Male Birth Control Pill Milestone
>A new birth control pill for men appears to be safe when used daily for a month, with hormone responses consistent with effective contraception, study researchers say. Their study results, in 83 men, will be presented Sunday at ENDO 2018, the Endocrine Society's 100th annual meeting in Chicago, Ill.

Like the pill for women, the experimental male oral contraceptive -- called dimethandrolone undecanoate, or DMAU -- combines activity of an androgen (male hormone) like testosterone, and a progestin, and is taken once a day, said the study's senior investigator, Stephanie Page, M.D., PhD, professor of medicine at the University of Washington, Seattle, Wash.

>"DMAU is a major step forward in the development of a once-daily 'male pill'," Page said. "Many men say they would prefer a daily pill as a reversible contraceptive, rather than long-acting injections or topical gels, which are also in development."

>Progress toward a male birth control pill has been stymied because, according to Page, available oral forms of testosterone may cause liver inflammation, and they clear the body too quickly for once-daily dosing, thus requiring two doses a day. However, DMAU contains undecanoate, a long-chain fatty acid, which Page said slows this clearance. DMAU is being developed by the National Institutes of Health, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, which funded this study.

>All groups taking DMAU did have weight gain and decreases in HDL ("good") cholesterol, both of which Page said were mild. All subjects passed safety tests, including markers of liver and kidney function.
Time for some contraceptive equality, women should be happy.

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The birth control pill and the (((sexual revolution))) it entails is one of the worst things to happen to our society.

WRONG. Being able to more effectively shut down pregnancies has resulted in untold millions of humans not being born to further burden the planet and it's finite resources. I would support spiking the water supply of all nations on Earth with such drugs it to retard our tumor-like growth in population.

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Wtf is this shit? Last time i checked men dont have uteruses

This actually a good thing so men don't get trapped by roasties.

>significantly lowers testosterone

Access to birth control is only the second most important predictor or low birthrates. The first is education. Would you rather spike the entire worlds water supply with pregnancy preve nting chemicals (potentially ending the species in a single generation), or train a nigger to be w welder or something.

there's no way this doesn't turn you gay unfortunately

>Meme flag
>No big deal goyim take the male pill
>Lowers T in b4 soyim 2.0
>Don't bother teaching men and women to not be degenerates
>Non hormonal options such as vasagel are also available

Imagine the pathetic wretch of a male the person that would even consider taking those is.

>I would support spiking the water supply of all nations on Earth
no, it's just the white countries you're after you faggot jew
environmentalists never talk about the pajeet/chingchong/motumba problem

>subjects showed "marked suppression" of levels of their testosterone and two hormones required for sperm production. The low levels, Page said, are consistent with effective male contraception shown in longer-term studies.
Yes goy, now that we've rigged the courts against you just take our pills that make you effeminate and docile. You wouldn't want to get screwed by those family courts would you?

Is that image what the inside of your mouth looks like OP?

So you should support ending all welfare and third world development programs first.
These programs literally subsidize the poorest and dumbest humans for having kids while the smartest are taxed to a point where having lots of offspring is too expensive.
Liberals love to point and say idiocracy is about the right wing, but the reality is that their programs are what's driving this current world wide baby boom.

cuck control pill

Cant wait to creampie these college bar sluts.

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yeah the backlash is only going to make women seem even more pathetic in comparison, even they will have to "get it"

Why didn't you use a pic of spics and niggers?

A sick society we live in. Whites have low birth rates and both the men and women are under some kind of hormone blockers so that they can't have children.

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>betas will think this is the key to them getting laid
>every streamer on twitch will be shilling this
>underclass betas literally wipe themselves out of existence

How's this a bad thing?

>when the EU is forced to invite niggers and sandniggers because there are not enough people in their countries

You are a smart one


These pills need to be given out to all Africans. Tell then they are super vitality pills or give them magic powers or something.

Take this jew pill goyims, and then be destroyed by the devastating "unexpected" second effects.

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>litteraly decreases testosterone
Testosterone was already low in the western world so much so that scientist are concerned about it.
But don't worry bout that goyim take this contraceptive testosterone lowering pil, have less kids and thus import millions of migrants who do have testosterone.

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We already have male birth control. It's called veganism.

the problem is mainly western men will use it

it could also lead to further unprotected hook ups and herpes or other things
until now many men have stepped back from having unprotected sex because they were afriad of child custody and didn't believe the women who told them she took the pill. Now if they know for sure there can't be a pregnancy I'd expect a further rise in std

just drink soy milk every day, should get you the same results

it's good for me because divorce in my country is a death sentence for men.

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Synthetic hormones are not only toxic, but have created a populace with no sexual consequence

It makes you shoot blanks, you dolt

Who cares, contraception is a mortal sin.

>hormone responses consistent with effective contraception

indeed. it is not me who needs protection. fucking hell

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