Date a Live

Which one is better and why is it thoka.

>Overrated mainstream shit "waifu bait"
>Genocide murder mass
>Insane Edgy Cunt
>Sociopath bitch
>Manipulater cunt
>Annoying autistic fanbase
I choice Tohka

The clock's only weakness is the cock
u mad lol


If you were Kurumi would you fuck yourself?


thoka is my favourite retard

Congratulations anons, you're as smart as Tohka.

Clock was made for my cock.

How many DAL threads have we had holy shit?

You can spam threads but only a few of them get replies then it doesn't really matter.

I imagine there have been threads which had no replies, but at least I can tell we've had many DAL threads that have reached bump limit.

>doesn't even capitalize the t
Clearly not a samefag.

I love inverse Yoshino

Leave these threads, your autism is too much for Sup Forums.

Without the anime airing, only LNbros can keep the threads alive.

I tried to read the LNs but I'm stuck in the Nia's chapter, it's so boring I can't bring myself to finish it

>One volume away from the real fun
Try it.

Just read the final chapter. Volume 12 and 13 are volume 5 and 6 all over again.

Volume 13 would be fine to adapt into a standard 12-episode anime right? Unlike volume 12, I'd rather have that volume as an OVA.



>ESL and a retard
Tohkafags everyone

Now you understand why so many people dropped reading after volume 13 but it was mainly because vol 12.

Don't be so mad because she is the heroine.

You can do it user! You're just one volume away from Mukuro!

Not that guy but she barely feels like the heroine lately despite being the heroine.

Tohka never fit the main girl role to begin with, she feels too much like a child but she is still getting some important roles for whatever reason even though she is not needed.

>implying there is any chance for another season

Meant for

The priviledge of being the main girl I guess. There are other characters that can fit into that role better but since Tohka is the heroine, she's already set to exercise those duties.

I want to fuck tohka for ten days straight!

Just saying, it's not like I'm expecting a 4th season. But neither were you or other anons expecting a 3rd season to begin with.

Because most of us didn't want a third season. This announcement came out of nowhere and it's obvious they are making another season because the series is ending soon so this the last chance they have to ride in whatever popularity is left in this series.

The least we can hope is that it's not another DAL II all over again, user.

Origami a pile of shit

We are no longer in 2013, user.

I'm actually looking forward to this.

>it's anime original shit


>Implying they'll do more of that shit.
They can't be that dumb.

They did it in the first two seasons and season 2 even had some filler scenes in-between LN material. They can do the same with season 3 or even worse and make their own anime original arc.

Did you already forget about the filler episodes in both seasons?

>anime original arc.
No, please just stop it user!


>being excited for the anime in any way
The fuck is wrong with you?

Are there any more of these edits? I've only seen Shidou, Yoshino, Kotori and Kurumi.

Neither, Twins are superior to both

Shut the fuck up and post more Kurumi.

No only cute Gingers


There is one with Robo-Origami but I barely see that one posted.

Maybe in due time, I might do some Tohka bullying edits. I'm not that user, but I'd like to try. Maybe when the new season comes around.

Those edits use Date A Origami artstyle as basis.

I can just replicate that artstyle. It's not too difficult.

The less retarded one.

More Tohka filler? I can behind.

You mean Yoshino and AST filler, right? The director seems to be an Origamifag too.


>The director seems to be an Origamifag too.
If that's the case, he might consider not including original trash in this season.

You can bet there will be another filler episode dedicated to either the AST or Origami.

But, if he likes Origami, putting actual effort into making her arc memorable would be good, user.

Who said anything about changing her arc? He can easily cut some of Natsumi arc then make a filler episode about Origami before her arc starts.

>only a handful of kurumi doujins on exhentai
>2500+ images on pixiv
>Every comiket goes by with nothing new uploaded
>people keep uploading consensual heterosexual sex kancolle doujins

Does this piss anyone else off?

I'VE TRIED FOR ABOUT 20 MINUTES AND IT SEEMS I DON'T KNOW HOW TO SPELL TIPHARETH. They want me to "search the wiki" for this shit but its for sure not there. What a useless fucking hint.

Unless your name is Fate/Go, Granblue Fantasy, Kancolle or some idol shit then don't expect anything for a series not in the prime of relevancy. Japanese drawfags are like the biggest bandwagoners I've ever seen.

i thought doujinshi was all about the author putting in time and effort to draw something because they loved the series/characters enough to do it, even if they dont make a profit.

What happened?

What volume are you trying to decode?