daily reminder that you will never be finnish
LMAOING @ your pathetic lives
Daily reminder that you will never be finnish
I thought Finns didn't touch each other.
Can confirm. Something is amiss.
Yes, how will I survive without mongolian rapebaby girlfriend.
Friendly reminder that if you wear salmon coloured shorts you're literally a homo
lmao stfu 100yo long /ourclay/
Your nation and people are doomed and there's nothing you can do to change the course anymore, no matter how many cherry picked pics of finns you post here. :^)
Finland will outlive Sweden, sucks to be you.
The guy is probably Swedish.
Nah, not brown enough.
shut the fuck up nazi larper
you will never be finnish LMaO
finns are whiter than swedes LMAO
I prefer good food and being able to have social interactions, thanks.
look at that tiny nigger swede trying to keep up with superior Finnish ARYANS LmAO
force her to exersize you Finish
>anime autist
>social interactions
haha nice one weeb. shagging your pillow doesn't count
You mean Mongolian-Swedish rape baby girlfriend, right, Sven?
look the fucking size of his forehead
That's a nazbol flag or can your asian eyes not see the difference?
>not awkwardly standing 3 metres away from each other and staring at the ground
Clearly not Finns
Finns are weak, feminine and soft cucks today, and this is why their women are flocking to more street smart and/or socially adjusted Arabs, Turks, and Blacks, and Slavs
I'd tell you to just kill yourself now but instead I hope you live an excruciatingly long life so you can see your own people become a minority in their own country and your entire society brought low by your own hand.
whites tend to have big foreheads Pedro, but i don't expect you to understand this
Guess who's going to the world cup, perkele.
Why even live
Too Somalian for me
>the whitest guy in swedish team is a FINN
That guy has terrible genetics.
Unlike Finns, the French do not possess autism as a national trait and are capable of keeping a hobby while maintaining a healthy social life alongside it, just like the vast majority of the world.
Ibra, ahmet, mohammad,abdullah & amir?
We need them to house our MASSIVE brains
Your trait is coalburning
It was a joke.
Fucking hell, you Finns are sensitive..
*breathes in*
nice american flag t-shirt bro
1 and 7 looks just as huwite Tiimo. Relax your fingol anus
he is aryan as fuck you mutt
best thing about Finland is, it's the most sparsely populated nation in Europe.
i actually like that
Sure beats being BLANDA UPP'd. Now go do your civic duty like a good little swede and make sure your mom and sister service their daily amount of black cocks.
Show us where you live, memeflagger.
13 is mongol/saami?
*breathes in*
No wonder finns stay away from finns, then commits suicide.
Holy fuck wtf is wrong with Latvia and Estonia?
I'll never be Finnish but there's two Finns that'll be part-Australian because of me m8.
russians spearing their diseases
2% Finnish.
i'm gonna find you
Russians, if you look at homicides it's the same, they're very inflated because of them.
How come we are so low than?
Not even memeing - it's the Russian diaspora in both that are, if I might say it, literally pozzed.
>our rapebaby thinks this is an argument
That's fine mate - as long as your child support agency doesn't I don't mind.
you are immune to russians
soviets suffered the literally most embarrasing defeat in history, m8
We rapidly produce master-race in the US OP
guess who will invade St Petersburg in sake of cheap vodka like their doing every summer
They don't look like finns tho.
>feels good man
>remembers that he lives in Lithuania
>kills self
I'm binnish what u min xDDDDDDDDDD
am karjala binn :-DDDDDDDDDDDD
That's a genuinely good question to which I don't have an answer - I'll get back to you, assuming tanks through the Suwalki Gap aren't a bigger threat than HIV before I come back with an answer.
>people evolve spic-user
>jewish internationalists
pick one sven
Almost everything you learn in school is pakko and almost everything is as useless as ruotsi, so I don't get why people hate pakkoruotsi so much. I liked ruotsi in school and got 10/10 grades. Then I forgot everything in a few years because it's not needed anywhere.
Lithuania is best country on planet.
Will switch passports no problem.
Can Belarus just accept that great Western Democracy cock so I could feel safer?
My step cousin is half Finnish. He is like 6'4" and blonde with a good frame. He smashes more pussy than anyone I know. Literally has two 10/10 girlfriends and they know about each other/hang out together. He fucks them both at the same time.
Plus he is a millionaire because his Finnish father died and left him a shit ton of money/property around the world.
Yeah, I am super jealous. His life is on awesome mode 24/7.
You must be rich
I've been to winland. Nice place full of friendly snow manlets
Now it is Viborg or Svetogorsk and so on. Directly near the russian border I bought shittiest fuel in my life, 95 from "tatneft", can't forget this lol
Than you might survive here.
yes sounds like the average finn
i'm 6'10 too and a billionaire
If you consider 2100 Euro/month wealthy.
Why do you not create jobs?
you stfu , britcuck
That'd be a fucking good idea if it wasn't Putin's poodle, wouldn't it?
I’m finnished with this thread
you're all 3rd world.
tbf the red coats had hard nipples, man.
which is a war crime in itself.
>If you consider 2100 Euro/month wealthy.
Why do you not create jobs?
Why would you ask a carpenter such a question?
>jealous 6'9 millionaire
LMAO look at dis guy
>is half Finnish
Yes I am
> has two 10/10 girlfriends and they know about each other/hang out together. He fucks them both at the same time.
And did it too. And my jewish-finn friend too ...
alrite, show your team then
literally tatarian
What did you expect my friend?
Ahh. Working 9 days at month as a senior caregiver put me around $1,800/month. Now I'm 12 days/month varies between $2,100-$2,700. Can make $4,000+ every 2 weeks if you are lucky. I think to own a caregiving job you need 2 years community college. I'm about 1 year away from that, but I don't go to school.
In most cause we buy only fuel from Russia right now i guess
How does it feel to live like a literal king?
is this game an accurate representation of life in finland?
Pretty much.
Ayo hol up dawg we wuz footballers n shieeeet