Ban assault video consoles now!

9-year-old boy fatally shot his 13-year-old sister in Mississippi on Saturday afternoon when she refused to hand over a video game controller, authorities said.

The victim, Dijonae White, was shot in the back of the head and the bullet entered her brain, Monroe County Sheriff Cecil Cantrell told reporters, according to WLOV-TV.

White was a student at Tupelo Middle School, the station reported.

Cantrell, who said he had never seen a case like this one, confirmed late Sunday the girl died from her injuries after being rushed to Le Bonheur's Children's Hospital in Memphis, Tenn.

White's brother wanted a video game controller in her possession and grabbed a gun when she refused, police said. It remains unclear how the firearm used in the shooting had been accessed.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Dijonae White
Yeah I'm sure they looked just like the picture in the article

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that's a strange way to spell nigger

It was literally a nigger kid with irresponsible parents


>irresponsible parents

you mean an irresponsible single mom?


Uses white hands on the controller

Fuck the media. I hope these kikes start getting assassinated soon.

despite the kid being 9 y/o, he was old enough to know better

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>OMG! its an attack!! HAPPENING!!!!

>Dijonae White

I’m sick of these Jewish tricks!

God i hope they ban violent video games from being played by kids. I want the AAA industry to scramble to find some creativity left to make new games instead of shitting out the same trash. That new god of war reminds me that we have nothing to lose from it.

Also ban b ball... the terminology is so violent... shoot this, shoot that, foul, dunk..

An user found his YT channel and his entire family is darker than the hear who decided to use that pic in the article.

wow, that sister must have been a real bitch

they're going to have a hard time figuring out which boyfriend's gun was used


gee I wonder if guns were illegal whether or not this little girl would still be alive?

Makes you think...

>child dies
>Sup Forums memes about them
That's why nobody cares about what you have to say. You not only lack empathy, you behave like absolute sociophats.

after checking sources there doesn't seem to be any official pictures of the kids involved and the article explicitly states their identities will be kept hidden because they are juveniles. however mississippi is predominantly black and those names sure don't sound very white, with the exception of the last name.

Niggers! Amirite?

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99% chances that it's a fucking nigger, so what else could you possibly expect for replies?

>Implying anyone really feels bad about children dying in this day and age.
There's seven billion or so people in this world, and only so many hecks to give. Can't waste them on something as minor as a single kid dying.

guarantee it was dindus with an illegal firearm in the house and the media is portraying as a suburban white family with easily accessible guns lying around.

Maybe an objective opinion based on facts?


whelp I understand why

>black family
>law mattering
No, leaf

Here are the facts: they won't tell us shit because it's obviously a fucking nigger.

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That's great, sweetie. Now go fuck yourself with a curling iron.

>be american
>get shot

Your thinker is busted...

If electricity didn’t exist, a teenage sister would bully a little brother with a stick


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Based on the media's response, they're clearly jews.

source please?

Should we care that some kid was killed because of negligent parents when it comes to keeping their arms?

What i care more about is when someone says it was the guns fault.

We can compromise. Niggerjew.

Empathy.... warning, fake liberal words being tossed into arguments

This wouldnt have happend if their parents would get switch instead of gaystation

>Dijonae White

imagine having to live with the guilt of killing your sibling

what the fuck mane

a nine year old wouldn't understand it

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Here’s your YOU meme flag faggot



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God bless the united states of america
These is freedom at it's purest
I wept tears of liberty
I hope one day i get the opportunity to be shot in the face by a child, hopefully a toddler or stumble into a great american mass murder. One can dream

>Liberals want kids this age to dictate gun control

Attached: dog3.jpg (625x415, 160K)

I'd rather get shot that live in this authoritarian shithole country. Don't let them take any of your guns America cuz the current controls they have in place already are enough if they were enforced properly.

that's right they need to make real video games, like mario

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Lol. That's some good niggin

I'd rather get shot that live in this authoritarian shithole country. Don't let them take any of your guns America cuz the current controls they have in place already are enough if they were enforced properly.

thanks m8

To me it's just one less nigger on welfare.

Mississippi fag here.

Tupelo is rapidly becoming a shithole. Niggers from Memphis keep fucking their shit up.

By the way, "White" is notoriously a black surname.

Niggers aren't American. They're simply the ai bots on hard mode so that other countries have a chance.

But you DO live in authoritarian shithole country

Niggers can't understand things like that anyway.

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be american
>get shot

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dumb niggers

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>>Dijonae White
>name your daughter after a kind of blended mustard
>be surprised when she ends up spread all over the floor
the absolute state of Missisniggi

They're probably Memphis transplants. I'm waiting to hear.

>muriturd shoots another muriturd
And nothing of value was lost.

Attached: explosive murilard.webm (640x360, 1.85M)

>Dijonae shot dead
How did Penny Proud take the news?

>name your kid after dijon mustard
>dont even spell dijon right on the birth certificate
just amerinigger things

lol maybe she should have had 2 guns then this would not have happened. if they're dog and cat were also armed that might have been better also

What a gamer.

The children were black. White people don't have that name. Funny how we don't need diversity when it's negative news stories.

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You know Mexicans are fatter than Americans, right? And that nacho niggers are fatter than whites?

Last year I didn't donate anything to the Salvation Army Christmas tree. All of the names were obviously ghetto blacks or illegal Mexicans. I'm tired of funding this bullshit. All they wind up doing is killing each other anyway. I am not lying - I saw two La-Shas. Pronounced "LaDasha." I'm not interested in buying 8-year-olds who are a size kid 16 bras and iPads.

Nigger shoot relative is literally not news

Looks like she learnt a very important lesson about sharing

>nigger shoots nigger
Not news. Sage, fuck off. Sup Forums never learns

Niggers suck

An explosive response by the faggot poster, how will niggers ever recover!

Why are huwite peipo so violent?

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Calling your son Dijonae and then having the nerve to give him the last name White

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- - - white - - -

>Dijonae White


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Good thing his constitutional rights weren't violated.

The fuck did he think was going to happen?

I think the mother might be a white woman though. A white woman's face appears associated with the story.

What a dumb comment.

Single mom ofc

I bet the game they were playing wasn't even rated for them. Also what kind of fucking long has two kids and only 1 controller. Fuck me, if you have kids you know some things are just imperative to peace.

>Single mom ofc
Probably coalburner

>I think the mother might be a white woman though. A white woman's face appears associated with the story.
But for a white woman to name their kid some stupid nigger name like "Dijonae" comes across as nigger-tier stupid. I suspect the mom is black.

No shit detective bumblefuck

She looks fat, stupid and middle aged. I have seen a few of them walking around Ireland with black children too. If there are 1000 unfuckable middle aged white women in a city I imagine it only takes one black man to put babies in all of them.

This wouldn't be a story if they put a nog on the thumbnail. Nobody is suprised at niggers doing dumb shit that's why they bait you like this.

>Dijonae White
What a totally white sounding name

D'Tyronus prolly agrees

Go back to Sup Forums faggot.

Hahaha nice1

>She looks fat, stupid and middle aged. I have seen a few of them walking around Ireland with black children too
What is with Irish woman dating niggers? What the fuck is going through the heads of Northeast European Women?

Isn't it strange that all the totally not racist white people that read the news wouldn't read a story about a black child killing another? It's almost like they secretly have much lower expectations for black people.

Women deserve it.

The women I am talking about seeing arnt really women you would "date". I'd say they are just grateful that anyone would dick them and black men step up to that challenge.

It's a nigger isn't it?

Attached: Nigger education.png (536x898, 404K)

Northwest* typo

>It's a nigger isn't it?
Go with what your gut tells you

