ITT post the anime character who is most like you. Could be with respect to personality or looks

ITT post the anime character who is most like you. Could be with respect to personality or looks.

Pic related is literally me.

Inb4 everyone posted girls.

Any skinny character with black short hair and thick eyebrows?

My sister's friends keep fucking with me.

Literally me.

Your welcome faget

I still feel like Shinji. How do I transform myself and become like Simon?



fucking moot

Unironically me.



He's like a white hiro



So, you're an ass man too?


Fuck you user






I'm a combination of super hacker / weeb.

People who post any of the self-insert isekai protagonists are complete fagits

Who died user? Who did you cuck?

Does he count?

>same expression
I don't have a cute maidoragon though

Literally me, only being 100% less black and having 85% more charisma. About equal amounts of autism though.

Definitely. Him, oreimo MC, and any other similar faggots are easy mode.