Why are black female / white male marriages 64% more successful than ANY other racial marriage union of any kind, in the United States?
Even white people marrying each other, even Asian people marrying each other, is not nearly as successful. Black male / white female is quite unsuccessful.
But a white male / black female marriage is by FAR the most successful union there is in the US. It's bizarre. Outright
Why are black female / white male marriages 64% more successful than ANY other racial marriage union of any kind...
becouse white woman and black man are the most problematic partners.
we are exactly opposite to niggers when it comes to treating woman, so black woman can appreciete what white woman cannot
I want her to be the mother of my children.
All posts made so far is 1 botnet spamming the same race mixing propaganda everyday
80% of the threads here are created by botnets.
Because only a big white cock can satisfy a black queen
Because a white man is automatically superior to a black woman in every case so they black woman if she can get a white boy will do whatever she can to keep her claws in him. White women on the other hand will drop you as soon as you make them feel superior.
Because they know how to treat their man right
Fucking kek
Because the Black Female does her best to distance herself away from nigger culture. She is very feminine.
However, most black women are fucking repulsive.
Nips are the great equalizer
Leaf filth.
Power coupling, like two men without the gay.
Fuck off
Reminder to sage all leaf posts
Because black women who manage to get a white man have hit the lottery and they know it. Therefore they are more likely to do whatever it takes to make that man happy.
short legs and fatness everywhere..yuck
I honestly have no idea why some people are into bestiality.
Damn leaf...
Just checked the real stats, and the highest successful relationship % is between a white christian male and a white christian woman...
Please stop with this black-white marriage BS. Every race mixing / coal burner relationship I've encountered through friends has been a failure.
Nog goes out late bangs whores at bars while the libtard white wife sits at home and slowly drinks herself to death.
On the flip side, where you have a white male and black female, the white male is nothing more than a beta male cuck that is pussy whipped beyond belief.
I have an explanation. Women love money and men love sex. White men are richer and black women are good at sex. That is what I call a good mix up
you have any info that isn't a decade old?
[citation needed]