What’s your opinion of my people, loyalists/ulstermen?
What’s your opinion of my people, loyalists/ulstermen?
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You have to go back
You have to make me.
the only brits willing to root out and destroy paedos while the (((authorities))) do nothing, or people like Adams protect them.
Bretty cool. What does the hand symbol stand for?
It’s just a symbol that denotes the province of Ulster.
They're wonderful people and we must protect them.
It's the Gaelic symbol of the O'Neill dynasty. A dynasty which made its name fighting off the British invasion of Ireland. Bafflingly, loyalists in Ulster have adopted it and now claim it to be a symbol of Britishness.
These people are retarded. Legitimately.
Thanks bro, remember the Irish literally voted in a gay paki last election whereas in Northern Ireland gay marriage is still only illegal because us ulstermen won’t let Sinn Fein pass it.
>literally voted in
No they didn't. He wasn't elected.
Spastic fucks
The hand is significant to the history of the region that’s why we adopted it also it looks pretty cool.
We're the original native Americans. We fought the British, Indians, and the French. Come at me.
>we're retarded
I know, that's what I just said.
Protestant faggots
His faggot party was then, his party with that as a member speaks volumes of the fenians.
>I'm retarded
why do you keep repeating this?
Plastic papist paddy. Pray to your queen of heaven like a cuck.
The greatest most honorable people on earth
The meaning of symbols changes taigy boy for example nobody nowadays wears pic related on a shirt because it started as a Buddhist symbol.
Why is it that every pre-reformation sect of Christianity has great appreciation on saints but Protties are full of themselves and duck in once confronted on issues such as gay marriage
You'll notice that the Buddhist swastika and the nazi swastika are different symbols. Or at least, you would if you weren't as disabled as a fucking gypo.
Ulster boys are a model to look after, traditionalist, and live with honor. Ulster women still wear veils a lot of the time. They are a model for White people under siege by a hostile gov't.
Irish on the other hand are one of the only first world countries to let communist guerillas terrorize the country. They live with little honor. They don't deserve Ulster.
Both protestant denominations and Catholics are caving to the faggot and Jewish agenda. That's a silly argument to make. The point is, the dead can't hear you. Pray to God and God only.
You should be worrying about Muslims running rampant in your country instead of whites.
Nice Star of David you got there
The favourite taig argument is we are supposed racist knuckle draggers even though as you are on pol your favourite party in the republic is probably the national party.
> Pray to God and God only
you nigger truly have no understanding of Christianity if you think pre-reformation sects worship saints over God.
> You should be worrying about Muslims running rampant in your country instead of whites.
nah it's easier to open the doors for them to move to Protestant lands, they will take care of them either by offering their arse
Certified /arelads/
Well then I can argue that our red hand is different than the Gaelic one it started as.
>Ulster women still wear veils a lot of the time.
Weird that your favourite argument was something I never said. I don't hate you for being racist or anti-gay. I'm both of those things myself. I hate you for being retarded anti-Gaelic invaders. Simple as.
Well no, you can't, because it's the exact same symbol. The nazi swastika is different from the buddhist one. I know you lot aren't the brightest, but do try to keep up.
You need to be deported back to Scotland.
>I don't hate you for being racist
I’m not racist though just anti republican and anti gay.
That's in Northern Ireland, not South Africa. It's just an Ulster Resistance rally.
>I'm not racist
Then I hate you even more, niggerlover.
>Ulster women still wear veils a lot of the time
Denominations shouldn't exist. The church is people who believe in Jesus.
You do worship and pray to saints. Hail Mary is pretty self explanatory. You're like necromancers. The disciples of Jesus were the first Christians. Jesus is the rock not Peter. Ulster are born fighting. We'll handle anything you throw at us. Deal with it.
The only good anglos, the only ones that know there is something worth defending.
I was across the border last week for a stag. Prod or Catholic it doesn't matter. Ye are all as dry and depressed as fuck. No craic out of ye at all. Couldnt wait to get back down south where we all greet each other with a wink and a smile. The Anglo disease has taken hold up there. Fucking no craicers
obligatory 1/64th irish mutt
did you enjoy st patricks day?
They're mostly Gaels m8.
t. went to South Belfast only
This is the internet, no need to shuck and jive for Yanks they wont be dropping you any tips
Pic related is what you worship.
>faggot religion
>loyal to perfide albion
>betraying memory of your elders
>betraying Auld Alliance
What, are you trying to be witty. It doesn't suit you. stop it
Kekd irl. Imagine being so blue pilled you have no idea what that star is.
First post best post
Where's the colloquialisms and jovial tone now Taig?
French salt because everytime you invaded ireland you got mollywhopped.
Irish are allies and friends of France, like Scots are. Kingdom of France fought for their independence.
pic related
The French only tried to assist the native Irish in fighting off an invasion.
Irish people are the biggest hypocrits EU/US
-Begged to be invaded by Norman Knights, Scottish Monarchs, English Monarchs, French Monarchs, French Republicans - But call the Ulster-Scots invaders.
-emigrate all over the british empire. Settle on Indian/Abo land etc - Cry about vacant land in Ireland being settled.
-Get "independence" in 1921 preceed to murder eachother with British guns
-Easter Rising has 0 popular support - try to rewrite history.
-Generally salty the ulster scots made a much earlier and larger impact in America.
-idolize a welsh immigrant but hate immigrants.
-Side with Franco and Hitler
-Accept massive bailouts from the british state they allegedly hate.
-Moan about muh independence while being a protectorate of the EU.
Tl:dr - if you are irish suffocate yourself with a black mushy potato
Robert.E Lee's family was English, you tard.
WASPs are Israelities. Not the Polish. Thats where the star comes from. The red hand is from zarah-Judah. Irish are mad because they are non white easau mutts.
the UVF/UDA are full of paedos
Imagine posting a meme of a 700 year old alliance of convinience unironicly. I suppose with the losing streak of wars france has been in you may as well celebrate all the other times Britain dropkicked you.
Israel is another country that is being invaded by terrorusts
>you support Israel you cucks.
Are all taigs anti Semitic?
you mean that because a tiny minority of christcucks won't allow the majority to pass the law they keep voting for = the UnDemocratic Theocracy Party in action
Gerry adams brother was a pedo and he threatened young girls to keep it quiet. Nevermind your priests. Filthy!
The Red Hand symbolizes King Billies race in a ship to claim the land of Ulster.
He was losing and who stepped first upon that land claimed it for his people so he cut his hand off and threw it to land first.
>A catholic saying Protestants are paedos.
Lmao state of this argument.
It's an old Gaelic symbol of Ulster that the Unionists appropriated. Their regalia is all very mixed up, they use a Jewish star, an Irish red hand, Dutch Orange banners, and of course the British Union Jack. Unionists have no real identity of their own, their 'culture' that they love to talk about is something artificial and patched together.
Yes the irish who have fought for english catholic kings, scottish kings and the french republic want to talk about a patchwork culture.
Your culture was wrote on the back of a fag packet in 1921 when you crawled outa the bogs.
I'm not even religious myself but Catholicism is objectively the superior religion
Fucking scum. Fuck off back to England if you love it so much.
You know Scotts and Irish will always hate you. Your hegemony on Britannia didn't change that.
Also, Marignan Austerlitz Rocquencourt, Iéna,... Count the battles you've won and those you lost against us, PERFIDE Albion, you'll be surprised.
>meme flag
if sinn fein and the ira didnt exist we would be on the same footing as austrailia is to the uk
Downvote it if you want to make ireland great again youtube.com
Uneducated, inbred. Not even sure of their own history for the most part.
Kingdom of France fought for our independence? I know you guys helped us in the 1798 rebellion but that was after the French revolution.
Count the wars youve lost. Ie. All of them. Imagine being such a slimy frog. You start a world war over getting whopped 1v1 by Prussia and begging Britain to save you over and over.
There are a few hardline loyalist/ ulster protestants who legitimately believe they are a lost tribe of Israel, its bizarre
0 replies. Because you bogtrotters got EXPOSED
>same footing as austrailia is to the uk
Except Australia has control of its retarded alcoholic natives.
I thought the delusional loyalists thinking they're the lost tribe of israel was just a meme but holy shit you actually believe it. That is genuinely stunning.
Are all taigs anti-semitic? Yes. Like all people should be.
France actually has the most decorated military history of any living nation. And it's not even close. How are you prods all so embarrassingly uneducated on such a universal level?
You don't even know you own history, scum. Why do you think 40% of your words come from French language? We btfo'd you one millénium ago.
See youtu.be
>One butt hurt drunken paddy spams the thread
>How are you prods all so embarrassingly uneducated on such a universal level?
Real answer: they don't see the value of education. Back in the day young protestant lads could be guaranteed work through connections or open discrimination in workplaces against Catholics so they never went to uni etc.
Times are changing though and now they are being left behind
What if it was a Jewish symbol, would Hitler have still adopted it? Loyalists taking a Gaelic symbol would be like Hitler using the Menorah on his flag. That's how retarded it is