Why is fantasy anime so dead outside of isekai and MMO shit?

Why is fantasy anime so dead outside of isekai and MMO shit?

Anime industry promoting shitty Korean and Japanese MMOs with it.

Coz they dropped the serialisation of NGNL

You do know that NGNL is an isekai right?

i dont know what isekai is in general. feel free to clear me up or invalidate my op.

Isekai means another world, Sora and Shiro were transported to Disboard at the very start. NGNL is part of the isekai shit you're talking about.

Even when it's not isekai shit it's another hero vs demon lord garbage.

so thats what isekai means. yes i know that happened, i recently found the light-novel and reading it

Because that's hard to write. Creating and establishing a fantasy world, even a generic Tolkien knock off requires effort and why go to effort when you can just go look Dragon quest

So you were complaining about everything being "isekai" without knowing what the word meant? Why are you such a retard?

i'm not the OP, i'm the one who brought up NGNL , roboT

Wait they did?

yes. I heard they are bringing out a movie tho (what the fecking feck we dont care bout no fecking movie we wanted 3 more seasons

They say it was just to promote the light novel, which it did pretty damn great

Because when you do get straight fantasy you end up with something like Black Clover.

That's just terrible shonenshit. It's nothing like classic fantasy.

Twelve Kingdoms is technically isekai and Lodoss is just a dungeons and dragons game in story form. Most anime are just manga promotions, and most fantasy anime are just mmorpg promotions. Therefore we always get shitty game mechanics and generic plots.

Japanese are great at premise-designing, but when it comes to actually writing the story they go to shit. Always the same five archetypes and the plot leans on MISUNDERSTANDINGS and YOU'RE LIVING YOUR LIFE INCORRECTLY and other garbage.

Imagine for a moment a western novelist as the writer for an anime. We'd get shit like Bahamut season 1 all the time (game promotion yes, but it was well done). No more shitty SAO type garbage with generic MC protag. We could get GOOD anime. But no, all we get is garbage because japanese can't write at all. Especially endings, my god name an anime/manga ending that didn't blow ass.
I just want more Twelve Kingdoms. Why is that so hard, you damned rice-munching slant-eyes?

>Imagine for a moment a western novelist as the writer for an anime

Look at western TV. You really want this shit you fucking retard?

People think Game of Thrones as standard.
By standard I mean "Since GoT is good, most of western productions are good too."

They are wrong in so fucking many levels.


pick one

Aren’t shit like Black Clover technically fantasy? Shitty yes but aren’t they?

That's because good world building requires at least an entry level knowledge of culture, geography, history, and psychology. There aren't many manga-ka with that level of knowledge.

>specifically said novels
>hurr durr TV

I don't even watch TV, but it's fucking garbage. GoT is a shitty novel series if that's what you mean. There are better works. Count of Monte Cristo, for example. Just go to /lit/ and ask for recs. There's even good modernshit novels.

We understand you're not OP. It's still retarded to respond to a "ugh why is everything isekai" thread with "well what about ((an isekai))", and the post very much comes across as agreeing with the complaining without knowing what isekai is, like said.

It is indeed shitty, and technically fantasy. It proves OP's point; the only things coming out which are new and interesting are all isekais (and to be clear most of them are horrible)
Original fantasy anime is weirdly dead. I guess we got a decent amount in the 90s and 00s and it's no longer considered fresh and interesting to audiences, sort of how SF anime got scarcer following the 80s and 90s

I don't know how to break it to you but the author of Monte Cristo is dead.

Because despite all the shiposting about all isekai being the same, fantasy genre suffers the same amount of imagination erosion. The idea that there exists a "generic fantasy" world killed it with its sameness.

I’m wondering if Naruto, Bleach and One Piece are Fantasy. Not medieval by any means but especially the former two have their fair share of magic.


At least NGNL has some creativity behind its isekai.

>western writers should write for anime, they're better than japanese!
>just look at this book that came out almost 200 years ago!
It has no relation to modern authors, who are shitty. When Count came out Japan was still ruled by the shogunate, so it's like comparing modern japanese to samurai.

Nart and One Piece would probably be classed as Fantasy. They take place in another world and have fictional creaturs and powers. Along those lines Bleach is...urban fantasy?
But all three of them are shounen above all else and the plot and character elements of shounen are more noticeable than the genre trappings, so I can see why they don't come to mind when people are thinking of fantasy anime (also they're all over except OP.)

The first three seasons were good.

Well, you idiot, it's because you said "feel free to clear me up or invalidate my *op*."
Abbreviating 'opinion' as OP on Sup Forums is begging for this kind of misunderstanding.

Made in abyss?

>book from 1840 shows that modern western fantasy novels are good

Generic fantasy really means the races, level of technology and magic. Settings and story are very different.

Because the authors that write other forms of fantasy are often too autistic for studios to keep up with.

I had some hope that Cygames anime could save japanese fantasy. But after VS I guess not.

>good writer


>same races
>same level of technology
>settings are very different
Really? The point of fantasy was to create your own world, original and inventive, but it was turned into a mass-produced pulp in the east and west alike. People do no creative work and as a result fantasy is no longer fantastical, but something mundane and regurgitated over and over.

Strange, I never said "good" in my post at all sir tastesalot, but I'll post part 2 since you were asking.

Here is a thing.
You need to work heavy on magic mechanism in order to make an good fantasy anime/manga/LN.
I mean, VERY HEAVY. Like trying to stabilish an science from scratch.

Good literature died a hundred years ago.

Blod Sign anime when, I need my Kyousuke suffering in Blue Ray quality.

Made in Abyss finished just over a month ago. Isekai is popular, but it's just a fad, the regular fantasy hasn't gone anywhere.

Because there is nothing more accessible for gibbering idiots to insert into or get interested in more than establishing a scenario where they themselves can enjoy a romance with a fantastical character w/ zero consequences or become a strong cool guy in spite of being an embarrassing nerd who gets bullied in their own personal life.

Basic escapism is essentially a demographic for companies to profit from, the fantasy genre is just another building block of an industry that is simply taking advantage of your insecurities.

No you don't. the only people that think "magic systems" are important are dorks.

So is that user a dork

What's wrong with isekai if it isn't narou-style?

Idk man.

There's literally nothing 'wrong' with isekai even if it is narou style and while it can get tiring after a while newfags and normalfags on Sup Forums just complain for the sake of it.

Many ecchi shows are fantasy. But some people just discard ecchi, therefore they never get any fantasy outside MMO/isekai.

Take a look at Queen's Blade for example.

Classic fantasies were shonenshit too, but you're too blinded by nostalgia so you don't notice their flaw.

Because fantasy novels probably don't have a multimedia marketing machine to advertise them. The industry churns out isekai adaptations because the LN publishers are paying them to do it as marketing, which also has the obnoxious issue of none of them ever actually get fully animated. Look at Spicy Wolf, never got a s3 even though it was popular, because kodakawa (or whoever) didn't see any economic reason to pay for it to be produced.

I'd breed that elf