
Is Rom supposed to be dumb? I know that she's supposed to be cute and sweet, but she also seems mildly brain damaged to me, and I don't know if that was the intention.

You should ask Nintentoddlers that

Is the anime a spin-off and is it worth it?

Why so many nep threads in one day?

*teleports behind you*


I want to lick those thighs.

She gets the best Neptunia yuri doujins.

I think the joke is that she's dense because her name means Read Only Memory, i.e. she's learning disabled. Whereas I would expect Random Access Memory to have ADHD or something.

Neptune has Nepgear which is Sega game gear.
Noire has Uni which is the PsP.
Vert has no sister because microsoft never made a portable console.

So who are ROM and RAM supposed to be?