects me from da gubment!
>In that case it's unnecessary, because of these reasons
>b-b-b-b-but what other reasons I've kept in my mind and not spoken haha u lose coz u didnt argue against them

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Founding fathers didn't foresee the nigger threat

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I only use finely made Israeli rifles.

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>Don't even bother responding to me if you're going to not read my posts before responding again, subhuman weeb.

Your post of namecalling and putting words in my mouth? Your posts already demonstrate the usual beaviour of someone who have just lost an argument which is strange because you started with that, before we even ever had an argument.

Your claims rely on an exhausted, cliche insult anti-gunner always cling to. Claiming that we own guns to compensate for something or to feel "big." This is a painfully boring and done-to-death joke that you are actually, unironically attempting to use as an argumentive point for discussion. I really don't think your are baiting so I kind of just felt bad for you to be honest.

In nature your ridiculous insults assume that all gun owners are males, if you were a male you would know that having big cool things doesn't always mean you are out trying to prove something but with so much soy in your system I can see you don't understand.

There, happy now?

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I can completely accept the "I need guns to protect myself from niggers" reason, hence my initial post of calling gunsoys "pansies" who need guns to feel big.

is the galil ace worth getting? any better than an AR?

>if you are interested

Not really

Galil is prohibited in Canada so I have no idea.

Ask a burger,.

Is this an assault weapon?

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So instead of not reading my post at all you decided to only read the final sentence. Was a two line paragraph too big for you? God damn right-winglet SJWs I swear.

I feel you bro, my boat sank to the bottom of my gun's magazine. I didn't even have boat insurance. I don't know how I am going to tell my wife, especially since I live alone.

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No I refered to the content of your post in the rest of my post which you just read. The post which you just failed to rebute or failed to read.

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You did nothing but attack my insults rather than attack my reasoning. It's sad that since we're on Sup Forums you're most definitely being unironically retarded. Guess that's all I can expect from a beta LARPing weeb.

I hope that assault scope makes you feel better about your teeny weenie Mussolini

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The golden age of milsurp. Would love a 98k

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So you're equating yourself to chinks and commies then? If the US ever changes its laws to allow a dictatorship then yes guns are warranted. However, for the 3rd or 4th time this thread, that is simply never going to happen and it is literally impossible for the US to become a dictatorship right now.

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This is fun

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>You did nothing but attack my insults rather than attack my reasoning

Dude ty, anti-gunners who live in cucked nations with no guns really make being a member of America's 2A communtiy just that much more fun. You guys are the best. Something about global scorn and hate from disarmed subjects to the crown and being able to enjoy such a right with a smile knowing the butt-hurt it causes just makes it better than any other recreation.

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what now, leaf boi?

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Thanks for confirming you never had any intention of providing an argument and only wanted to impotently spew ad hom, saves me some time bothering with you.

“A militia when properly formed are in fact the people themselves…and include, according to the past and general usuage of the states, all men capable of bearing arms… "To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms, and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them."
- Richard Henry Lee, Federal Farmer No. 18, January 25, 1788

"Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed, as they are in almost every country in Europe. The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops."
- Noah Webster, An Examination of the Leading Principles of the Federal Constitution, October 10, 1787

"Besides the advantage of being armed, which the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation, the existence of subordinate governments, to which the people are attached, and by which the militia officers are appointed, forms a barrier against the enterprises of ambition, more insurmountable than any which a simple government of any form can admit of."
- James Madison, Federalist No. 46, January 29, 1788

"...the ultimate authority, wherever the derivative may be found, resides in the people alone..."
- James Madison, Federalist No. 46, January 29, 1788

what dog-shit, why would you want something that could break back in to its holder the moment it's used against a blunt object, this is so bad, "1"/10 only because it pisses off liberals

"Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves."
- William Pitt (the Younger), Speech in the House of Commons, November 18, 1783

"Laws that forbid the carrying of arms. . . disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes. . . Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man."
- Jefferson's "Commonplace Book," 1774-1776, quoting from On Crimes and Punishment, by criminologist Cesare Beccaria, 1764

"The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. A well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the best and most natural defense of a free country."
- James Madison, I Annals of Congress 434, June 8, 1789

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You can get a very nice 2000-2005 Impala for that kind of money. Keep up on fluid changes and tune ups and it'll last decades.

Back at you!

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My future wife is Asian, I will bring her back with me, cool thing she is open to firearms but is also a liberal so, I worry that a decade from now after some shooting she will guilt me into choosing her over the safe, Of course I will choose the safe but, I will be sad for a while

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This is a guy isn't it

you can have best of both worlds my friend

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>my future wife is Asian
Are you white or Japanese?

I had a 2002 Impala, real comfy car. I miss it.

>My future wife is Asian
And you were calling me soy before, hahahaha holy shit.

The absolute state of nu-Sup Forums. I'm fucking out of here.

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Oh you didn't catch my argument? Here I will post it again word for word for you.

In nature your ridiculous insults assume that all gun owners are males, if you were a male you would know that having big cool things doesn't always mean you are out trying to prove something but with so much soy in your system I can see you don't understand.

Anyway man come on, why no go get your firearm liscense? It is so much fun you stupid fucking candy ass, leave your Aussie anti-gun echo chamber and become a guy, stop morphing into some angry soccer mom and stop drinking soy. LOOK, here is a video of an Australian gun club, THAT has some real bad ass firepower, this could be you having fun like this just 1 year from now instead of your current hobby of pleasing yourself to lude Korean streamers on twitch

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>my future wife is Asian
my future wife is Asian
>my future wife is Asian
my future wife is Asian
>my future wife is Asian
my future wife is Asian
>my future wife is Asian
my future wife is Asian
>my future wife is Asian
my future wife is Asian
>my future wife is Asian
my future wife is Asian

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New .300 blackout ACSS optic got in Friday. Can’t wait to get some pigs with it when I get time off early April.

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>me liek gun

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>My future wife is Asian
what a soyboy

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thats why you're going down even faster than us or sweden at this point
good riddance anglo

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Tommy just can’t compete

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Your soy is showing, cunt ... Australian racist cuck, to boot ... haha your empty arguments speak volumes ...

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