/SWEG/- Swedish Election General

On the 9th September, Sweden is going to have a general election. This may be the last chance Sweden has to stop itself from falling over the edge before it’s too late.
After years of the establishment turning their country from a paradise on earth into the rape capital of Europe, the immigration issue is at the forefront of every Sven’s mind. We need to keep it there. We need to show the Swedish people what their government has been hiding from them, what their media has been downplaying & how the rest of the world is beginning to see them.
With less then 6 months to go before the election, we are already beginning to break through. We need to organise, build our support, and spread our message, our campaigns and our memes throughout the rest of the internet.
The silent majority are with us. If we can show them that they are not alone, we can break the stigma.

Attached: SVEG2018[1].png (670x670, 113K)

Other urls found in this thread:



This is a campaign that was made for the UK after Lauren Southern got banned for saying the ame thing. But it would be even more effctiv in Sweden.
As it stands right now, there is a doublthink allaince between the Poz and Islam, for the sake of the progressives cause.
It's not going to take much to shatter that.
We need a Swedish Version of the poster, and we need people willing to put it up.

Attached: pride[1].png (1024x683, 522K)

Redpill for the whole general here

Attached: Goytown.png (1348x680, 142K)

And whilst we're at it, See this poster?
You take the blue pill, you see a story or an article about the Mainstream parties. Their policies, their failings. The melting down of priceless artifacts, the Decemberoverenskommelsen, the anti-rape bracelets…
You take the redpill, you see the damage they’ve done. The murder victims, the rape victims, and the migrants who got away with it.
These posters won’t be torn down so quickly. They won’t be so easy to ignore; in fact, people will be intrigued. They’ll want to know what’s on the other side of the rabbit hole.
All we’re offering Sweden Is the truth.
We need QR codes of any related articles & sources, and we need people willing to go out and put these up.

Attached: genetics_morpheus[1].png (2480x3508, 2.48M)


















Attached: grundlag_morpehus[1].png (2480x3508, 2.48M)

















Attached: islam_morpheus2[1].png (2480x3508, 2.48M)



>top kek below





Attached: morpheus_rape[1].png (2480x3508, 2.48M)

Attached: 28699313_10156482880247922_4667620301486129621_o[1].jpg (1275x713, 95K)

Attached: 1517493536325.png (960x617, 852K)

Attached: FysiskBorttagningMedSkurt[1].png (748x670, 873K)

Source from the horse's mouth!

Attached: 1518014522583.png (1000x1122, 195K)

Attached: 28870548_2082046702039600_4196424684403952125_n[1].jpg (750x583, 34K)

Attached: SkurtWall2[1].gif (450x450, 1.52M)

when are the posters going up next?

Next official date is yet to be decided, though it'll be sometime within the next 3 weeks. But if you've got a printer & the time, then don't wait for us.

Attached: skurt_vaknat[1].png (2000x1125, 1.67M)

att folk fortfarnde shillar för SD när AfS finns

I would if i could


Attached: krig.jpg (1920x1080, 433K)


Attached: 7ra7sf72.png (1214x1604, 268K)

First for Alternativ för Sverige

SD cucks btfo

Attached: 1482378196859.png (400x397, 81K)

this thread will never catch on, russhill

Vänstern är rädd

That's where you're wrong, SÄPO.

Attached: NMR.png (1919x1039, 1.24M)

>When you find out you are the rightful ruler of Sweden, Denmark and Norway, and part god

Yeah. Didn't fuck with my ego one bit. Fuck this simulation, the processing power is laughable at best.

Attached: Skärmavbild 2018-03-18 kl. 01.54.17.png (452x679, 87K)

>Inb4 LARP

I fucking WISH I was LARP'ing..

Attached: Skärmavbild 2018-03-18 kl. 01.58.23.png (582x680, 79K)

>britfag trying to influence swedish elections
no collusion here

what is this shit

That was my first though. And it still is. Wattafakk.

I think you were trying to reply to me?
I just run the threads, the work is being done by Swedes.
Also, you're the second person to make that accusation today. Tell your handlers to space them out a little bit, might get suspicious otherwise.

I do like the ol' family weapon though..

Attached: Skärmavbild 2018-03-19 kl. 17.41.48.png (198x203, 49K)

AfS is the only right choice.

Attached: 1517783268039[1].jpg (768x432, 104K)

Whats drawing you to them?

vill du förändra Sverige på riktigt?


Attached: Jimmi.png (905x406, 357K)

Det är hysteriskt roligt att se hur extremhögern i Sverige splittras i bokstavstrogna små grupper. Fortsätt med det, fascistpojkar. :D

more right-wing than SD.

SD is already in parliament, time to get a more radical party in

But why?
Whats wrong with SD?

Du tror att AfS kan ta sig in i riksdagen 2018?

Eller så du stärka det höger parti som redan är med i riksdagen

Attached: 20161209_112537.jpg (2988x5312, 1.85M)

Are you the same guy who posted Swedish Election every once in a while? Why are you, a British, so dedicated to Swedish election?

Om mest störst otur de inte kommer in och tar så mycket som möjligt från SD så gör det nog inget.

Om SD förlorar 3% så spelar det ingen roll. Det kommer inte bli någon skillnad om SD får 20% eller 23% i politiken.

I framtiden behöver vi deportera, inte integrera eller assimilera. De ska ut. SD förespråkar inte det.

Det finns ingen "extremhöger". Det vore en självmotsägelse. "Vänster" och "extrem" är synonymer. "Extremhöger" skulle betyda "extremt oextrem" ungefär. Se vidare franska revolutionen om hur uttrycket "vänster" inom politiken myntades.

Och fascism uppstod bland italienska syndikalister under första världskriget, så även det är en vänsterideologi. Syndikalism är populärt inom AFA...

Frågan är om ens sverige kommer finnas kvar till nästa år.

Den stora skillnaden är att vi är rasrealister.
Folket finns fortfarande kvar, sålänge inte alla ger upp och går och steriliserar sig.

En sak i taget nu. Först och främst skall gränserna hållas så att vi får stopp på invasionen. Därefter kan man börja dumpa av dem till det skitland som begär minst för att ta emot dem. Haiti skulle vara passande då det både ligger på en ö och dessutom är lusfattigt.

These threads are about raising awareness f the issues, not infighting.
If we're successful, then SD will end up being the largest party, but not able to form a government on it's own. AfS will be smaller, but SD will be reliant on them.
Sweden gets a government that cares for them, and we get to make sure they stay focussed on them instead of their own image.
We all win.

Shillar för båda. Röstar nog på AfS

Man måste börja långsamt
Täpp till det massiva inflödet och sedan börja med att integrera de som funkar bra, du måste ta det väldigt långsamt och indoktrinera människor annars kommer de vända sig mot dig och kalla dig för extremist vilket skapar en möjlighet till ett vakum som motståndaren kan nyttja

Vi har inte ens vänt trenden i invandring så vi kan ju börja där, eller?

I miss him, lads

Attached: img-scholarship-founded.jpg (219x250, 67K)

I'd hope that there are others out there dedicated to our success in Britain, too.
Be the change you wish to see and all that.

Yeah but might as well shill for AfS now, since SD will grow no matter what.

Although i'll shill for both depending on my mood.

Ok fair enough. But I hope the next time this thread would be started by a Swedish. Would look better that way.

Det går långsamt. Betyder inte att vi inte ska berätta sanningen om ras och att människor har evolverat åtskilda.
Jag är för övrigt väl inlärd i taktiken du föreslår och är inte heller emot den. Men det kan gå för långsamt också.

he was a jew

In one generation, people won't remember a Sweden for Swedes or a Sweden without gang rapes every week. It will be seen as normal and like there was never any other alternative.

Go hard or go home. Although it's probably home since i'm pretty much at Varg level /blackpilled/ right now so I don't really see any chance for Sweden at all. So i'm not really holding my breath.
vile leftist scum, he has the blood of the boer on himself

and /SWEG/ is cheering for...?

Bump for viking user
>all the best sweds hope you can save your country

Att rösta på AfS är inte ett smart drag detta val. Partiet bildades precis och har knappast hunnit organisera sig själva. Av denna anledning kommer det vara interna konflikter och av det kommer media att skriva oändliga hyllmeter av skandalartiklar, vilket inte gynnar vår sak.

Ge SD rösten i år. De har iallafall någorlunda huvudet påskruvat. Rösta sedan AfS 2022.

Whatever isn't cultural marxist. We don't really have a proper /ourguy/ in Sweden.

Then shill, my friend. On any platform & at any opportunity.
It's not the shilling, it's the infighting.
Talk about the merits of AfS, get people on board and use this thread to do so.
But some people have a different strategy, as long as we're all on the same page about what needs to be done in Sweden and we're united in our efforts to change, then it's still a step in the right direction.

>Men det kan gå för långsamt också.
Såklart, vi behöver balans för att kunna vinna.

>any chance for Sweden at al
While im inclined to agree in light of recent events (the Solna sharia sentence for one) it seems the opposition is moving up their positions and unless "we" respond then Sweden is lost because the youth are majority non-white in many parts of the country

Jag instämmer, ett steg i rätt riktning

Attached: 20160423184519_1.jpg (2560x1440, 414K)

I'm just making the threads, dude. The work is still done by Swedes.
But i get your point.

Can I get a quick rundown on the Solna Sharia story?

Attached: CaptainSkurt.png (1280x800, 563K)

In court we have three "nämndemän" who are kind of like jurors and private citizens who are elected as representatives of a party.

Woman goes to the police because her muslim man beats her (alledgedly) and two of these jurors wanted to free him off all charges because his family was a good one, unlike her family and because she chose to go to the police instead of telling his relatives which undermined her credibility.

One of the jurors even openly called for muslim sharia law in 2006 or 2008, i cant remember but she was still up for election within her party despite them knowing full well her stance.

Won't AfS just dissolve if they don't get in to the parliament?

>(the Solna sharia sentence for one)
The Solna what?

>Sandniggers being sandniggers

Do I really have to explain it further?

Alright. Fuck it.

Sandniggers came, infiltrated the "center party" (in U.S. standard: Social Democrats) and got elevated positions in the party. Later they got to be judges in the local court. And then they revealed themselves as being sandniggers (chocking) and implementing their savage laws instead of upholding Swedish law. This created a scandal and the center party threw them out as the "didn't know" that they were, in fact, sandniggers.

Quick rundown
>Muslim beats wife
>Wife calls the cops
>Man is from "good" family
>Man is set free from all charges

I can't tell if your government is evil or just incredibly stupid.


I think it's obvious that it's both at the same time.

>A leaf told a Swedistan that his government is evil and stupid

Attached: canada-dog.png (500x501, 122K)

Is it not possible that both are...?

>elected as representatives of a party
Formally they aren't. It's just a corrupted system now. I assume the verdict in the first instance was appealed to higher court? (which has no laymen)

This one
Link is in Swedish but basically it says a minister in our current government is advocating for the contintued funding of islamist associations like the muslim brotherhood.
These islamists have infiltrated several parties on the left and the right as well, doing favors for their own or combating "Islamophobia" as a way to pave the road for political islam.

The solna sentence was just them becoming too brave and sticking their heads too far up, they are there and they run alot of things in government currently

You think that's bad?

> 15 year old girl forced to marry man 5 years older
> Man forcefully stops her from going to school
> Government intervenes
> Puts girl in foster care... With her husband
> Now the sandnigger gets paid tax money to rape an underage girl.
Sweden yes!

>Being clairvoyant is a crime

I take any ally I can get. Sweden is fucked, and so is Canada. What about it?

mutt hiding behind meme-flag

That's why it's fucking funny
It's funny because both of your govs are equally horrible
Don't you have bigger things to worry about?

Attached: sweden-beheade.png (1024x640, 577K)

Just a /ptg/ denizen stopping by to say that you guys unironically have the best thread acronym on the site
Also fuck the OP bongs should not be allowed to make threads or post in anything that isn't bong/pol/

What I never understood is why ethnic Swedes are actively aiding these Islamists. Are they secret converts or something? We have these cultural and ethnic traitors in Canada too but they don't go so far as to actively promote Islamism to the detriment of their own bugman culture.

Show your flag Mutt. You have your own fair share of problems too. And no Trump did not fix your failing country.

>t. leaf with a dog currently sucking his dick

Attached: canada-dog-fellatio.jpg (1278x638, 38K)

Deep indoctrination and 60 years of it has strange effects on the general populace. Thank God that the internet is starting to reveal the cracks that's forming, and the populace is ever so slowly getting out of the trance.

But yes. They have been trained to do it through propaganda and brainwashing. You had the US keeping your country (somewhat) sane through the Cold War. We didn't.

incredibly stupid

replying to a somewhat bizarre court case:
>your government
The government is separated from the court system. A government that interferred with court verdicts would be history in a jiffy, particulary a minority government as the current. That's not the problem. The problem is the way the laymen are appointed in the lowest courts.

mata inte trollet

>Government is seperated from the court system
Nice of you showing how well the education in this country brainwashes people. If that is so, how do you explain that almost always that judges and other court staff are affiliated with the municipalities' ruling parties?

>pic related

Attached: swedenyes.jpg (1280x853, 167K)

Looks awfully similar to the flag of Isle of Man

Varför ska jag bry mig om två kommunisthaggor och deras idioti?

>le jews brainwashed my people they dindunuffin le media le internet the truth

fucking retard

I have no clue
Some are guilt ridden and want "representation" for minorities so they look the other way
Some are power hungry and promote minorities to get their votes

Comes in all shapes i guess but it IS a massive problem

>I assume the verdict in the first instance was appealed to higher court?
I have no idea, i read it, laughed my ass off and forgot about it because the rest of Sweden will as well before the election.

>Varför ska jag bry mig om två kommunisthaggor och deras idioti?
No, I said the pic illustrated for your post

Vad menar du? Säger du att propaganda inte har inverkan på folk? Självklart har folk själva också ett ansvar att tänka till, men säg inte att SVT och alla tidningar inte riktar folks åsikter.