Why are conservatives losing the culture war?
Why are conservatives losing the culture war?
They gave up on directing the narrative and language.
they dont care about conserving races anymore
Same reason any brand isn't as big as its conpetitor. It is not as popular. Conservatism is dead anyways.
The arc of history bends towards liberalism.
>muh right side of history meme
The only thing you're on the right side of is the curve of my dick.
prove you don't need guns :)
Kill the kike head, morons
essentially they're not as profitable. pretty simple really
the fact that they have to get marketing AI's to push their opinion shows no we're winning
>dems are fags
Aw you mad because no one likes you?
Idk. I think neo cons have martyred themselves. I foresee a reemergence of conservatism in the form of “progressive conservatism”. Liberals about to get BTFO by a libertarian conservative in Ontario.
not this shit again. must be the third time this shill thread is posted today
The conservatives remain in a very unappealing paradigm and have yet to realize the Alt-Right's politics (i.e. trade protectionism, market interventionism in favor of industry, anti-immigration) are more in vogue with their base.
You need 270 votes to win. Reagan/Bush-era neoliberalism + needless foreign adventures in the middle east won't appeal to enough states to win.
Cuz freedom wins
What's interesting is now the people who support unlimited free trade and things like NATO, NAFTA, and the EU are the liberals. The neocons went over to the liberal side. I've even seen SJWs praising Bush in the 2010s. How do you think this will bode for the future?
Because there is nothing left to conserve
Too many archaic beliefs ensure they'll always push insane bullshit into their laws and they don't understand how to hide it like the left can.
I think that it's unsustainable for the Neocons. Either the Republican party will be replaced by another party as it dies or its membership will be replaced by Nationalists.
It's an interesting situation. Probably the first time I've seen a party "victorious" yet on the verge of dying at the same time. The Republicans are doing so poorly at learning the lessons of Trump that they're giving up seats that should be easy wins.
Moe Brooks would have cleaned house in Alabama. Instead, they went with Roy Moore for the religion points. So dumb.
Meanwhile, Connor Lamb is closer to what the Republicans ought to be looking for. Young, military veteran, pro-industry. He's essentially a blue dog who is secretly a masochistic cuckold on immigration. Instead, they put up that joker Saccone.
If the Republicans keep doing what they're doing, they're a dead party. Jeff Flake dropped out of his own primary because he knew he would lose to his more Nationalist challenger.
I think the nation is on the edge of a knife. Stray but a little, and it will fall, to the ruin of all. Yet hope remains while the party is true.
The Republicans must embrace Nationalism, or they'll see themselves cast out of office by democrats who promise the same amoral neo-liberalism along with Free Shit and Put Your Dick In Everything degeneracy.
And I realize that I totally went with reddit-spacing. Fuck.
Because the left has the media.
All of it. And they push frankfurt school bullshit in order to break America in half.
I remember when the gop criticized trump for not being a real conservative. Like who gives a shit? Jeb Bush is a real conservative? Then I surely won't wanna vote for one!
This is the point. The "conservatives" have failed to conserve anything in the past fifty years. The Republican party needs to evolve into the Nationalist Party (or, to steal Fuentes'... and Limburgh's lingo: the America First Party). Nobody gives enough of a shit about abortion and free trade to make you a winning party. And currently, all you've given us is Ohio's retard law which bars abortions... ONLY in the case of Down's Syndrome children. Literally an anti-fitness law that makes the country more retarded.
Here's what the Republicans need to cluster around to win the White Working Class (and white voters generally) without alienating non-whites (until it's too late and they don't matter anymore).
>Targeted trade protectionism and industrial investment.
>>Stop trying to balance the budget. The democrats will never even participate in this argument with you -- they'll just guarantee more free shit and win votes, anyway. The least you can do is guarantee free shit that makes sense and benefits the country -- like industry, infrastructure, etc.
>Nationalist Rhetoric
>>America should be your bread and butter. You should constantly be hammering the left on how they hate America and its traditional symbols. Rely heavily on the Founding Fathers, Cowboys, and even Civil War heroes: figures that normal people love and progressives/blacks hate.
>Enforce strict immigration laws, but keep avenues open (temporarily) for a LIMITED amount of high-class/high-merit Asians/Hispanics/Blacks.
>>Yes, I know regression to the mean is a thing, but there are currently too many traitorous/uncaring white people to rely on white voters alone.
>>Balance this out with targeted programs to draw in large numbers of vulnerable whites, like offering homesteads or fast-track immigration to Boers suffering genocide in South Africa.
>Non-Interventionist Foreign Policy
>Build Nationalist Ties in Europe to create a sense of a "wave" of National-Populism.
Also, ignore the gay/abortion stuff for now. Focus on the insanity of the transgender stuff, which is much easier for normal folks to see as utterly deranged.
Because conservatism is a non-ideology and a non-position.
Conservatives are the liberals of 10 years ago.
Conservatives are dominated by jewish intellectuals.
Conservatives are pussies.
Conservatives are a pressure valve to ensure right minded individuals waste their time perpetually on the defensive.
Because they're the only ones who had a culture to lose.
what do progressives mean by this?
This is the gayest fucking thing that I have ever read.
your mother bends towards the arc of my penis
Cultural trotskyism
Because you can't conserve anything. Everything evolves into its antithesis eventually.
This is equally true of US conservatives, who became so obsessed with removing cucks that they themselves became the cucks.
Tide goes in tide goes out can't explain that shit
Read Hegel.
>The arc of history bends towards liberalism.
Very true.
it's not a war worth fighting. just let liberals live the way they like. the only time you should do anything is when they start forcing their shit on you.
>conservatives losing the culture war
You forgot communism in Poland pal
the greatest ideas prevail and tradition is the corpse of wisdom
Islam is extremely exclusive yet it’s growing and the tolerant progressive Catholicism is shrinking. People naturally flock to strength. The problem is that neocons and cuckservatives have ruined the right and made us look weak. The right needs to embrace white nationalism
>cherrypicking this hard
Because most conservative platforms hold onto anti abortion and religious views or at least that is the stigma.
Also libs/dems used to have the high moral ground but that is changing because they're whoring out our countries to immigrants and refugees and abusive irresponsible use of tax dollars.
Trump was really smart for not giving a shit about issues like that. The most important thing was the jobs, infrastructure and economy. Something most people can relate to.
Also on a unrelated note, would it hurt if republicans can kick out their old fart boomers and let in some new blood? I mean a lot of those boomers dropped out of college so it's really hurting the image of the party. School isn't everything but there actually are a lot of young smart conservatives with good credentials. Don't let the whole school is for leftists only fool you.
Marketing from certain (((interested parties))) has subverted and gutted the appeal of conservative values, so the last few generations who were susceptible to merchant tricks have been brainwashed to believe that there is no strength in family by making it look cool, by making universal "tolerance" unless you're white to be "correct" especially in universities and promote behavior that ultimately leads to less happiness in lieu of short term social points.
In other words the last few generations have ramped up their attack on regular normal people and the culture war is being fought. Pockets of liberalism will undoubtedly remain, but they're not nearly as intelligent as most conservatives, they're emotionally unstable, theyre unable to critically think all due to generations of corporations worming away their brains. Conservatives are maintaining traditional values - not universally - but at a base level. And that's fine, Id rather think I was brainwashed for believing in the strength of family as opposed to TalmudVision and Faceberg for virtue points.
School is for leftists. Its nothing but an indoctrination center. Women and men go in. Whores and cucks come out.
Conservatives losing culture war.
Now go ask your dad for money to go out with your progressive friends you little shit.
It's not a matter of hurting or not hurting the Republicans. Most of these babyboomers in power are just sociopathic political opportunists. The problem is they're so arrogant and narcissistic that they're offended Trump beat them. So they're not seeing the light (yet). If they do see the light and switch to Nationalist policies, then keep them around. If not, they will necessarily be replaced by younger blood, because they'll lose their primaries to younger Nationalists or their elections to Democrats (because none of the voter base came out for their lame neocon/Ben Shapiro policies).
Moreover, we should be wary of assuming "young" means "good." There are plenty of dumb NeoCon, Ben Shapiro acolytes dressed in ill-fitting suits, interning in Washington, hoping to get the tap on the shoulder to run for office.
As for dropping out college: good. College is for suckers and just used to brainwash new generations. We should be looking for working men -- and it's just gravy/a bonus if they later went to university, got an MBA, or studied as an engineer. These "young conservative intellectuals" are mostly neocons themselves.
"Conservativism" is dead. Right-wing politics is taking off like a fucking rocket. The youth figured out that leftists want them killed and conservatives are controlled opposition.
To the lurkers: You have a right to self-defense, to wealth, to a family, to property, and to an identity. Don't let any Jew rat try and tell you otherwise.
>The arc of history bends towards liberalism.
>mfw history is a series of loops
>mfw there is always a heavy liberal shift that causes an even heavier right wing response or complete collapse that results in a right wing response
>mfw we are hitting the end of the liberal shift and seeing the beginning of the right wing response
>mfw you're too fucking retarded to see it
Did you fall asleep in your history classes?
we're winning
Despite the backlash against SJW online culture and the whole ‘based gen z’ meme, young people are generally way more progressive than older people. When a young person in America describes themselves as ‘conservative’ they basically mean they are not a radical socialist or into feminism/identity politics.
Movies and tv generally push more progressive ideas have done so for many decades now; think back to when Friends tv show made it more socially acceptable have kids out of wedlock. Or how ‘Will and Grace’ massively shifted America’s beliefs on homosexuality.
>Because the left has the media.
This is the answer, there is nothing else to say.
The media is one part. Also, when people become ‘better educated’ they tend to become more socially progressive. I know this will upset pol but statistically it is true. Most people who oppose things like interracial marriage have much lower levels of education. The number of middle aged to older white rednecks that the Republicans can rely on to vote for them no matter what is declining. Trump feels like the last gasp of racist dog whistling in America. When Trump loses massively in 2020 (I don’t know if he even wants to win desu) then we will see a massive shift in American culture.
Hitler knew the power of the media. That's how he got enough support.
Yet fast forward 60 to 70 years and all the dumbfuck conservatives seemed to have forgot something Hitler did a long time ago.
Because it baseis going to “far right” because moder conservatives are cucks and war hawks
>‘Will and Grace’ massively shifted America’s beliefs on homosexuality.
people forget that before this show bush won a second term because gay marriage was on the ballot in ohio. america hated faggots before this show. its all so tiresome
The conservatives don't see themselves in his tradition.
Fundamentally, Hitler was a revolutionary, but also a reactionary. Revolting against a system which had destroyed much of what it meant to be a German, reacting to Bolshevism and Internationalism, but not bringing back the Kaiser -- proposing a new world order.
The Conservatives are the exact opposite: trying to preserve the degenerate now. The neocons aren't actually fighting to go back. They just don't want to go forward anymore.
>When Trump loses massively in 2020
"Better educated" means "brainwashed by the authorities."
You say redneck like it's a bad thing.
Kikes run the media
Kikes staff the media machine with SJWs
astro-turfing the cultural battleground
right wingers are winning the meme war though, and thats the only war that matters
Only post worth reading in this thread
The right loses cause it's full of mentally ill people that say stuff like 'need to embrace white nationalism'. I mean Jesus there are so many actually legitimate goals human beings could have but there's always a pathetic subset of humanity that just wants to break people apart and create discord.
Can someone edit this so the arm of the demcuck looks skinny in comparison?
Because they figure "fuck it apparently 3 failed attempts at Identity politics along with 100 million corpses isnt enough to dissuade people from it"
As anyone who's studied culture for even a second could tell you, something's success is usually it's own demise. Things aren't necessarily successful because they're amazing or good, it's all in how you sell it.
It's also funny coz Islam is racist as hell. It pretends to be worldwide but everyone knows the Arabs are in charge. Do you think an african, Indonesian, paki or even a eastern European person would be treated as a equal fellow Muslim in Mecca?
Maybe we should take some hints from them. I mean hate them for what they are but learn from where they succeed.