Please kind sir, buy my eggs, only then I shall be set free from my prison
Please kind sir, buy my eggs, only then I shall be set free from my prison
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No thanks I don´t eat food from 3rd world street vendors
I am a soyboy beta milenial and I need to show everyone on social media how I eat the most delicious street food in foreign countries.
Wow eggs with toast. Truely amazing what these Übermenschen can do.
There is no way that man cooks that kind of volume in eggs.
some one post the eggman post
why he is looking at the cameraboi so weirdly. usuallu thats sign of suspicios activity. maybe hes running drug factory there or somethign
Why does Sup Forums hate the working man?
>I only eat the finest freezer-dried meals, sub-par ALPHA MALE high test. food eating recommended a la carte de Sup Forums & tendies.
PLEASE SIR my son is trapped as well PLEASE HELP US
How does he break all the eggs without getting out of there?
I only eat street food from third worlders in nyc
at least there I know they adhering to the bare minimum of hygiene laws
He probably thinks the filmer is retarded. I guess it'd be like a stranger filming you brush your teeth or something mundane like that.
This is what a real working class chap looks like.
>All his money invested in his trade
>perfect technique
>interested in delivering hearty meal, not appearance
I respect this fella despite being a lesser race.
He's a literal aryan
So this is what hell looks like, not exactly how I imagined.
>You have to eat all the eggs
sucide is the only option
Is he ok
This, germanic tier work ethic
wew, nice.
Chad meme is great, only meme of last year that has any longevity
Generally I hate it when boards cross contaminate but I wholly believe /ck/ is the most underrated board on the site. Good work op.
that kid on the left hasn't sold too many eggs. poor streetshitter
He should remove some to give the appearance of sales. Otherwise people will avoid him and go to the stall that has sold half his eggs. Who would trust a man who has not sold any?
this, he is doing his best even tho I don´t think he will use up all eggs before they turn bad
You can tell being filmed makes him uncomfortable. Some people hate being on camera.
Why would you buy hard boiled eggs when you can buy delicious fried egg sandwitch?
if you dont have an infographic for your diet its hit
Do you really think he cares about that? He isn¨t the one eating them, plus the frying kills most of the bacteria
Chad meme: Can it be forced? Find out on Fox & Friends next Saturday morning!
smart desu
well, if you czech out OP's video, you can see a dude eating a hard boiled egg while waiting for his sammich. I guess indians have a thing for binging out on eggs
it's timeless
Why do fags have to anoy these people? At least they have the courtesy to provide through honnest means rather then join a gang for come to the West for free gibs. Leave them and there modest lifestyle alone faggots.
>I shall be set free from my prison
No you won't. But I can eat them for you.
pure gold
Australians don't even keep eggs in the fridge. Those will last anywhere so a couple of days to a few weeks worth of sandwiches.
>Australians don't even keep eggs in the fridge.
u fuckin wot cunt?
Where is the bacon?
cooking eggs is satisfying as fuck, watching them slowly turn into delicious snow white color, glistering with oil mmm fuck now i have to go cook some eggs
Enjoy your ban nigger
There can be only one eggs guy
Nobody can eat fifty eggs.