Why do I see all these British hate threads popping up? Don't you know England saved us from Hitler and the evils of racism?! They are heroes!
Why the hate on Brits?
Baiting a hatethread for (You)s, fuck off Sweden
friendly reminder that hating people who hate themselves is a massive waste of time
It's two people doing this one is an autistic german and the othee an american proxyfag.
Cry more, Sargon.
That German poster always manages to bring a smile to my face. He's based as fuck, one of the last true Germans left.
He's autistic.
So? At least he's not a faggot like you.
Wow, a jew thinks jews are the best race. Who would have seen this coming?
He definitely is, considering you're sucking each other's dicks right now.
That's the single most Jew-loving quote ever.
Zionist approved
>Don't you know England saved us from Hitler and the evils of racism
thats a fucking lie when Hitler was funded by Brown Brother Harriman,
a British finance company with Kuhn Loeb on the board
Yeah, Churchill was one of the biggest ziocucks to ever walk the Earth. A true Englishman.
I would have said the same about the Chinese considering your precious jews didn't invent math or written language or anything similar
they didn't invent anything
It was only natural for Brits to take side of Leftist Jews over Right wingers from mainland Europe.Churchill dindu nuffin
Brits hate Germans and the Irish. There are also a lot of pedos and they seem to love jews more than Americans
Even before Jew loving Churchill,Britain had 2 Time Jewish Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli who was a ''Proud Jew''.
More like condemned us to this dark world. We're getting our deserved reputation now.
Fuck off sweden
Fucking disgusting pig!!!
I fucking hate that big Nurgle Demon!!!
Fuck Churchill!!!
Does it hurt to know I'm right?
US: K...hey what are you guys doing?
Mayor of London taking picture with his fellow British
Oy vey
First Germany wants to destroy us with their german-supremacy ethnostate(yes its literally for germans, not soley whites),
now they want to rid us with hordes of immigrants. Remember, it's the EU policy to open our borders for all of these
cunts put by Germany the cunts. Don't forget, the Rothchilds come from Germany too, so that explains all of the social chaos
created by the big bankers for more shekels. There's something seriously wrong with them.