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How did neither of them think to check the fucking date even once during all those weeks/months?
They were on a dreamlike state.
you pretend like your neet ass would know the date is correct
It's a fun summer blockbuster type movie and I don't buy any argument describing it as anything more than that
>its popular therefore it's bad
>Sup Forums logic
Sounds like the same logic Sup Forums uses for Zootopia.
So Sup Forums is shit?
Couldn't agree more.
Kino doesn't have a glaring plot hole so bad that it makes the whole core conceit of the movie into a joke. You are objectively a brainlet if you like this trash.
>glaring plot hole
What would that be?
Both of them had fucking cellphones, the moment you turn it on it tells you the date
You know what it is faggot.
I only watched the movie recently, so I actually don't. If it's the fact that they never realized the date, then you're seriously autistic if you let that hamper your enjoyment of the film.
my phone doesn't do that, does yours?
Mine just says "Fri, November 10th."
Easy enough to miss the year, especially a hazy, dream-like experience.
>especially a hazy
especially in a*
that's definitely what he's talking about, that's always the first thing haters refer to when talking shit about this
its like we're where we was a year ago.
do you guys think they remembered each other when they started talking?
remember it only showed Taki's perspective after the time skip. Mitsuha's family all figured out what happened and probably told her about it afterwards
It's not bad, it's just not as good as all the normies make it out to be.
It's a solid 8/10 movie at best, but the way casuals rave about it you'd think it was as revolutionary as Citizen Kane.
The story seems to hint that all the supernatural stuff was wiped from their memories, but I like to think that they were able to remember at least partially why they were so drawn to each other.
Yeah, 8/10 is what I would give it.
>the way casuals rave about it you'd think it was as revolutionary as Citizen Kane.
The way people rave about how "terrible" it is on here you'd think it was Scary Movie 7.
is this supposed to be a different love interest for Teshi?
we already know he ends up with Sayaka
It was incredibly INCREDIBLY average.
Like shit dude average should come with a pic of this on the dictionary.
nvm I'm retarded, I don't speak jap so I'm just interpreting what's going on contextually
Found another bait thread
Not a huge fan of it, but love the art style. Backgrounds especially. Anything similar out there?
I finally got around to watching it on Thursday, I personally prefer Koe no Katachi but god damn for Anime to be this beautiful is a fucking moment in itself, Easily the best looking show.
My only gripe is the ending felt rushed, They tried way too quickly to end it and it just became very tacky.
I wanna do unspeakable things to Okudera.
Normalfags are rating it for superficial aspects. This movie is deep if you try to watch it with more open brain and if you know enough about Japanese traditions, beliefs and culture.
>I personally prefer Koe no Katachi
Why do people compare these two movies so much? They're barely even similar.
I would like to know too.
>Teshi did not actually fall in love with Mitsuha, but he was much more super close bros to Mitsuha (Taki) than ever before
I think at this point I would prefer the next Shinkai movie to feature a cameo of Mitsuha (Taki) above all else.
Why didn't Taki write his name on Mitsuha's hand if he knew she was going to forget him if he didn't?
Everything else by Shinkai, this movie's characters are rather different, but the backgrounds are basically trademark at this point.
Most phones don't tell you the year
You need to go to the calendar for that
who knows, but I support the theory that he wasn't certain she would survive, and wanted to make sure he told her if he never saw her again
not that guy, but I never thought of it like that, and now im getting hit with unexpected feels.
Because he didn't know if she was going to make it
That's such a lazy attempt at weaseling out of this plot hole.
It would work if they switched bodies for a day and that was it. The movie implies they spend weeks switched. There would've been many other signs that they were 2 years apart than just the dates on their phones. It would've been impossible to avoid seeing the date at some point during a school day for instance.
Fun fact: they're done by a Pole
For a movie that encourages hope, that's a pretty dark way of looking at things.
>The movie implies they spend weeks switched.
It only happened a few times a week and it's pretty explicit about how they have trouble remembering specific, and almost supernaturally selective details about each experience.
It's not a plot hole at all. More like a plot convenience.
yeah, it makes it feel realistic I think
you didn't mean continuous weeks right? I recall it saying during the movie that they switched for the course of a day a couple separate times each week
Well, it was the climax
>explicit about how they have trouble remembering specific, and almost supernaturally selective details about each experience.
Point me to the line of dialogue that implies this.
Even if it's the case, it's incredibly lazy writing, Noticing that the date was different would be an incredibly revelatory experience and certainly something that would stand out in memory. You're basically saying that there was some magical force that prevented them from remembering any detail that concerned the date, which is retarded.
>You're basically saying that there was some magical force that prevented them from remembering any detail that concerned the date, which is retarded.
Not really. They were spontaneously forced to forget each other's names and subsequently that the experienced had ever happened at all, when in the past that was never an issue.
You can call it lazy writing if you want, but it's not a plot hole.
Yeah they aren't it's probably just the habit of going on Sup Forums and seeing people explain which one they liked better.
I rate both 9/10 anyway but Your Name ending just felt so fucking rushed.
Still to see anime looking this good, It's amazing.
>They're barely even similar.
Honestly the more I think about it, the more different these two movies are.
Koe no Katachi is a more cryptic, realistic movie that rewards you for digging down deep into the actions of the characters and symbolism.
Your Name is a much more grand spectacle that doesn't really ask for anything more than your attention.
Just look at the OSTs. The people behind Koe no Katachi put a microphone INSIDE a piano to give it a much more tactile, personal feel while Your Name features bombastic J-Pop tracks that you can rock out to but ultimately feel really impersonal.
>Noticing that the date was different would be an incredibly revelatory experience and certainly something that would stand out in memory
You act like him going on a trip to find her for days only to realize it had been years and she was long dead never happened
>there was some magical force that prevented them from remembering
Because it's normal to not only switch bodies with someone but while being teenage kids caught up in living two lives you'd think they'd have the state of mind to consider that the year in which they're talking is completely different and one of them is long dead. Taki was under the impression all of it was happening currently and it was only after he tried to go see her that he realized that wasn't the case which was a main plot point. It's like you didn't even watch the movie honestly.
yes, this guy
>what's most important to her isn't her family or anything like that
>its some boy she swapped bodies with a few times
wow Mitsuha is a shallow cunt
It is romantic though
Can someone explain to me the part where it was stated "she left something that is half of her" for them to make the switch one more time
It's just like the last connection between their timelines the whole theme is about the red string of fate tale
Mitsuha managed to get iOS 7 a few days before it came out IRL too.
They didn't remember anything at all when switching back! Even if they realised the date it would be pointless and would only spoil the story for the audience. You can assume one or the both of them did notice the year off camera once or every time but the movie won't show it because the story works better that way.
Her DNA is in the sake even though she died.
see it's all shinto god musubi magic and how "connected" they are, there is even a scene where taki's diary phone entries vanish right before his eyes.
>writes taki
>"huh? why was this name important again? literally who?"
>writes "i love you"
>"i don't remember why this is here but it must be important. i better push myself to save everyone"
Taki outplayed fate.
the film is 10/10 and a masterpiece. Fuck off contrarians.
Wait, this is the what you guys keep screeching about? A "plothole" that relies on the assumption that humans are perfectly rational creatures? It's called suspension of disbelief anons, but maybe you guys a r e too smart for your own good.
Much better critique. What held the film back for me was that the romance was unconvincing, unearned. This is the kind of movie where people project onto the characters to enjoy it, rather than the characters being fleshed out. It's like a pop song, but it hits the right beats for me. 7/10.
Watched it for the first time a few days ago while avoiding spoilers. Legit 8/10 at least.