Australians are second highest users of anti depressants in the world , why is this? the media make it look like we're so happy but every one of my friends uses ssri drugs ,1 in ten use antidepressants , I'm miserable nearly all the time should I be on them too
Australians are second highest users of anti depressants in the world , why is this...
I blame the bantz.
There's this premise that it's all said in good fun, but let's be honest. Bantz are used as an opportunity to be abusive toward each other and it looks like this national obsession is taking a toll.
>Proverbs 12:18
There is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.
>Proverbs 15:1
A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.
>Proverbs 29:11
A fool gives full vent to his spirit, but a wise man quietly holds it back.
>Ephesians 4:29
Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.
>James 1:19-20
Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger; for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God.
You should absolutely NOT start taking anti depressants, user. If you're feeling down actually do something about it, instead of hiding it away with unnatural chemicals. Do not give in to the post modern decay of the Modern West and take the easy way out. Fight back. STRUGGLE. Live a healthy, natural lifestyle. Go for walks everyday. Go to the gym. Go to the library. Read old books. Eat good food. Surround yourself with good people.
You've got this, mate.
because certain highly populated parts of australia are miserable, boring and socially very nasty, cliquey and weird
There are no good people I can't afford to eat healthy or have time to prepare and I don't have time or energy to be reading books
Have this thought myself user.
Doctor has recommended me adhd meds as my life is a fucking mess. Also encouraged anti depressants.
The night effects sound nightmarish, and the depersonalization seems real. But on the other hand, all the West seems full of it, but no one I know “admits” to being on anything.
I still don’t want to take them, but people are getting fed up of me.
>There are no good people
Based Total Depravity! Yeah, you're right.
>I can't afford to eat healthy or have time to prepare
This is absolute bullshit. I cook a few pounds of chicken breast once a week, put it in a bag in the fridge, and eat pieces of it all week. Add some frozen broccoli and cauliflower, maybe some soysauce and you're good.
>and I don't have time or energy to be reading books
Start small. Read poems. William Blake wrote some nice stuff.
ssri drug use is rampant here but unfortunately useful drugs like ADHD meds are next to impossible to get as an adult here
Where is your fruit? Fish? You already failed the Healthy diet
I'm doing low carb. Fruit is not good, it's just sugar. The vitamins found in fruit can be obtained from a multi-vitamin.
I get the omega 3s from walnuts, so I'm alright there too.
Because Aussies are lazy cunts have nothing to do?
Come to think of it half my mates are on that shit too.
Well you missed rice and alternatives
fuck off cunt
Stay away from the prescribed medicine jew.
I would have no depression if the climate would be like that of Australia´s here. Minus the fucking disgsting bugs though
Maybe because everything is illegal or over regulated and over taxed
are you a retard or a troll? kys either way
Depression is a made up term by the Juden in order to make you take chemicals.
Don't fall for it. Embrace being a failure instead. Or you could just change your life.
Don't aspire to be a sick cunt to such a degree that you actually become sick.
And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you. - Ephesians 4:32
That was gayer than OP's post. Bantz is critical to being a sick cunt, as evidenced by the truth spoken in
do these chemicals fuck up our water supply? or is thay a myth
Don't take them. I was on Effexor for five years and I just got off them. I did everything by the book to reduce the dose etc ween off them but holy fuck the withdrawals was like nothing I've ever felt. Had four full days of complete and utter mindfuckery. I'm 100% now but those four days I could've done something really fucking stupid
Depression is marketed as a product now. Like any fashionable article of clothing, it draws social attentiveness.
Couple this with the branding of depressives - "they suffer so much, silently!" - and it becomes even more appealing. The reputation that precedes them (in their mind and the mind of other gullibles) is that they are a tough person.
Furthermore, the act of withdrawal from anti-depressants provides them more attentiveness. When that attentiveness starts to wean into the norm, they start the anti-depressants again, restarting the cycle of "concern".
Some people genuinely have biochemical issues. Anti-depressants are the lesser evil here. Other people are long-term fucking up their biochemistry because of the social perks associated with being publicly "depressed".
You would be depressed if you lost to a bunch of emus
This man wants to sell you chemicals. Don't buy into the muh self improvement through taking drugs shtick.
>Some people genuinely have biochemical issues. Anti-depressants are the lesser evil here. Other people are long-term fucking up their biochemistry because of the social perks associated with being publicly "depressed".
If it is only a issue of serotonin (Like SSRI only affects) why 100% of these "depressive" episodes are cured by giving the subject amphetamine or cocaine which mainly affect the dopamine system.
No doctor treats dopamine even though it is maybe even more important neurotransmitter in terms of depression than serotonin is.
I feel so tired unhappy dull scared and unmotivated all the time last time I felt normal was when I was 12 I just don't understand how people motivate themselves to do anything
I've seen bigger dicks on wallabys than any dick of a South East Asian jungle bunny
If the bantz and sick cuntery are merely a facade to hide the pain as they dose themselves heavily with anti-depressants, then they are of no use. I used to have a sharp tongue and engage in jesting, but I realized that these were just reddit-tier coping mechanisms and I became earnest. Some people hated the change, but it has helped me to see who really cares about me instead of who was simply amused by my behavior.
Leave your house once in a while. Also try physical actual work. Your depression will go away.
Overpopulation, plus over grading, and competition anxiety.
Raised by an unloving system that is there so they can make ends meet.
We have a very bleak future ahead of us, and I think most people deep down know this.
I tried physical work for years it made no difference still felt like worthless shit continually
What's going to happen?
Manic depressive detected, stop with your projection.
The real reason for a spike in "mental illness" in Australia is that the old trick for dole bludging and shirking work/responsibility was feigning a physical injury, usually the back, which was the classic of the wog in the 80/90's. however, they've really cracked down on that and its much harder to prove, so the new ailment du jour for bludging fuckwits now is "depression"
Then your condition might be more serious.
Do you know the source of your unhappiness?
Also it's really really really fucking hot all the time summer or winter and working physical work in these conditions increases depression a lot for me
I just feel worthless , i used to get called ugly every day in high school I don't know if that has anything to do with it
Anyone taken antidepressants for social anxiety? Did they do anything?
Didn't do much for me, I had less physical anxiety but I still found it hard and difficult to talk to people.
>Manic depressive
kek. Do you want OP to end up heavily medicated for some reason?
Yes it has. It seems your "issues" are deeply rooted within a childhood trauma you experienced many years ago.
Do you have friends or at least a social circle?
nah I don't have friend anymore I see old school people once a month sometimes
for me, the best cure for social anxiety is cutting pornography out and ceasing continuous masturbation.
Sounds to me you're lazy which is ok. I mean getting up from your ass isn't exactly easy. Especially if you got used to wasting away.
I feel like there is so much more to it than that
Can't you work out why I'm so lazy and unmotivated
Being all by yourself can be a hard pill to swallow unless you can embrace solitude.
Don't you like being around other people?
I can only imagine that you maybe don't like being around people?
I liked being around people when I was a kid, now I feel too worthless to be around others
You're right. It demands selfdicipline. It demands self control. Being able to control your sexual impulses are extremely important. It'll allow you to channel your energy into other things. Reading, writing, exercise, actually finding a worthwhile mate...
You do you realize how ridiculous that sounds, right?
Hey man all I can tell you being on the internet obviously doesen't work for you.
Take charge of your life bro. You're not a victim. You have been dealt a shitty deck of cards so fucking what.
Australia is a nihilistic wasteland. No one has any purpose, everyone just wants to secure themselves as comfortable a life as possible.. turn on the netflix after you've seen the lottery dear...
Doesen't that imply you have a comfy life? Jesus you guys.
>muh I have no purpose
I feel like I am a victim though , fact I can't function in society makes me feel like something went really wrong , and I find out my test levels are on average 50% lower than my grandfather when he was my age makes me feel even more like a victim no wonder I feel like shit every waking moment
Almost every human being wants comfort, in some kind or another. But to the general Australian consciousness there is basically nothing more. Patriotism is not much consolation. People here treat a shared culture and nation more like a meme.
I don't really like the author, but he made a poignant observation when he called Australia "the lucky country". He didn't mean it as a good thing.
Ok. So is there something you dream about? Like if you could switch bodies and become another person for a day.
Maybe swap bodies with a child, there have been no joys in adulthood whatsoever
Saw this quote by chance on another board, I feel like you might draw some consolation from it:
>and then Nature, which cannot rely on our sensibility, has recourse to violence. She shows us glimpses of paradise to us in our youth, awakens hopes and impossible desires, and at the supreme moment of our expectation, shows us the hollowness of our hope. Nearly every life can be summed up in a few words: man was shown heaven, then thrown in the mud
- Lev Shestov
You seem to lack a purpose in life like so many others.
However you might be partially suffering from the red pill resentment and anger phase.
Check this out.
>Like if you could switch bodies and become another person for a day.
Do not try to turn user into a trap.
What makes you think starting all over with a clean slate will make it any better?
Maybe life is shit after all?
Ha ha ha. Phew. I won't.
Ever had an aussie wife or girlfriend? There you go
I was happy very often when I was a kid, now I can't even laugh anymore, adult life has been horrible I get anxiety so bad I nearly black out this never ever happened when I was a kid
No, but thank you. Sup Forums's doctrines can't sustain a person above the abyss forever. If anything they are more liable to draw you down faster. I am always improving, and finding new joys, and new displeasures. I've been clinically depressed for a long time, but it's not something so strong that I can't help but wallow in it, not anymore. I don't really feel the self-pitying instinct right now, and it feels weird to be typing out stuff about me like this, like a self-help thing. I just came to try and communicate something of Australia's spiritual barrenness. Thank you though.
>Being fat causes depression
>People are getting fat
>Don't know why they can't be happy while looking like a sack of shit
>Get prescribed beta blockers and amphetamines to numb the pain
>Continue eating trash and not exercising
Well to me you sound perfectly normal.
I'm not an professional but I wouldn't advise taking anti anxiety drugs.
If you get overwhelmed just hang on and wait it out. You'll thank yourself later.
>On Sup Forums
>Has no time to eat healthy
You sound like a lazy faggot
Meal prep doesn't take long at all. You literally eat every day of your god damn life and can't dedicate a few minutes of the day to making something to eat??
Fuck out of here.
The food pyramid is a meme and your body has literally no requirement for carbohydrates.
Thanks user. I can't say I'm entirely happy with antidepressants, but they stopped me at least from feeling unbearably uncomfortable in my own skin (have OCD and shit), which was a big improvement. I don't know if there are many deeper reasons to try and confront. Of course, there's probably a million things I could try to do. Antidepressants are meant to help you be "functional", which helps you go to work and go to therapy and all that shit for sure, but you're right in that it doesn't usually, by its self, solve the problem.
>adult life is horrible.
Welcome to society user. I was at my self perceived breaking point many times.
I don't eat everyday I'm far too lazy to even make food
Just take it easy. There is nothing wrong with you.
Living upside down does that to you.
What you mean by and shit? What else did they help
Yeah I use chlomiperime
Who's the first? Us?
Also try pushing through whenever you feel like you're going to die instead of poisoning your body with chemicals.
Thanks doc...
OCD and clinical depression. Basically anxiety, intrusive thoughts and lack of motivation and energy. The anxiety has been the part that has decreased the most, I am far improved from how I used to be. I think even if I went off my meds now my nerves would be in a much better condition. The low energy is probably the worst and most persistent, though I've made advances there.
The ssri gave you low energy?
No problem bucko.
Now buy my fucking rug.
kek I don't know. It's hard to tell. I think it's more of a symptom of the depression rather than an effect of the SSRI but I can't rule it out. I'm on an (((SNRI))) now.
peterson vs zizek when
Can this guy come and fix my life
Phew Zizek would destroy Peterson with his autism alone
Yes for $200 per hour telling you what you already know.
The only beneficiall factor in having a psychotherapist is realizing the therapist as an authority.
You basically pay for being told how to behave by someone you percieve as an authority figure. That is all there is to it.
No he would have to come to my house and force me to do shit
there's no reason to conflate ADHD drugs with anti depressants; they're completely unrelated. ADHD nonstimulants changed my life
Ok where would you be had you never taken them
You know what is funny. I've seen many guys instantly snap out of it by getting smacked in the mouth. No therapy needed.
I had the shit beaten out of me regularly as a kid i still turned out to be a lazy depressed useless fuck
probably contributed. same for me my man. crude fatherly platitudes work their magic sometimes, but more often than not fail to conform to reality.
I'm not saying you should go around stirring shit up but maybe getting a good smacking could be therapeutical?
Not a lawyer, probably would be struggling in uni doing a course I don't want to to
Not as a kid but as an adult.
Interestingly I'm constantly scared I'm going to be beaten so I try not to do anything