all memes aside but what's the point of drinking soy milk?
It's the same level of retardation as drinking diet coke
All memes aside but what's the point of drinking soy milk?
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you just posted a comic explaining it
It's a scheme to keep the black man down, but all the dumbass soyboys started drinking it instead.
there isn't soy milk is for faggots
i had no idea soy milk existed until you guys started saying stuff like soyboy, i thought soy was only used for soy sauce.
Is almond milk as bad as soy milk?
>all memes aside but what's the point of drinking soy milk?
It hides the fact that your ancestors were kicked out of Europe for doing things to children.
Almonds are not Monsanto GMO at least
yhea almonds are from cali they have aids
They're lactose intolerant.
Down with dairy racists!
>muh GMO
it has more to do with phytoestrogen
i love the fact that people like this broadcast their unselfawareness
Go away (((Donald Rumsfeld)))
Goats milk is drinkable for lactose intolerant humans. So no, it doesn't explain why we should drink a poisonous legume that raises estrogen over actual milk.
Or.. You could just drink water.
god damn it.
Niggers are more lactose intolerant than whites. So yes there might be some truth to this.
This picture is so fucking cringy
luckily milk from a pregnant cow containes no estrogen and can therefor not influence male hormones in any way.
>think about the poor cows!
>we must think about the planet!
>destroy the amazonian forest for this
le epic
fkn kek same mate
its in like everything though. if you ever eaten frozen food its there its in certain milk and certain chips and certain water its fucked man its like the jews once you know you see it everywhere
>Not drinking black coffee
Found the faggot
Better for males than soy milk.
what are you saying? large scale deforestation is a good reason agains cow farming, no?
Most wypipo who think they're lactose intolerant really aren't - they simply don't drink milk enough so the gut flora take longer to produce sufficient lactase. If most of these faggots drunk actual milk for a week or so, they'd find after a few days of the shits, that their body adjusts just fine.
What kind of adult uses the word "tummy"?
fagget ass ones
why would you start drining milk though?
>only good for calcium
>loeaded with estrogen
>raises IGF-1
>most of the fat is saturated
>not much protein
the good for bones meme spread rapidly through normiebook an plebbit
There is no such thing as soy milk
Milk comes from the tits of mammals
There is no soy mammal
Therefor no soy milk
>small amounts of soy injested
>dude you'll turn in to a tranny
Do you avoid cherries because they contain CYANIDE and you'll die?
Estrogen isn't just a female hormone, but if you're worried about that stop eating dairy altogether.
more and more people are telling me cow milk is boo-boo, very bad for my health.
When i googled it, every site says something else, so i have no idea what the fuck is the truth right now.
What i do know, though, is that i really like the taste of cow milk, especially the 3,2% fat ones.
I tries soy milk literally once in my life.
It was..... actually really good, but it costs 3 times as much as milk. Only a retard would pay more than 50 cents for a carton of milk.
yes? isnt that the exact reason people avoid soy? to avoid raising their estrogen?
And dairy containes real estrogen not plant mimicers, so its way more potent.
Soybois have a bifurcated view of the world. They think that they can produce an optimal outcome simply by changing their diet when in reality most of their problems likely stem from a lack of exercise, working indoors and sitting down all day.
almond milk has a good amount of protein. I drink it after I work out.
>mfw milk is 1€ here
>i have no idea what the fuck is the truth right now
No-one does. The body is so immensely complex that no-one can accurately predict the effects of most edible things.
Only pure white ayran man can drink pure milk.
(((they))) using cloned reptilian shapeshifter double agents to infiltrate white society, therefore they need to distrbute fake milk so their cover doesn't get blown( reptilian clone soldiers are lactose intolerant, also they can only breath from their mouth, explaning the open mout exitement pics, usualy a trait found in crocodiles)
well the thing with milk is that if the cow is pregnant most of the time the milk containes way more estrogen, harvard has an article on this called modern milk.
using traditional farming methods like in mongolia you dont get high estrogen from milk.
But its unlikely anyone accually farms like that anymore because nobody cares about estrogen exposure and that method of farming is way to inefficient.
i fully agree, but that doesnt mean dairy isnt still shit, it will not turn you into a women, its just not good, just like soy.
>Diet coke
No fan of diet coke myself, but I accept if people drink it just because they prefer the taste. That's at least not retarded.
>Get called a soyboy
>Acts exactly like one
On topic, used to be allergic to cow milk but grew out of it. Never looked back.
>There is no soy mammal
I see them every time I go outside
Nice meme science there PTW
What's the point of drinking milk past childhood? There are far more efficient ways to get calcium than trying to absorb it from milk.
That's the EU for ya, mate.
You earn 2 times more than i do, but the same shit costs you 4-5 times more.
Funny shit, when people go to UK/germany they expect to be awed by the immense meme western wealth, but are instead met with streets filled with 1992 ford focuses and old opel corsas.
>taste of diet coke
but that's awful
I'm sure that cow's milk is loaded with hormones that fuck you up like soy. I've heard multiple times that dairy can cause hormonal acne.
Besides that, where does all this "milk is gud for ur bownes" shit come from? Stinks like milk farmer unions producing their own research to secure government subsidies.
Is soy protein isolate allowed, or will it fuck my testosteron too?
I had a step daughter once that was allergic to dairy, so if she wanted milk, it had to be soy or any other variety of alternative milk.
>mfw little germany pays twice as much for milk as proper germany
how much for a beer in germany?
a brand i can compare the price to, say.... carlsberg? heineken?
>Besides that, where does all this "milk is gud for ur bownes" shit come from?
Old shit, truth is that the calcium we actually manage to absorb from a glass of milk is pathetically low compared to the amount the milk has. So you have to chug a shit ton of milk which will do more harm from the amount of fat you're getting than good from the calcium.
They also give cows a bunch of antibiotics because of the crowded conditions they raise them in which gets passed onto us through their milk and meat which is just begging for a disease to evolve resistance to it.
Not it it is from activated almonds
>Not taking your almonds with water to activate them inside you
This comic is too on the nose. I'm thinking it has to be satire.
How much is a 6 of Heineken in Poland? that's like $16 here. Not quite aus prices but still horrible
>my tummy
I'm not sure if attempt at self-deprecating humor or just lacking self-awareness.
I don't agree with the X-food-is-bad- for-you meme not because there isn't food that is less healthy than others, of courese there is. I think it has an overall deleterious effect because it encourages people to blame their poor health on others.
>I'm not a sad sack cave goblin because I sit on my ass all day like a woman in my home, it's because
>hurr durr dairy is everywhere and the milk industry is making me a disgusting fatbody
It's a much larger obstacle to tackle an entire industry instead of simply getting more exercise, so it gives them the perfect excuse to do nothing at all. I encourage people to change what they can instead of blackpilling themselves with conspiracies.
Tyskie in Kaufland was for 1,19 if I remember correctly. The least expensive one I found was in Aldi, 0,29eu a 500ml can (green karlskrone).; surprisingly, it wasn't not completely horrible too
>what is lactose free milk
Around $6cad (for 6x650ml)
it tastes like fucking cum
never again
16$ CND is 42 zł PLN.
Holy Jesus, thats quite damn expensive!!!
A single Heineken is 2,50 zł, so a six-pack costs... 15 zł, which makes for..... 5 and a half Canadian bucks.
Well god damn.
So, over 100% increase in price for our delicious Tyskie.
oh wow , my calculations were correct, lmao.
How do you know that?
I switched over to almond milk in my cereal, I like the taste better than cow juice.
I mean they could at least drink almond milk, shit's good.
Or you can drink lactose free cows milk
what doesnt kill you makes you stronger
the same doesnt apply for things that turn you to trannies over time
Real men drink badger milk.
I think this was a recapped meme.
Avoid carbs and dairy. Eat veggies and meat (4:1). And most importantly, start fasting. One meal a day max.
That's probably just all the black cock you've been taking up the ass lmao
Fucking numale faggots, get the fuck over it.
Only niggers and defectives have lactose intolerance, admit you are one or the other or deal with getting called a pussy.
There is a detectable difference in people who are called terms like cuck,soyboy,etc and those who are not called such things. This difference is detectable to many people now as this "sub group" of people share many of the same recognizable behaviors. Our animal brains tell us you are weak and weak things deserve to suffer and die. This meme and other masculine insults amusingly trigger left wing types far more than the tired attempts on right wing masculinity.This is because on some level you know you are inferior.
It is very expensive. The majority of that is tax. In Canada, if you see an alcoholic, they are almost certainly homeless unless they are well off or make enough money in trades to support a daily habit. Being a daily smoker/drinker used to cost me ~$1000 a month, which is more than a lot of people's rent here.
>One meal a day max.
thats literally the worst way a man can feed himself.
I actually like almond milk with cereal. But, you gotta buy raw almonds from Italy that haven't been irritated and then make your own milk in a good quality blender that can blend nuts.
Not the best, not the worst. Anything more than that is definitely worse.
>one meal a day max
One window of 8-hours to eat, then lowering that when you feel comfortable to 6, then 4 hours is better for you I think
>42 zł
What the fuck. That's like 2 meals at mcdonalds.
O kurwa, these prices are pure insanity......
i dont smoke, but cigs have gotten crazy expensive last year in Polska., depending on the brand, 4-6 canadian bucks for a pack of fags.
Insane prices for a bunch of rolled up dried up leafs meant for smoking, if you ask me...
>One meal a day
Enjoy your sluggish metabolism and nutrient absorption. You'd be better off eating 50 calories every hour than one meal.
>feel comfortable
That's subjective. Sure you can do that do, but feeling uncomfortable for a bit longer won't kill you. It stops right after.
>spiking insulin all the time
Kill yourself you literal retard.
That's why you kupujesz bletki i tytoń and you roll your own, or you quit smoking. Becoming an e-pen fag should not even be an option
how much worse is it now?
pic related is $15.
For 20 cigarettes.
If phytoestrogen is a protein, then no. But I literally don't know if it is or not.
its insane.
no wonder west is starting to look like that.
Good Lord....
The west starts to look like that because of negroes and lax illegals laws m8. Don't compare raw prices between a just-out-of-another-rozbiór country and a world superpower
Haven't you heard? Everyone in Britain has to drink a bi-weekly dose of nigger semen these days.
Both soy and almond milk have long histories.
Almond milk has a history in Europe going back to the middle ages and probably before. Soy milk was invented in China and only entered European awareness in the 1600s.
>Don't compare
why, though?
its obviously not as fine and dandy as holywood portrays it.
its pretty tragic, westerners themselves keep saying these prices are complete insanity, inferiority complexes about rozbiory doesnt really have much in common with the subject.
and everyone wonders why leafs come on here and shitpost for fun. basically the only affordable entertainment in this shithole
Tastes like soap.
Fapping is a major cause of stroke.