>show is called "two car"
>90% of each episode is a shitty drama of the week with the remaining 10% consisting of powerpoint races.
Who the fuck thought it was a good idea?
Show is called "two car"
Sebastian Anderson
Other urls found in this thread:
Jason Reed
Because it's actually a yuri romcom drama first and a motorsport racing show third.
Misaki a best.
Wyatt Morales
Isnt this show being made by Silver Link?
Ethan Martin
Twins next episode
Grayson Rodriguez
I'm mostly watching for Tiv's designs. Her designs are very boner inducing.
Jaxon Mitchell
Yes. I am ready.
Colton Nelson
Finally time for twincest.
Noah Peterson
>show is called "two car"
>MCs are straight
Who the fuck thought it was a good idea?
Liam Scott
>MCs are straight
For now.
Joshua Turner
Someone with a realistic mind