Ask me about Lithuania. I'll answer as best I can.
Lithuania Q&A
the absolute state of Lithuania's insignificance....
top kek!
thanks Sup Forums, you've just proven me right!
gib flag back
are you scared of the russians? when we eventually go to war with them its gonna be a shit show there
Whats the current status with rapefugees and race mixing?
how many times have you attempted suicide today
Do you see the commenwealth with poland as your best time like poles see it?
There's a couple of them, but they run away because of cold weather
Why didn't you faggots invade poland instead of becoming their duchy?
Because of the jews
Are there qt gfs who want a green card
Are you guys hospitable?
Check them too.
mixed if you talk about general population. more informed are quite scared, those who listen to Russian TV are all like "why would Russia need that shithole country" (the latter makes sense at first glance and first glance is all that matters to masses)
gov pushing very hard. big cities bluepilled as hell. many are bending backwards to show proof of "tolerance")
not all though, nationalism is on the rise due to gov hysteria about Russia with unintended consequences
also because our country IS literally shithole, none of the shitskins tried to stay, so there's that
2 both times rope snapped
because our aristocracy were fucking faggots who thought that we need to be westernized, and nearest "west" were polacks, so the aristocracy took up heraldry, then language and culture... the rest is history - Lithuania and all things Lithuanian were relegated to serfdom.
You'll find them no doubt. but I'd be careful in coming over here to chose, some LIthuanian Chad might not like you trying to take our rightful meat
unfortunately very
also checked the digits - nice
What do the majority of lithuanians feel about trump
Have you heard of tree of savior? It's a cute Korean mmo based on Lithuanian mithology
Has Feminism a strong presence in Lithuania?
This is not reddit
No, but PC culture and liberlism are creeping their way into the education system.
actually whatever the MSM tells them to. and it's not good as you can imagine. even before elections there was this conversation I witnessed
>I hope Hillary wins
>Trump is such an asshole
>What about Benghazi?
>Dunno, I don't know much about Hillary, but she is still better
Trees were, and still are sacred to some. Haven't heard that particular (saviour tree) but I should guess it to be about Oak?
Freudian slip, braliuks
srsly though, never been to reddit
very! we had several toxic feminazis and they are all the same as in West - face and mind of an ogre whom no one would fuck...
the last one even fell in love with a jew and tried to jew Lithuania... this actually redpilled many a Lithuanian
Q&As are a reddit thing, Sup Forums is really not built for it.
The Tim Pool Q&A a while back was a fine example of that. Also Murdoch Murdoch threads (where MM is present).
you're much more Sup Forumsack, now, would you kindly fuck off?
Same here actually. I remember there was this NGO who wanted to teach children about LGBTQA+ rights, how Romania is the lowest among European countries on gender equality, how Gypos are "maginalized" in Romanian society. Forunately some religious association protested them.
>fuck off?
No. I'm already here.
Sure, there is opposition to it, but the media likes to completely ignore the side that says no.
Like right now we are being bombarded about the Istanbul Convention (muh oppression towards women) and why we need to sign it.
It was blatant how our news reported on their twitter qestionnaire responses, they completely ignored the negative ones, even the ones from notable figures
and political parties. They chose to represent as undecisive "I don't know" literal nobodies as the only opposition to the overwhemlingly positive liberals.
>No. I'm already here.
now you're talking like Sup Forumsack. welcome back
>lists off intelligent and sound arguments contrary to Istanbul convention
>thinks that intelligent discussion is what will change the absolute state of our countries
failed, meatbag, now, really fuck off
This is not about making changes but preventing them, tractor thief.
top kek. as if that has not already happened.
you're deluded my balt brother
Unlike your country and Ee we havent ratified it yet.
I don't think we have ratified either, but that's far from my point.
do tell you don't have faggot parades in Ryga, or that you don't have social service having the right to take away kids from their families, or that your politicos are not sticking in EU arse with barely their feet visible... tell me I'm wrong and I'll admit that you still can "prevent IT"
Are you white? Post pics for proof
white, you'll have to take my word for it, I dont self pic. EVER
redpill me on the pedos there and cia blacksite. those two must be related
I bet he is
Grybauskaitė being blackmailed, thats for sure.
How is the demographic future of Lithuania looking?
According to the census, population is at 2.8m, while many young people have been moving to Western Europe for jobs, mainly UK/Ireland.
Why don't you reform the Commonwealth with Poland and conquer Belarus?
you realize theres a possibility that there are children being farmed for adrenochrome in our lands braliukas??
Ah yes, you're right. Nevertheless the convention is against out very constitution as it states that same sex unions are premitted. Same for genderism.
There needs to be more talk about this amongst the people, many don't even know their own national constitutions.
Why are Lithuania quite insignificant in European History? What about ww1 and ww2, did the teachers told about the holocaust? Are the jews running lithuania?
Are you sure? Maybe info about missing kids being suppressed by the (((media))), but i haven't heard lots of cases.
The good news is there is a lack of non whiteness in the demographics, I think Lithuania has a great future if they get redpilled
you fucking what
lietuvai repeatedly BTFO tartars, ruskiers, and teutons
before you say hurr durr reddit and fiction, realize whats going on elsewhere...
Muļķības, daži liberiņi kas pārvācās uz Ameriku izdomāja uzrakt sen apraktu notikumu un izpūst no mušas ziloni tikai uzmanības un "upuru punktu" dēļ.
es nebutu tik dross, adrenochrome ir top top manta prieks el iteem, kur labak paslepties kaa baltijaa?
Do you wish that Lithuania was more like Estonia?
pedos situation I presume same as everywhere. the whole bunch of them sitting in the upper strata and sacrificing lowly pedos for the masses to see
CIA blacksite know shit, no need to redpill. they were here and they "tortured some people" it's somewhere around Vilnius if I'm not mistaken. Nobody in normie ranks gives a shit about it. neither do I actually.
I'm giving shit about jews and shitskins coming to destroy my nation.
demographic is shit... but then on the other hand it was a bit similar in interwar years. if shitskins do not invade we'll be alright. (fat chance of course since jews are hard at it)
please, gods, no!!! the worst period of our history is from Commonwealth, despite mainstream historians trying hard to prove it was da best thang
quite probable. many very strange disappearances of children and young teens lately
agreed... they just had to take that afroshit flag
the fucking EU is against our constitutions (at least Lit) NATO bases are against our constitutions, Central Bank revised law is against our constitution. damn not even private property is nonexistant as it should be according to constitution
constitution in our countries is basically shitpaper
not isnignificant in medieval period. after that - just a spec on the sidelines.
oh we ARE taught about muh holocaust! we're taught about that alright!
That is some holocaust masturbation machine-tier shit right there.
Tur it rakstīts par veselām fermām, nevis kautkādiem pagrabiem. Šitais sen jau būtu bijis atklāts ja tā būtu taisnība.
no. I wish Lithuania was more Lithuanian, less "cosmo" less pedo, less homo, less feminazi, less open to everyone except Lithuanians, less sucking dick for anyone who offers some crumbs from the table.
Know any good Lithuania jokes? Jokes Lithuanians tell about themselves or about others?
truth is stranger than fiction amigo. šitas ir pārāk svarīgs priekš (((viņiem))) lai kaut kur nonāktu.atklātībā.
How would someone immagrate and find a good job? (Not being a arab of course)
>It was webbed."
>It was clawed."
>"It was reptilian." (highlights a link)
Posted in r/nosleep
eziuks rad grant
eziok nieks neberad
By bringing said good job with them.
What is your opinion on people with 100% Lithuanian from America coming back?
Can speak Lithuanian at the EU's "B2-C1" language proficiency rating.
Nav nekāda sakara ar reddita stātiem par baltijas fermām un reptīļiem.
kas ir pineal gland? tiešām tik akls esi lai neredzētu saistību?
Same here but It's kind of a shit hole dude. You are going to really suffer. Honestly unless you are bringing over a business or entering politics there is no reason.
Man ir pie vienas vietas kas tas tāds ir, es tīri labi zinu ka te nekādu reptīļu fermu nav, visa zeme šeit ir pārskatīta un nomērīta, it īpaši ēkas. Ja tā būtu patiesība tad kāds sen būtu šiem uzdūries.
leaving the shithole that is America is a valid reason. Would be able to bring over roughly 90k USD atm.
can a lithuanian explain more about their history, whether they have a nationalist leader, what is their economy based on, relationships with USA and russia, relationships with close neighbor (estonia, latvia), political parties.
just take your time to explain since im interested in the history and culture of Lithuania
var redzēt tavas īstās krāsas. diezgan bieži redzu vienu lv shill posteri
Okay but dude seriously it is gonna be rough you have no idea. Not much to do, unless your into nature. Everything is corrupt, nothing is really modern, most people poor or making little to nothing. If you wan't to go on your little pilgrimage then go ahead.
Once a Lithuanian Jew and a Georgian ride on a train. Georgian takes out sausages, wine, vodka and other goodies. Georgian invites jew
-come on, jew, take some, eat, drink and be merry
Jew thinks to himself
>I'll eat, I'll drink, then he will ask for money, I don't have money, so he will rape me.
Jew says
-Thank you, Georgian, but I'm not hungry
the Georgian invites Lithuanian:
-come on, Lithuanian, join, eat, drink and be merry
Lithuanian thinks to himself
>I'll eat, I'll drink, then he will ask for money, I don't have money, so he will rape me. But I'll drink, so maybe I'll feel stronk and will defend myself somehow
-OK-says Lithuanian- I'll bite
When Lithuanian is finished Georgian asks
-well then, are you finished, Lithuanian?
-Have you drunk enough?
-do you feel stronk?
-Never stronker!
-Good, grab the Jew and let's rape him!
won't help you with that. I'm ethnocentric! sorry, bucko,
>not arab
doesn't cut it. you might be spic, nigger, gook or a mixture of them all
as long as you are pure Lithuanian, or at the worst mixture of other white nations and you will consider yourself a Lithuanian when here, then I'll be your friend! bring 1911 along, we'll need it
but there is this>
oh man... that... is like asking me to be a wiki...
Nu jā, visi kas tev nepiekrīt ir žīdi.
>diezgan bieži redzu vienu lv shill
Reku arhīvs:
Tagad parādi man tos lv shillposter(u)s.
es saprotu skepticismu par tām fermām, var būt arī ka nav tādās kā aprakstītas stāstā, bet sakot ka pofig par to kas ir pineal gland uzreiz parāda krāsas - vai nu žurkjūdiņš vai arī Sup Forumsacks kurš netiek pāri mazulīšu red pill līmenim
short version
>last pagan nation in Europe
>claimed all clay from Baltic sea to Black sea in medieval times
>joined with Poland
>was fucked after that to the point of nonexistance
No real nationalist leader, Rolandas Paulauskas comes as second best
Economy based on agri and light industry, otherwise nonexistant
Relations with USA
>please let us suck your dick
Relations with Russia
>please let us suck your dick
>fuck you, you're broke, we're Europe
Relations with neighbours
with Latvia
>we are more intelligent, but they're brothers
with Estonia
>stupid fins kiulemaya
with Poland
>fuck you, no, let's be friends, no, fuck you, no...
(because Poland)
Political parties - 2
1. Jew and western shills
2. Russian shills and crypto russian shills
Who would win a fight out of Latvia and Lithuania?
A lithuanian I met month ago told you have problems with polish minority. They ask for gibs, polish education and are overall annoying. Your thoughts?
Also, stop stealing our tractors and selling repainted shitty german cars.
I'd guess Latvia. Lithuanian army is a fucking paper tiger
Latvian army ain't super duper either, but they at least purged more officers with soviet mindset
Lithuania. Last time I checked Lietuva has a larger military than Latvia and Estonia, more population to draw on from, more paramilitary/militia units.
what is the average wage in lituania?
how about crime rates? is it safe to walk around?
how many months of the year is it cold?
Yeah... the lulz of it is that they are not even real Poles. most of them are just Lithuanians who were well polonized during 1920-1939 and even today still think they are polacks.
my stance - be Lithuanians or fuck off to Poland
no more gibs no more polish schools
average wage 644eur, in capital Vilnius more around 1000eur
crime rate is climbing again, not very safe during nights, especially in Kaunas
was really nice few years ago, but not anymore
5-6 months of cold (below 10C average temperature)
Why is your flag Africa/South America third world shithole tier?
Your country is beautiful, you guys should have a new flag.
btw, what's with the "stolen tractors meme", haven't heard that one?
as to shitty german cars, don't blame me, we get the same treatment here too by the same assholes
because reasons (politicians)
also because interwar independence politicos chose that...
bastards, may they burn in hell
we don't need new flag, we had best flag in the world, pic related
All three-coloured flags betray masonic influence. If your country has one, it means that it has been MASON'D.
Definitley has to go back to the Vytis.
Also, what region of Lietuva are you from? Do you have a regional accent in comparison to others, or has standardization caused most regional accents to decline?
kiked more like it
regional accents still alive and kicking to the point that some can't understand each other if thick rednecks meet from west and east
not telling you my place :)
hey lithuanian brother, from panevezys.
what's the woman situation, cousins say they're a bunch of cutthroats who fuck every guy in the club.
seriously where can i find a good woman there?
if there was a choice of country to go, which country would lithuanians go?
also why are lithuanians less proud of their national identity, as nationalistic, is it because of your country is doing poorly or is it just their pessimistic sentiment? also did lithuanians collaborate with nazis in ww2? did you exterminate jews in ww2? why isnt there a nationalist lithuanian political party?
forgot to mention i'm in the usa.
forgot to turn off meme flag
last time I posted my vocaroo in a /balt/pol thread I was called a redneck. All family is from central lietuva, Kaunas
dunno, I have mine and not in the market anymore
there are huge numbers of 30over single moms going crazy in Vilnius night bars, but that's low tier shit
lithuanians already go
countries of choice - Norway, UK, Ireland, Germany, Sweden, Spain
stupid if you ask me, but that's economic migration
milk that bitch :D
me, I'm proud if someone calls me a redneck. fuck cityfags (sorry if any of you are that)
what's lithuania's immigration policy right now? how do you feel about it?
are lithuanian full for rapefugees?
what are your opinions on trump?
>what's Lithuania's immigration policy right now?
dismal, as commanded by Germacuck's Mr mUrkel
>how do you feel about it?
badly, depressed, but hopeful for SHTF event
so true, forcing lietuva to buy EU electricity
nah. few shitskins in big cities, but very rare otherwise
my opinion on Trump? this
>another puppet in a long line of puppets
NPP was functioning. dicarding it WAS retarded
take that lenin and stuff it inbetween your cheeks. you still have that stiff lying in RedSquare mausoleum, go suck his dick if you're so enamoured
fuck no, jesus christ
>"stolen tractors meme"
Your compatriots are heavily overrepresented in theft of argicultural machinery. There have been tractors stolen not just from us but from Estonia too.
I also heard a story that one of yours managed to steal a tractor from Sweden once, not use if this is true or not - how would they get the tractor across the Baltic overnight?
Because it was a preqisite for joining the EU. "shared power grid/everything else" and other bullshit. This is why we are not the man sugar exporter in the region too, the EU called for all three factories to be shut down.
Brussels doesnt like when their subjects have the capacity to be independent.