what the hell is this real?
Ignore no plane disinfo shills/ or subhumans who somehow fell for the no plane disinfo
what the hell is this real?
Ignore no plane disinfo shills/ or subhumans who somehow fell for the no plane disinfo
Other urls found in this thread:
Do the windows blow out in sync with the flashes?
Either way symmetric collaspse from asymetric minor fire damage without any plastic resistance isn't possible and its a scandal more engineers don't speak out about building 7.
>pull it
It's fake. Disinfo. Not even professional disinfo
Oy vey look away goy
oy vey
Oy Vey!
Fake video.
holy shit shills are going to try to derail this thread at any moment!
>Do the windows blow out in sync with the flashes?
>what the hell is this real?
Yep. You just waking up or what?
show flag faggot.
who do you work for, I hope the shekels are good.
I work for Truth.
Absolutely low IQ
the video is real, OP. beware, though. a bunch of pro-israel shills will soon show up saying, "show the full video you crazy conspiracy tin foiler!!!!"
the "full video" is like 4 seconds longer and shows a different part of the building buckling in for a few seconds, before the entire rest of the building collapses in essentially freefall speed (your video segment). in other words, they use some other still totally damning and convincing extended video to try and prove your segment isn't still completely and totally damning.
also, let this sink in:
wtc7 (your video) is the first and ONLY instance in all of recorded history where a steel building collapsed due to "fires." first and only time in history. the official story even admits this, and people still eat it up. sad.
His name is/was Daniel Lewin.
Sayeret Matkal specialize in hand to hand combat, small arms, hijacking scenarios, paratrooping, and, wtf, impersonating Muslim extremists and tourists. In fact, Benjamin Netanyahu is ex-Sayeret captain who impersonated an airport technician to kill hijackers aboard a commercial plane. Their training is the toughest of any armed forces in Israel.
It's reported Daniel Lewin was stabbed to death with boxcutters *before* the plane crashed into the WTC, yet his seat number 9B was specified by flight attendent Betty Ong as being a hijacker before she complained of trouble breathing (gas agent released on plane?).
This was the same plane the "Dancing Israelis" were witnessed celebrating and photographing from Doric Towers in NJ, before they were arrested and failed FBI polygraphs. They worked for Urban Moving Systems in NJ, which was quickly abandoned by Jewish owner Dominik Suter, who fled to Israel with his Jewish wife.
Please look into Daniel Lewin. We all know 9/11 raises lots of questions, that normies ignore. But the Daniel Lewin story is so incredulous their ears will perk up. If the first victim of 9/11 was indeed a Jewish hero who tried to kill the Muslim hijackers, why is he not known by 19.99/20 Americans?Do you know anything him Sup Forums? Why not.
>Daniel Lewin
>Edmund Glazer
>Omer Marmari
>Oded Ellner
>Paul Kurzberg
>Sivan Kurzberg
>Yaron Shmuel
>Dominik Suter
>Dov Zakheim
>Michael Chertoff
Memorize these names. Share these names. Research these names. Ask Israelanons for their opinions of these men, and screenshot their responses.
Btw, Charles Lewin, Daniel's dad, was a Zionist poet in Israel who hated the US. He never visited Daniel in the US until the week before 9/11.
gotta be 18 to post here
I do believe this one is fake while
These two are real.
>question something that is absolutely questionable and suspicious
>makes me low iq
>don't believe what i am told, especially question building 7 collapsing of all things
>im low iq somehow....
you NEED to fucking kill yourself right now.
hahahahaha like fucking clockwork
i just predicted this here:
so there ya go, OP. there's the supposed """"""debunking""""""" of your video segment. again: FIRST AND ONLY time in all of recorded history that a steel building collapsed due to fires (at freefall speed mind you).
this guy gets it:
>fail to steal third plane
>oh shit what about the other one
>fuck it just blow it up anyway
Their incompetence is fucking hilarious. Trump will have his revenge.
spotted the obvious israeli shill
there are still Americans who belive (((media))) on the event?
Hey faggot respond to this
not an argument.
plus, an 18 year old would've been born in 2000, making them 1 years old on 9/11. definitely could have little to know knowledge of how israel is likely behind it. god on you OP for asking questions
Read this. You are low are iq
Fuck you nigger.
The two videos I'm claiming are real don't even make the situation any better.
OPs video is cut to remove the ufo and hidden message.
that was supposed to be united 93
Fake vid. Cave dwellers masterminded 9/11 out of jealousy over our freedoms. So we attacked all those countries placed near Israel, but not for the benefit of Israel, but to protect our freedoms.
oh wow some jew tried to intentionally muddy the waters by adding retarded speical fx. so fucking what? not even worth responding to.
the freefall video is still legit even if some random retard added cgi effects and then said "ZOMG YOU FELL FOR MY FAKE VIDEO 9/11 HAPPENED EXACTLY LIKE THE OFFICIAL STORY"
it doesn't work like that. i'll spell it out bc i know you'll pretend to be retarded:
>wtc7 freefall video is real
>someone adds cgi special effects to it
>now we can call the video "fake"
>people spread special effects version
>just accuse everyone of spreading "hoax" video
nice try, schlomo, but we see through these pathetic tricks
how does that make me low iq? i'm not even op
If you haven't seen this yet, give it a look and some kek's, live calls on CSPAN and anchors having to spin, deflect, or dismiss the caller.
The grandma calling in is the funniest of all!
The flashes are fake fucking shill!
The pattern of the windows breaking does indicate the 2 central columns being blown out by thermite explosives.
The air pressure blew out the windows in that pattern!
>no plane disinfo shills
but... there were no planes user. the maneuvers would have been impossible.
no im not the shill. shills always come in and say the longer version somehow discredits the freefall of wtc7. re-read my posts. i've ALWAYS maintained the freefall of wtc7 and that it's first and only time in recorded history a steel building has collapsed due to fires. i'm not the shill here. re-read my posts.
not reading the thread
>building is engulfed in flame
>creates an oxygen starvation (not quite a proper vacuum but same idea)
>building begins to collapse from structural damage
>windows rightfully shatter from warping frames
>newly shattered window causes a brief influx of oxygen, feeding the fire and causing a "poof" of conflagaration
Israel definitely did it. There were definitely controlled demolitions.
The largest and most coordinated disinformation campaign ever was launched to protect Israel and they still slipped up 35000 times
They killed JFK
They hoaxed us into Vietnam
They did 911
They hoaxed us into Iraq and Afghanistan
We have to be very careful and meticulous.
Shills are trying to mix real proof with fake shit to discredit 9/11 truth!
We will keep red pilling the next generation of your subversion jews!
Bumping for justice
The plane that hit building 7 was heading from the west, so this video has to be fake since that is the northwest side of building 7 you fucking retards.
Im starting to think the video I posted is fake. Sorry guys,I promise im not trying to discredit the real truth. We all know it was a controlled demolition. Were more intelligent than the monkeys who believe the fucking skyscraper collapsed from fires. .
sorry i didn't realize OP had posted the fake cgi version. trust me i believe israel was behind it all (obviously) and that wtc7 falling at freefall speed in first and only recorded time in history a steel building collapsed due to fires should wake most people up, but still hasn't for some reason.
The ultimate red pill is that the American people were innocent in the wars against Iraq.
It was always the jews!
Wasn't the mayor of new York's nuclear fall out shelter in wtc 7?
Can withstand a nuke but not a small fire
well woulden't you dance if you thought you caught the video of a lifetime? How we're they supposed to know that so many people would die?
Yeah I think the version I posted with the flashes was obviously created so it try to discredit the idea of demolition. I should be more careful
That's exactly what I'm pointing out you retarded faggot.
I even posted a legit video of freefall.
OP's video is the aftereffects video.
Random redpill regarding the Italian election in webmrelated for no other reason than to point out that there are areas where the water is crystal clear
>How we're they supposed to know that so many people would die?
You just admitted youre an Israeli, hence meme flag.
LMAO JIDF confirmed.
You guys are so vile and disgusting!
Not trying to sound like a shill, but I would say fake.
I've been researching 9/11 since the day, and I have never seen this video. Also looks edited when the holes appear, and again at the end, when they all disappear. Could be bad focus I guess.
the flashes are fake.
it most likely should have come down hidden in the dust cloud and something went wrong...
it should have been hit by UA93 or even UA23 ( there were more hijacking attempts at the same time going on)
>set up cameras before planes were near
>dancing about people dying in the plane/tower on impact is normal
i did watch it for 4 min and yeah it is incredible
fuck off... no plane hit WTC 7
They made a float with the woman hanging on to his cock? Very degenerate
Yea, lets not forget the fact they were already set up to film, on a roof of adjacent building, with tripods and high end cameras.
Just a coincidence r-right?
Great read if you missed up. Can't believe the article is still up
The real story is WHY they did 911.
>Trillions missing from various government agencies
>Trillions illicitly generated in black operations for black budgets
>Investigations of where that money went were being conducted out of the SEC office in WTC7 and in the Pentagon exactly where it got blown up.
A lot of people got a lot of profit on that day and we had the perfect motivation to go destabilize more of the ME... But that was just a side effect.
What was built with those tens of trillions of dollars?
What were these investigations on the verge of discovering?
How do we uncover it now?
yes, the penthouse collapsed a few seconds, so it was a separate event. but it did not fell very deep, as can be seen by the fact that only the FIRST ROW of windows lets light through. thereby further contradicting the NIST version - not supporting it!
There's no flying saucer in the OP's video. But nice try.
The callers all say "well, its all related" when the host says to go back on-topic.
IRS related to 9/11 LMAO >>>its all jews, its related
no plane hit wtc7
the twin towers were not the only buildings that fell on 9/11
wtc7 went down, and it looks suspiciously controlled
Hey Larry why didn't you show up to work for the first time in decades?
not in the (((media)))
you do not sound like a shill at all, only unnecessary timid...
of course this video is fake.
this is too easy bait, and many years too late to be even considered believable...
wait, do "truthers" still exist?
MY FUCKING SIDES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
based gook
Their employer was an Israeli named Dominik Suter, who immediately abandoned his business after the FBI questioned him about the arrested employees, and fled to Israel, never to return. He was later sued by the state of New Jersey, because numerous customers had their belongings in limbo at his company Urban Moving Systems. The FBI raided the offices and confiscated at least 5 computers, all of which remain classified. They concluded Urban Moving was an Israeli intel front.
Not all of the arrested UMS Israeli movers were confirmed as having Israeli intel ties, but others were, after refusing then failing polygraphs. They 75 photos they took were developed by FBI, and confirmed to show them jubilant. This was for the first plane collision, before the MSM or anyone, see Howard Stern's live broadcast, confirmed it was terrorism.
Reminder, the first victim of 9/11 was aboard that same plane. He was a highly respected ex-caption of Israel's most secretive, most elite fighting force that specializes in airport/hijacker scenarios and frequently disguises itself as the enemy behind foreign lines. He didn't die in the crash. No, he was reportedly killed with boxcutters, yet he was trained for 19 months by Sayeret to kill with his hands. Considered the toughest training regimen in Israel if not the world.
The five Israelis refused to exit their Urban Moving van at gunpoint by NJPD. They told the arresting officer, "We are no your problem, the Palestinians are you problem." It's worth noting: Benjamin Netanyahu impersonated airport technicians to kill Palestinian hijackers as a leader in Sayeret, like Daniel Lewin.
The head of the Pentagon on 9/11 was a Zionist rabbi named Dov Zakheim. The man who ordered the arrested Israelis freed after 71 days interrogation was Michael Chertoff, a Zionist who became head of Homeland Security, and now works for Chertoff Group, that makes millions in DC pushing of new security scanners.
Sorry for the offtopic, figured mods won't get me here and I'm guessing 9/11 threads have a huge burger influx.
Can any of you burger anons confirm on trying this bulking nectar of the gods?
Never had one but seems about right.
I agree with you, the cameramen are innocent.
This is false. They only took photos with a camera. The film was developed by the FBI and remains classified. They didn't use a high tech video camera. The initial witness, a woman, possibly ESL, confused the camera for a rig, considering how many photos they took.
THEY DEFO SHAT themselves with everyone turning EYES to the globalist banks and money men. Seems like they done a pretty goodjob dividing everyone up into little echochambers.
no plane/plane is a another false dichotomy to divide and conquer.
what it REALLY should be is a convo about how they could not have been the commercial airliners we were told they were. pentagon video is clear it isn't a 767. or anything close to that. and those aluminum planes no shattering, bending, facing ANY resistance when entering the towers is suspect. couple in eye witness reports of a "military style aircraft" and well it's a mystery for sure.
my point is, i'm not focused on "was it cgi?". i'm more focused on the fact that the planes at the very least were NOT commercial airliners as we commoners know them. could they have been reinforced? sure. could it be a military style aircraft? sure. could it be cgi? sure i'm not ruling anything out except what physics tells me i can rule out. and that would be the laughable collision we seen in videos. the plane's top speed a few hundred feet above sea level could never reach high enough to literally melt into steel towers like that. if we saw the towers speeding, and the aircraft stationary, would we expect to see the same thing? would we expect to see the equal and opposite reaction of the building swallowing up the stationary plane? i don't think so. anyway, yea. it shouldn't be "no planes". but should be called "altered planes" or "different planes".
>inb4 shill
not at all. i've been looking into 9/11 in depth since 2006. not as a hobby. as a second job. watch all the kikes flip out st my post.
That will give your type 2 diabetes. 1 teaspoon is 4 grams so that shake of shit has 65 teaspoons of sugar.
Christopher Bollyn explains it well in this video. please share it with everyone you know. youtube.com
And it also has 38g of brotein and 333g of carbs.
Just imagine it as a post workout shake.
I drink 4 of those a week... My caloric intake is between 4 and 9000 per day.
6'4", 180 lbs
Reminder, the first victim of 9/11 was aboard that same plane. He was a highly respected ex-caption of Israel's most secretive, most elite fighting force that specializes in airport/hijacker scenarios and frequently disguises itself as the enemy behind foreign lines. He didn't die in the crash. No, he was >reportedly killed with boxcutters, yet he was trained for 19 months by Sayeret to kill with his hands. Considered the toughest training regimen in Israel if not the world.
How can any one actually know for sure?seems like cia misdirection?
1-If you are a shill, open this link, there is the pastebin choice if you are afraid of someone logging you.
1.1-If they dont allow you there is something shady going on and you should be afraid of it.
1.2-The text is called new order of barbarians, if they tell you the site have virus, ip logging or something like that, search at your prefered web search site and read it at another site, there are more than one with the text.
2-Read the entire text.
3-The text is not so huge, this was not made to make sure you read something and stop working while doing it, you can do both at the same time.
3.1-If they dont allow you yo read the text saying you can't read external links at work time, read at home, remember the text is called new order of barbarians, again, new order of barbarians.
If they aren't telling you everything they wont allow you to read the text.
If somehow not even them, know everything, and allow you to read it, then read it anyway, the way you act will be influenced by the text and they will force you to quit or whateaver and you will see they werent telling you everything.
he looks like one lying evil jew
There was a discussion of terrorism. Terrorism would be used widely in Europe and in other parts of the world. Terrorism at that time was thought would not be necessary in the United States. It could become necessary in the United States if the United States did not move rapidly enough into accepting the system. But at least in the foreseeable future it was not planned. And very benignly on their part. Maybe terrorism would not be required here, but the implication being that it would be indeed used if it was necessary. Along with this came a bit of a scolding that Americans had had it too good anyway and just a little bit of terrorism would help convince Americans that the world is indeed a dangerous place ... or can be if we don't relinquish control to the proper authorities."
There was a discussion of terrorism. Terrorism would be used widely in Europe and in other parts of the world. Terrorism at that time was thought would not be necessary in the United States. It could become necessary in the United States if the United States did not move rapidly enough into accepting the system. But at least in the foreseeable future it was not planned. And very benignly on their part. Maybe terrorism would not be required here, but the implication being that it would be indeed used if it was necessary. Along with this came a bit of a scolding that Americans had had it too good anyway and just a little bit of terrorism would help convince Americans that the world is indeed a dangerous place ... or can be if we don't relinquish control to the proper authorities."
pic related
I was under the impression that the first person to die that fateful day was someone who was in the elevator and died from some sort of blast? in the tower. The victims dad still gives interviews
I may add:
There are many more suspicious chosen people:
>PNAC laid out the plan for a new american century, wished for a new Pearl Harbor, half of them went to work under Bush II
>Ehud Barak, was at the BBC headquarter as it happens, names Osama bin Laden before the towers fell
>Lucky Larry "pull it" Silverstein, leased the buildings only month before, won a billion dollar lawsuit, had new building 7 design meeting in April 2000
>Philip Zelikow, 1998 "imagining the transforming event", 2003 Executive Director of the Commission
>Kenneth Feinberg, Shila Birnbaum, Alvin K. Hellerstein, Michael B. Mukasey: litigation of Larry Silverstein, avoided real trials from 9-11 victims, compensation fund, etc.
there are also some gentiles directly or indirectly involved:
>Paul Bremer, Bernard Kerik, Dick Cheney, Rupert Mudoch
yet somehow they are all pro Israel
personally I think the main architect (he literally studied architecture) was King Bibi himself:
>He called the attacks very good for Israel and is the author of several books which call for a global "War on Terror"
here's an ex NIST agent talking about why it's bullshit
this pic of her real? She was so cute in Kick ass
All u kids need to relax. If u were old enough to remember the documentaries and news articles that talked bout this when it happened u would stfu. Building 7 was damaged by debris. Not by diretct hit. They never claimed it was hit by a plane. No ever has. It was mechanically pulled down by using cables on one side at strategic points because they wanted to make sure it fell a certain way so that it wouldnt hit more buildings or people. For the love of god people read for two minutes before posting dumb shit.
That being said. Im pretty sure they had it prematurely pulled down in order to collect on the insurance.
>The real story is WHY they did 911.
>>Trillions missing from various government agencies
The Pentagon and HUD can’t account for $21 trillion over just the past 17 years
$21 trillion
>$21 trillion
mega bump
wtc 7 is the smoking gun showing this was much more elaborate than some sand niggers flying into a couple of buildings. most people don't know 3 buildings fell that day. obvious they were lined up from the inside.
one thing that separates the altright from neocons is this: fuck Israel, and fuck gwb
Since when is this not real.
Someone post the pentagon gif, no plane, missile.
I literally said camera.
FBI report
>bulking nectar of the gods
pretty sure that was mcdonald's double cheeseburgers or something like that. they were super cheap. maybe discontinued the deal, though.
trump said this if i reemember correctly.
based bollyn