Canada, YES! Elections chief says lowering voting age to 16 is an idea 'worth considering'

It is nice to see Canada leading the way by setting a progressive example!

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people in their 30's can't tell the difference between their asshole and a hole in the ground... how is this a good thing?

>leans back, watches the decline.

I can't anymore. Day of the rake when?

Why are they so obvious these days? Why did they stop hiding it?

>As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths.

i don't see the problem

this is neither canada yes nor canada no

Day of the leaf when?

You have to be 21 before you can get your rake license.

Why not let the dogs vote? They can already consent to sex in Canada

The age should be raised not lowered.

given how immature kids are these days 33 is probably about right.

We're done for

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I hope Canada burns in a fucking nuclear fire

My, sandniggers are disgusting. Any debate is a losing situation, the problem is having to look at these dirt/sandnigger defects. If they're around you already lost.

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Day of the Rake bro
We do NOT want Day of the L*af

Not old enough to smoke or drink not old enough to vote.
This is the liberals trying to hold on to power because todays teenagers are retarded.

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yeah sorry my bad.

So people who can't drink, smoke, get a visa, drive on a highway or after midnight, get a tattoo without parental consent, go to a bar/club, should be able to sway elections drastically

It's because they need those 16 year olds to stay in power. It's a sign of desperation.

I cant believe I will have to pay my taxes to these idiots.

It's annoying how blatantly slimy leftist politics is and no one I know seems to pick up on it. Kids are easily manipulated and super easy to work up into a big hysterical frenzy. They want to lower the voting age because 16 year olds can be swayed with promises of more vending machines in school canteens and lower uni fees. How do people not see this?!

killing european would be a thing in the next election

Checked and sad keked

One time when I was home alone at 16 I buttered my leather couch and had sex with the cushions. I don't want 16 year old me voting.


I'm honestly surprised at how wisely the Arabs are investing their oil money.

Most of their wealth is targeting long term goals such as islamification of the world, and destruction of whites.

Fucking hell, I'm so sorry Canada but the Day of the Rake will be a mercy kill. No one should have to suffer so much.

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Don't worry, the day of the rake will come, at this point it's more of a mercy kill than an actual genocide.

A lot of people do. And you're right. The part that really bugs me is a good portion of the teachers are facilitating this push.

If 16 year old can vote, they can fuck. They better lower the age of consent as well.

>"Voting when you're 16 is voting at a time when most Canadians at that age are still in school, at a place that we can actually get to them and engage them,"

>at a place that we can actually get to them

What did he mean by this?

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Because its too late to reverse it.


I made my own sex doll out of an old track suit. I forget what I used for stuffing. First time I fucked it the orgasm was so intense I could barely move for a few minutes.

You know exactly what he means by this. Was there every any doubt public school systems are brainwashing children to hold particular agendas.

Most 16 year olds don't pay a dime for their appliances, and you expect me to trust them to vote for someone competent? You have to be kidding me.

Before long they'll be giving niggers the vote - mark my words.

I don't know if it's funny or sad that they are not even hiding the fact that they brainwash kids at school anymore.

>Alright now everybody check the box that says Liberal or you fail the class

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Letting kids vote is just a route to dystopia.

>drive after midnight

Statistically proven that under 25 kids are too irresponsible to rent a car. Increase the voting age.

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It’s already way too low. 18 to vote here. Should be at least 21

What the fuck? The vote is already worthless because you have to do nothing to earn it but survive while all of your basic needs are fulfilled by forces for which you are not responsible. There are no tests, no hoops, no confirmations, no means of excluding the stupid, unqualified and uninterested. The vote is absolutely worthless. So naturally, rather than restore a little bit of value by raising the age or creating an application process, they fucking strive to shove the value of the vote into the negatives by opening it up to children who haven't lived and only have batshit authoritarian bureaucratic Marxist brainwashing to go on.
Rake me please.

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I'd like to see the voting age restricted to maybe, 35-65.

Nah, 30-60

Testosterone levels peak in your 30s. High T is correlated with voting conservative. Liberals would never let that happen. But I totally agree. Kids shouldn’t be allowed to vote. Old fucks who are gonna die soon shouldn’t be allowed to vote.

Libs think all the young kids will vote for them. Fucking losers

Don't think I can handle much more. All I've had is bad news for weeks and a long-term illness that could have been cured if the specialist doctors weren't on a years wait.

It's like the Gov is trying to make us act like the movie Falling Down.

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Canada is governed by mob rule. See the Coulter Boushie trial as example.

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So is Canada going to be home to NeoHitler when they snap or is it just going to disappear with a soyboys whimper?

*whips out cock*
psst, nothing personal kiddo
*teleports behind you*

if canada has an election today, the conservative party will win by a large amount. there trying to lower the age to 16 so they can brainwash the retarded young and vote democrat

print memes, bomb playgrounds
if the kids get the vote that's exactly what I'm doing

It would change the nature of left-right. The Marxism would die and (fuck I hope) sane liberalism would come up in its place. The sane left and sane right are both considered 'right' right now, and that has to change. I'm the sane left, I don't belong on the right but I have nowhere else to go.

further proof the only people allowed to vote should be military or land owners

(I'm a left-handed 30something femanon novelist/artist, I really really do not belong on the right.)

the latter
there are entire provinces dedicated to ruining the rest of the country, just to placate the chinese overlords

I was raised liberal. And by no means consider myself far right. But I firmly believe the left is advocating for racism and divisiveness. Which I am not for. Mostly they’re just so god damn depressing. Everything is oppressive to them. They see no good in the world, only evil propagated by their shit policy.

They aren't England, burger.

be my gf

Jesus fucking Christ

What no, it's stupid enough with 18.

hide what? giving our youth (the future) rights to take part in democracy so old out of touch fogies can run their lives?

They can lower everything to 16 as long as non-whites can't vote.

Why not just let the entire world vote in Canadian elections? It's not like Canada itself has any future at this point. Would be perfectly in line with Trudeau's "post-national nation" rhetoric.

I look forward to the day we can live in an even more global community but it's not realistic right now to open ourselves up to have our elections manipulated like that. We've seen what happens in the US when that kind of thing happens

This is a good first step though

Ride the Tiger

How dare you imply foreigners will manipulate your elections, I didn't realize Canada still had bigots.

Correlation between voting age and shitholes?

It should be raised to 30 and only people who are employed.

Absolutely fucking not, high school kids these days are fucking idiots with less actual reasoning then even the SJWs who frolick and overdose all over Kensington Market.

Thank God for the size of our country.
See ya guys inawoods
Although to be fair, let's not pretend this is only Canada, they are pushing this site all over the west.

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definitely the latter.

Canada is like someone hooked on opiates. They just don't care, and one day someone will find Canada dead on a couch after overdosing and shake their head and say "That's too bad" before sending us off to be cremated. Then over the next few days all of Canada's belongings are thrown out, the room is repainted, and rented to someone else.

Aren't you a little late for that? Thought the insectoids already kicked you out.

Age laws are currently retarded
16yo can fuck a 70yo, but can't send him a titty pic
18yo can vote, and buy stratch tickets, and lotto tikets, and join the Army
19yo can drink and gamble at a casino
It's a hard argument saying the 18yo's are too retarded to gamble or drink, but should vote and join the army.
I know it's even weirder in the US
How about if you can now vote at 16, than you're an adult, at 16yo you can now be charged as as an adult.
Would love to see the mental gymnastics there

>Remember during the referendum when (((Remain))) lost
>Conducted a big (((poll))) of people 16 and 17
>Being in the goy factory they obviously said they would vote (((Remain)))
>Huge (((outcry))) about how 16 should be the new voting age
>Another (((poll))) gets conducted when the GE comes up
>Same goys in the goy factory say they would vote (((Labour)))
>(((Labour))) immediately say they would change the voting age to 16
>Still try to push the 16 voting age meme to further show why (((democracy))) is nothing but a (((meme)))

It would be funny if it weren't so tragic.

(((Democracy))) works by feeding a bunch of gullible goys a load of empty promises. Do you know anyone more gullible than cucked 16 year olds?

Voting age should be 22 - 55 and only if you work full time, have moved out of parents' place, and are debt free.

Hard to say.
Canada isn't like England, Germany, France, and Sweden. We spread out the immigrants, so it's not all people from one place.
Canada will fall much after, we are only 3% Muslim, and it's not like the Chinese or the Poos like them either, so it's a different situation here.


Makes sense
Who's still dumb enough to vote for Trudeau? Dumbass dudeweed kids and fresh migrants. They're trying to keep power

>lower the voting age to 16
>middle school gets shot up
>lower the voting age to 13
>elementary school gets shot up
>lower the voting age to 5
>planned parenthood gets shot up
>allow expecting mothers to vote on behalf of their unborn child

None of that matters if they aren't white. This whole voting age is just so they can get more non-white voters because the old white people aren't dying quick enough.

That’s the law. G1 you can’t drive from midnight to 5am. This is how I know you’re white trash because you don’t know the law

>voting age capped below retirement age


Should make it so that you have to be 25 or 30 to vote, own property, be in work and native to the country. Would practically eliminate any leftist, socialist or commie parties.

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You know the drill
Art of tits or gtfo

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He means that every single teacher and school administrator is a dyed-in-the-wool, incurable Liberal and that Canadian high schools would become indoctrination machines.

At this point though, they've already won and their victory is unassailable. Canada will be ruled by far left progressives until it collapses. The only question is why are they continually trying to accelerate the process? They've won. Why keep pushing and pushing to wreck the country faster? In less than a generation Canada will be majority first and second generation immigrant, who invariably vote Liberal. Speaking out against this could result in criminal penalties. Their victory is won, so why are they so desperate to expand it? I don't get it.

Well, if you want to be technical, going to driving school, you can get your G2, 8months after your 16th B-day.
With a G2, you can drive on a highway
I get your point, the other leaf was a faggot

>native to the country
someone norwegian or someone born in the country?

Why do they always imply that they won't just be executed? All the PoC in one big bandwagon because that was the future they chose. This doesn't end with white people losing no matter the deluded fantasies they have.

My highschool in Toronto Suburbia did a poll for our last GE and the Tories won. Our riding turned liberal in the actual election though.

You know, we could all just get together and admit as One Global Body that Socialism failed instead? That there isn't a viable Left Wing, and that paradigm of a "two party" electoral college is bullshit. The parties could instead rebrand themselves to their particular corporate interests (landlords, global corporations, local businesses, batshit religious communities, land owners, etc etc) for clarity.

The only reason any government is suggesting the lowering of the age of voting is because the importation of Left Wing voters was called out and by and large failed anyway as the muslim horde consider voting shirk (ie against allah's wishes). This is the Left Wing's very last stand, literally relying on the naivety of schoolchildren.

I say go for it. Kids today shape their worldview online, and Leftism is not popular among the kids most motivated to vote. They've seen the SJWs, they's seen the likes of GamerGate, they know what the Left has in store for them personally. This could be the biggest fuck up in political history, and maybe even the final nail in the Left's coffin.

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oh look one of you nazis using a strawman lol

>implying that isn't what is happening
go home, chang.

I tend to agree 25 is the optimal age for voting. I'd tentatively agree it would make a decent age of legal drinking/smoking too. In an ideal world it would be the age of consent/marriage too, but that's just not going to happen.

At 25 you've pretty much had to confront the real world. You've probably seen the bite taxation takes out of your paycheck. You've almost certainly had to pay rent and utlity bills. This lived experience of basic economic things definitely need to be a prerequisite for voting.

>putting women and children in charge of the country
Please burgers, day of the rake now and give us the sweet mercy of death

>how is this a good thing?
Women and other leftists control the schools. Young people can be easily brainwashed into leftist politics.

Leafs are such a joke.

If they let people 16 years old vote then 16 year olds can damn well move out of their parents house, get a job, sign up for the draft, and pay fucking taxes like other adults.