Just Because!

Let's be real, if Morikawa was ugly, Hotaru wouldn't be in love with her. All that romantic stuff about her coming to support the football team was just a smokescreen because "I want to fuck you because you're really hot" doesn't sound as good.

If Just cared about hotness, she would be last in line.

What is WRONG with Just Because fans?! People in the other thread put her in last place too!!! I hope the gay isn't contagious!

>she would be last in line.
She's the sexiest out of all the girls though.

>bedroom eyes
>beauty mark
>nice body she covers up in order to leave room for imagination

>>beauty mark

Oh you mean the skin cancer? Fucking worst girl.

Shit taste

>sex hair
>bagy clothes
>always smiling
Trumpet doesn't stand a chance.

This show exists for people to hate every main character.

Picture girl: annoying (but not necessarily a bad person)

Trumpet girl: loner loser

Baseball guy: jock loser

MC: muh emo (but he's alright)

Childhood friend: selfish, oblivious bitch

>people prefer hot people over ugly people.
Wow really opened my eyes OP.

You hate people really easily user.

>Teens are attracted to eachother purely based off of hormones.
Oh boy, this sure does boggle my brainbox.

>She's the sexiest out of all the girls though

How is Natsume selfish?


The user clearly believes that if a boy likes a girl, the girl is selfish to not immediately like him in return.

She is selfish because she wants two boys.

She's just going through the transition from JUST to Sleepy, don't worry about it user.

>ugly short sea weed hair
>bad fashion
>face of a derp
No thank you

Begone, SJW.

why is mio so bland and boring

Agreed. Brendan is a fucking retard and doesn't deserve her. She could easily save herself for a bro and I will be pissed if she accepts Brendan.

>football team

He's the captain of the baseball team and chad as fuck. he's so used to cute girls throwing themselves at him that it doesn't even register for him, he's just like "oh an eraser uhhhhhhh okie dokie." He likes Trumpet because she's an unnoticed yet perpetually supportive pure wallflower of the class. That's the sorta girl you wanna marry. I mean, shit, whaddup with how there weren't even any guys in the school band who tried to toot that? Oh wait I forgot school band is yuri country and her bff Sup Forums-chan caused those lesbians to assume she was already taken.

Isn't he a football player?

No, user; he is not.