What is your opinion on pic related Sup Forums?

What is your opinion on pic related Sup Forums?

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Putin tv

Good, honest, reliable, smart and non-biased news Network :)

Trolls on easymode. Good addition to the gaggle of state-run media.

a good vehicle to allow me to call Putin a faggot manlet in the comments section that he probably reads everyday in bed with his tea and toast

at first it looks ok but then you realise kremlin is controlled by jews

my only source of news besides Sup Forums


What do you mean proofs? Just watch it. All it has to do is show and say things that are verboten in western media. Whether they're true or biased is beside the point; it gets the west's panties all bunched up because now they don't have total control of information flow.

It's a bit like the internet in that regard.

Many congrats to based Prez Putin. Please don't nuke us because of Parliament's shit stir campaign. Thank you.

Congratulations once again President Putin for your election win.

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fake news

what do you think putin controls russia and isnt sucking bolshevik cock, fucking wake up

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When they first fired it up, it was as if they went to the back of the International Forecaster and invited all the people from the links there to do interviews. It was brilliant.

>typical reaction to based RT

90% of pols redpills about the refugee crisis from 2014-2016 was RT
it was their areal footage and reportes who broek trough the westcuck propaganda

all merijews and westcucks politcians are triggered by them because the present a threat to the informational (((status quo))) of the JEW york times , ClintonCrapNews, BigBlackCock , Washington Compost and so on

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GOOD post


Its the ministry of RussianTruths
May add a perspective on things that do not at all concern russian interests in a less biased (or at least: differently biased) way than mainstream media.

HOwever once the subject is related to russia you will find more truth and objectivity in Gawker and their subsites than at RT.

They legitimately have some good coverage. They've had Richard Stallman on a handful of times, and each interview with him was damn good. One of them hes forced to explain the basics of free software, and the interviewer had a cold or something, but it was still informative and topically relevant at the time. They were talking about the tech industry and basic human rights when everyone in the US was just accepting Facebook's cock right down their throat. They've also had McAfee on a few times and those were solid as well.

RT will cover topics and perspectives that flat out are not covered in the western media at all. They might be running these stories as some kind of subtle anti America propaganda, but from what I've seen they're spot on. RT and Al Jazeera news are both more worthwhile than Fox or CNN. They still have their biases, but on the majority of issues they'll touch closer to the truth than our media does.

Putin controls RT and Jews control Putin.
Russia is Jewish controlled opposition towards the US.

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In that case i will stay with ccn, the only trustworthy newscompany :^)

>Good, honest, reliable, smart and non-biased news Network
that's a misnomer at the present

I don't care, watch what you want.
I don't trust any media whatsoever.


Its good that it exists.

is very good channel

very credible news programm, unbias

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Only real news.

This, ebin post

I like how they troll the BBC sometimes by using the same footage, but with a little bit extra to show the full story.
BBC autistically screeches "putin is undermining UK" in response.
Some of their documentaries are ok-ish