She’s 15 and married: ‘What’s the point of making her wait?’ mom says
15 what? tonnes?
Hey for kc that's an average sized woman. Frankly I'm somewhat arouse.
t. grew up in joco
Wholesome. I like this.
Obviously she didn't wait for dinner either.
15 going on 55.
He is not wrong. I was in Stroud's, picking up carry-out to take with me back to Manhattan Thursday last.
Every table of 3 had a collective weight minimum of about 700 lbs.
Prolly what mom said when she wanted dessert too
>skinhead untermensch
She looks like she's 45
/fa/ is reeling
how can catalonians afford that much food?
To be fair 1 human year is equal to 7 mutt years.
She looks thrice as old as she is.
>‘What’s the point of making her wait?’
To get a fucking education and not be a useless unemployable twat all her life?
Now I want to eat topkeks.
Women belong in the home
>Women have a duty to be employable
No. A woman up to the task of pursuing education should be free to, but most women don't belong there. Most women's highest calling is to be a mother. Your attitude is what has turned post-secondary education into Feminist/postmodernist ideological brainwashing centers. The overwhelming number of sub-par (female, nurturing-obsessed) students has dragged the whole institution down. Women with diplomas are hired into useless busybody make-work positions in bureaucracies not because they have something of genuine value to offer, but because of ideological nepotism.
That’s sweet. They need to start having babies ASAP.
How the heck do I upvote on here