America Hate Thread

>Americans still living in illusion of their country's glory

America is a shitty country, it's only advantage is scale (because per capita, half the world is fucking them in ass). Being a superpower for over 80 years they haven't achieved anything of worth except for promoting shitfood and shitseries globally and no one will remember them in 20 years time. British Empire or Roman Empire left behind wonderful civilization achievements, which we use to this date, like legal system or hundreds of thousands of kilometers of communication routes (for example railway in India). USA will only leave behind McDonald's and they will fall apart over several decades.

USA fucked up every single one military conflicts, from Korea to Iraq, where to this date an army with hundreds of billions of dollars budget can't defeat illiterate shepherds with kalashnikovs. Killing one tramp, who destroyed America's biggest city centre took them 10 years and costed them a billion dollars and lives of a few thousand soldiers. For 50 years they couldn't dominate USSR which was based on a nineteenth-century economy and managed by idiots and have finally collapsed by itself.

Average american is so fucking poor, indebted (talking about his debt, not public debt) for several thousand dollars, living in a house made out of plywood, which only looks good outdoors and is destroyed by a stronger gust of wind. He drives a shitty car bought on credit, which also looks good only on a first sight.

Americans go to shitty schools. They only have a few good universities and they cost hundreds of thousands of dollars yearly so 99% americans can't afford them. Mostly europeans and asians study on them and then as fast as they can they get the fuck out. Half of americans think that earth appeared 5000 years ago and people lived on earth along with dinosaurs.

To be continued

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Other urls found in this thread:

Americans shoot themselves more often than inhabitants of fucking Palestine or Romania (inb4 hurr durr its because of niggers!! More often than inhabitants of Nigeria too). In the last 20 years they've put more people into prisons than Belarus, China or Russia. 25% of all world's prisoners are american ones. United States is the only country among the developed ones since II World War where police and other government forces have had SEVERAL DOZEN times shot to demonstrators. Every year a few thousands americans are killed by their own uniformed services and then it is revealed that policemen weren't in danger or were breaking laws (american policemen since 2001 have killed more innocent americans than terrorists). Every fourth American should be treated by a psychiatrist and in every third house there's a gun, because of this America is the only place in the world where year on year there's a few situations where someone goes out in the open and starts randomly shooting people, be it in school, a hospital or a shopping mall.

They're spending the most per capita on healthcare globally, half more than Norway or Switzerland, but still they live shorter than inhabitants of Cuba, where to this date there are epidemics of malaria and typhus. Thanks to fucking miraculous notsocialist health insurance and health care system, medical care is more expensive than anywhere else, because of this until recently 30% of americans weren't insured at all and insurance companies regularly bothered even those who were insured, stating that the disease began before they were insured, even if they were insured since they were born - then the disease is genetical.

America is that fat, ugly, stupid kid from school who beat everyone around to be appreciated. Only americans themselves believe in their country's glory and still they need to daily repeat WE ARE THE BEST WE ARE THE BEST because otherwise their butthurt would annihilate them.

Amerimutts - not even once.

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>a new tier has been added
holy fuck I love this meme and how much it triggers americans

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i bet you're american, faggot

their anthem

And most of them are niggers. We literally have to warehouse these simians or they would over run our already wretched society.

Attached: Hardware (Mark13).jpg (256x197, 4K)

Cool, have fun being irrelevent guys

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tfw you’re an Amerimutt

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Attached: amerimutts btfo.png (894x343, 89K)

kek this ironically pisses them off more than any meme could

> meme flag
Jews too afraid to show their true flag

One of the best things about living in the United Kingdom is that most of the right-wing rhetoric you hear in America is very much against the law here. Calling Islam "uncivilised" or saying that gay marriage isn't really marriage would get you charged with inciting hatred. Suggesting that people should buy guns "for self-defence" would be considered inciting violence, which carries serious penalties as well. We're also finally starting to seriously crack down on climate change deniers and anti-vaxxers and all three of our legal systems have laws that prohibit insulting or offending people in general. Scotland has a law against disparaging the memory of deceased persons, so the crude "ding dong, the witch is dead" rhetoric coming from the US when a celebrity dies would be very much illegal. Childish name-calling and lying about people is not allowed here either, as a woman in Suffolk was recently given defamation charges for commenting "she's a liar" on a YouTube video of a politician giving a speech.

Is our freedom of expression limited? Not in the least. We are guaranteed freedom of expression through European law. Rather than restricting freedom of expression, these laws simply ensure that it's used responsibly and for the purposes of good. Unlike Americans, we understand that human rights and human dignity also need to be respected. Americans stubbornly cling to their outdated interpretation of their archaic Constitution while the rest of the world forges ahead. You Americans look very uncivilised to the rest of us when you allow bigots to speak out openly. By allowing hate speech, you are sending the message to the rest of the world that your government approves of hatred and intolerance. Is that really what you want, Americans?

>Global rule 7

The quality of posts is extremely important to this community. Contributors are encouraged to provide high-quality images and informative comments.

Fuck Amerikangz

Attached: MULATTO MONGRELS.jpg (1324x1236, 1.01M)

fuck off "you're not white" JIDF

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technically the larger the gene pool the healthier the population. of course that is not an excuse for coal burning. you don't have to go that far and there are other perspectives to consider. but you have the answer why e.g. most orthodox kikes in Israel look exactly same & stupid. because their gene pool is very narrow/small.

heh... think fast, wh*Te boy!
>*absorbs your genes*
too slow, muhammad...
>*enriches you with melanin*
and now for the finisher.
>*steals all your wh*Teness*
too easy, abdul...

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Im a krautfag. I need to watch a lot of technical youtube videos about programming (C) etc. also about more complex creation programs like Blender and advanced stuff with GIMP and so on.
Fact is: Most German tutorials are very well meant but technically utterly shite.
While most tutorials by Americans are spot on, to the point, with all the technical details correct and advanced tips and tricks.
American tutor (voice sounds like he's not even adult) is like: "Ok, never ever do the following. Not even a workaround. It's plain wrong."
At the same time eurocuck tutorial video: "Uh just click here. Honestly have no idea what it does. But it works as a workaround." ...And this happens 95% all the fucking every single time.

What I discovered (And I've in the "superior" eurofag/german school system from 1992 to 2005) is that Americans are far better at explaining and understanding stuff. While Germans boast about their "xy for dummies" knowledge and make mistakes all the time.

School systems are shit always, all around the world. But I see the individual in the US doing way much better leaving that shit behind. And I would say American schools are better.

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>t. mutt on vacation

lol'd at El Ogrillo Del Norte.

Make them sound more satanic plz

how come some mutticans have that gook look?

Good thing you didn't say anything racist otherwise we might have had to throw you in the slammer

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average american

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>is a mutt

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wider than you muhammad

Attached: american exceptionalism.webm (854x480, 1.17M)

Lol sage

Attached: stop meme.jpg (1548x808, 139K)

Jesus Christ I was eating breakfast when I watched this and almost puked.

This is not the average American lol.
This fat fuck must be on his cheat day

you are directly ruled by the mutt

I'm from Germany and now live in Virginia most of the year. I love it here stop complaining. The scenery is beautiful and everyone is nice.

Did you also note that as a country they have zero culture so they must act like niggers and claim european cultures as theirs despite being all mutts?

>Meme flag
>(Insert western country here) hate thread
Kike detected

That's because this place sucks

At least you can shoot niggers and get away with it, especially the cops.

Wow how butt hurt can you be, Antonio? Your country died 1500 years ago. Kys.

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I guarantee you are from an absolutely shitty country which is why u hide it. Also american is fucking great, its a huge country theres going to be lots of shithole areas but trust me its a pretty great place to live

The irony of this post lmao.

>divide and concur
fucking burger education hahahaha

>Wow how butt hurt can you be, Antonio? Your country died 1500 years ago. Kys.

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this meme is getting old

More like American occupying a client state.

>mutt on vacation

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Can someone assign power rankings to la creaturas?

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American truly is a vile creature. Fat, violent and ugly spreading chaos and death far and wide. World will celebrate when this scourge is wiped from Earth.

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Most of them already have percentage rankings you know

Ooh say can you shart, in your lokal Wall Mart.

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Amerimutts will defend this

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good one

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Maek amurica greit again. Dem Mexicans took ma jeeeerbb

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americans are fat,dumb,ugly,stupid and they shart in mart

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>Wow how butt hurt can you be, Antonio? Your country died 1500 years ago. Kys.

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Swedencucks will defend this.

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>this meme is getting old
And its not funny at all. Stop it guys.

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>amerishit government is heavily inspired by ancient rome
>country literally named after an italian

Absolute state of amerisharts.

Attached: averageamerimutt.png (594x621, 226K)

No. That's just one of your cuckold fantasies.

How's it going with those 600000 niggers coming every year, Luigi?

You're even more fucked then us.

How can we teach americans not to shart in mart?

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This. Italians are Arab manlets. A few thousand (or million) blacks and North Africans won't change a thing

t. Jose Jerome McNamara

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No sane swede would support race-mixing

>This. Italians are Arab manlets. A few thousand (or million) blacks and North Africans won't change a thing

Attached: siciliangirl.jpg (1080x1080, 104K)

>This. Italians are Arab manlets. A few thousand (or million) blacks and North Africans won't change a thing

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>rape bracelets
Enjoy those grenades, cuck.

Clearly not Italian
Prove me wrong, though.

Mutt pride worldwide

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lets see that flag, rabbi

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>Prove me wrong, though.

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how does it feel knowing that the only hot british girls are half italian?

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OP is a raging faggot. Opinion disregarded

Try to keep up, ahmed.

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You guys are lucky though. You're so black and Arab-ised that nothing much could change.

>You guys are lucky though. You're so black and Arab-ised that nothing much could change.

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These are all white girls, though. THIS is an Italian

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Speaking of brits, they are mutts, the only pure people are celts, you anglos are all mutts by now, full of pakis and arabs.

Why is entire Italy a dumpster? Its even worse then India.

Is it that influence of your African an and Moorish genetics?

>You guys are lucky though. You're so black and Arab-ised that nothing much could change.
why are demographically fucked nations like you so desperate to project on others? won't change anything bruv

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you're manlet too cuck

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Good. Celtic/Anglo/Norman pride worldwide desu

>THIS is an Italian

Attached: brits btfo by exocet missile.gif (240x184, 166K)

What's worse? Acting like niggers or acting like dumb I-talians?

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Of course it is. Meanwhile your cities are so clean that they all have at least one muslim no go zone full of their gangs.

Nordcucks, only celts are good imo.

>no refutation
How tiresome
1cm. Waaheey

Those aren't italians, tyrone.

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>assblasted, the post

This Thread is full of Eurofags

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imageine being this pathetic of a people

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You are literally the niggers of Europe. When Italians arrived in America it was like oh great, more niggers to deal with.