How Balkans should look like
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Im so glad you posted this. SO glad you made this awesome thread.
If only all of Sup Forums looked exactly like you do.
if only all of the WORLD was more like you.
I bet you have super high confidence and a hot ass white GF that left her fiance for you bro.
grats on being the smartest guy ever! what a great idea it was to come here with your litter and smear your shit on everything around you. THANKS.
I just bought your a 1000$ amazon giftcard, can you post your timestamped driver's license so I know where to mail it?
where do you live bro? I'll mail you one every week that you keep posting here.
shit man, we are best friends now. you made my whole life with your great contribution.
awesome way to spend your time and energy.
fuck it THANK YOU AGAIN!!!!
fuck off Mujo
meme flag off
Hey Tomislav, can you redpill me on Rijeka?
Romania is not in the balkans
I guess the Turks really are a bunch of fags because there's no strait.
>not giving Constantinople to Greece
Ask me how i know you're a nigger.
ugly city full of serb and muslim loving liberals and homosexuals. Italians should have kept it
either mujo or tonibler, can't decide
sage btw
>turk hiding behind a meme flag
what a surprise
It's an albanian '''''''''''memester''''''''''''
does he really have to remove the meme flag so you can see he's a turk? It's pretty obvious desu
kek'd hard when I find out about this
daily reminded that you're nothing but an everyday shitskin, turk, and everyone hopes you will die in a terrorist attack.
Romania is not part of the balkans.
Open a book faggot
no, I left gadsden flag, so I turned it off
t. Toniblerim Shiqperim
Le land grabbing thread #556224851254
Its not me i just linked it since it is an obvios pol balk thread
whatcha doin, mehmet?
you and hungarians are honorary balkan
Yes masallah, this will become reality soon.
S*rbs and cro*ts will work the fields, we will sit like efendi and eat.
>S*rbs and cro*ts will work the fields, we will sit like efendi and eat.
sorry mujo but that won't repeat ever again
>greece is seperate from byzantium
...said the Albanian, the slav pajeet.
albanimals aren't slavs
password is balk
How will you fill up the sea of Marmara, and the straits of Dardanelles and the Bosphorus?
muslims have really gone to shit since they cant steal white kids anymore
Nice try Elvis
Also dumping my alb*roach criminal pic collection
Alb*nian Kalashnikov bank robber gang
Serbs are weak people. They couldn’t beat Bosnians even though they had the surprise attack, weaponry, logistics, territorial advantage, also Bosnians were fighting against Croats and other groups. Serbs don’t stand a chance 1v1.
Reconquered lands will be govern by suzerainty or co-principality of some sort between all balkan christian nations.
God Bless
Seriously why do all ab*nians have this skull shape. If you have been around alb*nians you know what I mean
Why are you albaniggers always making treads like this under a meme flag?
Your own flag is meme enough...
whatever helps you sleep at night, mujo
>S*rbs and cro*ts will work the fields
If you nato mutts did not intervene we would won every war,kys faggot
Macedonia also should have been all annexed to Albania, but I'm still okay with this.
We controlled 70% of bosnia. They just locked themselves in big cities where you need more soldier then the defender. But in most of the cases it was opposite (they had defence bonus+ numerical advantage).
just close borders and let them eat each other
>you will never be an aryan albanian
>why even live
>Meme flag
Always. Why do you come to the white man's board?
its the ubermensch genes, you will never know it being a greek untermensch
analbanians need to be souflaki'd
>t. albozerg
and why did you dismantled Bulgaria ?
Not bad bad serbanon. Not that i have something against bulgarians, but it`s not bad.
Of course, in a more realistic world we would need the bulgarians against the turks.
Fixing Balkans is not an easy thing to achieve.
It requires genocide, destruction of meme countries, creation of strong stable Serbia, Greece and Romania, religious conversions and killing of vulgaria once and for all among other things.
b-but bulgars are bros, and they made up the alphabet you are using now, you know.
>Fixing Balkans is not an easy thing to achieve.
I konw you've fought multiple wars over it.
I mean...2 balkan wars in less than 1 year,..respect
funny serve
Gib Xhitlar
home island going to Turkey
set your foot here roach and i personally gonna rape your soul
Balkan is already being fixed.
>that window view
Is this Dortmund ?
Trips dont lie, but the harsh reality is such that there just isn't space for both Serbia and Bulgaria, most other solutions are much more fragile and prone to old mistakes that led us to this sad reality of today we all live in.
Roach subhuman
Numbers dont lie. Tried to kill off Croats, lost war and 400k Servs ended btfo from Croatia. Karma is bitch you turk shit.
found the shitskin turk
consider this buddy
Why cant we split serbia between Croatia and Bulgaria? Much more elegant solution.
go back to the stables, hrvoje, politics ain't for you
No this is Mladost
if you do attack us NATO can't help you
remember that tatar
Poor Bulgars thinks they are shit because of NATO & EU.
No one lives in Bulgaria except gypsies, not worth saving shit.
We dont need help to BTFO you friendo
>tatar delusions
Bulgars have abandoned their own country and live in west, all left is turks and gypsies. You making it easy for turks, that's for sure.
Nice to know that we can genocide this time in peace
Its proven many times throughout the history
ok lets show some greek criminals
>serb diaspora backing up serb caveman
result: peace and prosperity in our time
>tatar delusions
that's why you got BTFO in last three major wars lmao
The last major war was the breakup of Yugoslavia.
but we can
>zerging us with more soldiers is an acomplishment
dayuuuum, son!